Remote Learning Cub Connection
Spring 2021-2022
2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child who will be 5 on or before August 31, 2022? Do you plan to register them for kindergarten? If so, the online kindergarten registration process will open on February 1, 2022 at
From the Nurse
Parents, please help us to keep ALL students healthy. Check in with your child every morning before they leave for school! Staying home when sick is essential to keep illness, such as COVID-19 and the flu, out of schools and prevent spread to others.
Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms of illness, including:
Fever or chills (Temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher)
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
For more information, check the Red Lion Area School District Health Services Website or speak to your school nurse.
Please contact the school nurse prior to sending your child to school if:
- a household member tests positive for COVID-19
- child is testing for COVID-19
- child tests positive for COVID-19
- child has been identified as close contact to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19
The Federal government is providing every home in the United States with four free at-home COVID tests. If you would like to receive these free tests, please follow this link to register.
Physical Forms:
Reminder - All Kindergarten and 6th grade students need to submit a completed physical exam. A summary of the well child checkup from your provider's electronic portal is acceptable.
RLASD Elementary School Nurses:
Krysta Tyson - Pleasant View: Fax (223) 200-3187 Mazie Gable: Fax (223) 200-3108
Nanette Schimek - North Hopewell-Winterstown: Fax (223) 200-3059
Carolyn Smink - Larry J. Macaluso: Fax (223) 200-3171 Remote Learning (223) 200-3023
Angie Ronk - Locust Grove: Fax (223) 200-3157; Clearview: Fax (223) 200-3125
Reading News
Building Your Child's Vocabulary
Talking to and reading with your child are two terrific ways to help them hear and read new words. Conversations and questions about interesting words ("The book says, 'The boy tumbled down the hill,' and look at the picture? How do you think he went down the hill?) are easy, non-threatening ways to get new words into everyday talk.
Sharing a new word with your child doesn't have to take a long time: just a few minutes to talk about the word and then focus back on the book or conversation. Choose which words to talk about carefully, choosing every new word might make reading seem like a chore. The best words to explore with your child are ones that are common among adult speakers but are less common to see in the books your child might read.
When introducing new words to your young learner, keep the following four helpful hints in mind:
1. First, provide a simple, kid-friendly definition for the new word:
Enormous means that something is really, really big
2. Second, provide a simple, kid-friendly example that makes sense within their daily life:
Remember that really big watermelon we got at the grocery store? That was an
enormous watermelon!
3. Third, encourage your child to develop their own example:
What enormous thing can you think of? Can you think of something really big that you
saw today? That's right? The bulldozer near the park was enormous! Those tires were
4. Last, keep your new words active within your house. Over the next few days and weeks, take advantage of opportunities to use each new vocabulary work in conversation.
Take time to share new words and build your child's vocabulary. You'll be enormously glad you did!
For more resources, visit the vocabulary section on Reading Rockets:
Reading Rockets, colorin Colorado, and LD OnLine are services of public television station WETA, Washington, D.C. Reading Rockets is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Office of Special Education Programs, Colorin Colorado, a web service to help English language learners become better readers, receives major funding from the American Federation of Teachers. Additional funding is provided by the National Institute for Literacy and the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education PRograms. LD OnLine is the world's leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD, with major funding from Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes.
Dental News
National Children's Dental Health Month focuses on Sealants!
Remember to "Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, clean between your teeth and brush your tongue, for a healthy smile." See your dentist for regular dental checkups!
Irene Hilton, D.D.S., chair of the ADA Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention's advisory committee on dental sealants, said sealants are an equitable way to prevent cavities. "Sealants on permanent molars reduce the risk of cavities by 80%", Dr. Hilton said. If your dentist recommends dental sealants, it is part of a comprehensive cavity management approach.
Reminder: Parents or Legal Guardians: Please remember the state of PA requires that students receive a dental exam upon entering first grade, entering third grade, and upon entering seventh grade. This exam must be completed within one year before the start of school. Any exam done after August 23, 2020 will meet the requirements. If you do not have a dentist, a school dental screening done by the School Dental Hygienist will meet state requirements. Click on the link below to access the dental form.
Transportation News
Transportation for the 2021/2022 school year
There are times when we are asked if a new stop can be made. This type of request may take a minimum of two weeks to coordinate and process the information (weather permitting). Such requests would require us to go out and look at a house location to make a better determination if the request can or cannot be done. We ask if you would help us locate you easier, by ensuring your address is clearly posted, and no less than 3 inches tall and visible from both directions and not obstructed from trees, shrubs etc.
Please remind your student(s) of proper bus stop behavior by standing at the stop, and not playing games or horsing around and not going onto or disturbing someone else’s property.
Also, please remind your student(s) there are several bus rules and one of them are that there is NO food nor drink permitted on the school bus. There is the potential for another student to have an allergic reaction to that item. The newest rule that MUST be followed is to wear your face covering at all times while on the bus and to stay in the seat that has been assigned to you.
Inclement Weather
Upcoming Red Lion Area Elementary School Spirit Days
02-TWO's day 2/2/22
03-Sports Day
17 - Hearts day - wear pink or red
17 - School Board Meeting 7:00 pm
18-ACT 80 day - No School for Students
21-President's Day - No School for Students
03-Black and Gold Day
03 - School Board Meeting 7:00 pm
17-Shamrock/Green Day
17-School Board Meeting 7:00pm
22-Two Hour Delay
22 - End of 3rd Marking Period
Red Lion Remote Learning
Mrs. Traci Riddle, Secretary
Fax # 223-200-3023
Location: 2110 Windsor Road, Windsor, PA, USA
Phone: 717-246-9312
Twitter: @WMelemschool