Benteen Media Center Updates
August 2022
Welcome Back / Welcome Aboard
And We are Off and Ready to Reach our 2023 R2R Goal
How AR Encourages Students to Read
At Benteen we celebrate our students' AR progress with incentives, by placing their names on our infamous AR Board, and recognizing them during our monthly Morning Meeting. Sometimes we are able to gift our super readers with small tokens. For educators, the reward is to see students develop a love for reading, and perform their level best on standardized tests.
To learn more about the Accelerated Reader program, visit AR website at
The Impact of Reading 20 Minutes a Day
August Book of the Month
Extra, Extra Read All About It
Monday Morning Quarterback Season Starts Soon
Literati Book Fair at Benteen, September 30th - October 6th
About Us
Library Media Specialist
Mrs. Wilma S. Brightharp
The Benteen Elementary School Media Center exists to provide an environment that promotes reading, discovery, and creating for all students.
The Benteen Elementary School Media Center mission is to provide access to information, teaching information literacy skills necessary to support a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum that will prepare all students to be life-long learners and globally-minded citizens, who are growing in academics, character, and leadership.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday - 7:15 until 2:30, and Wednesday - 7:15 until 3:30
Location: 145 4th Avenue Southeast, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 404-802-7312
Twitter: @benteenmc