Oregon ACTE Newsletter
Winter, 2022

Spring 2022 Conference Registration OPEN (Click to link to registration)
Seaside Conference: Call for Presenters
Oregon ACTE members want to hear about the great things happening around Oregon, and to learn from each others' expertise. If you are interested in presenting at Seaside, fill out this link.
Monday Mingle: Business Mgmt. & Administration January 24, 2022, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Monday Mingles are a virtual professional development opportunity for career-specific educators from around the state of Oregon to come together to learn, share and collaborate. Our next Monday Mingle is focused on Business Management & Administration, Monday, January 24, 2022, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Featured Presenters:
Kristi Wilson, Workforce Development Manager-City of Hillsboro
Kim Daniels, Prineville Chamber President-Internship Program
Beyond the speakers, educators will have an opportunity to meet in small groups and share about their programs. This will be a great opportunity to meet colleagues across Oregon.
Cost: Free
Register here: https://bit.ly/MondayMingles prior to January 20, 2022.
Questions: Contact Lisa Klingsporn at lklingsporn@pps.net
Oregon Manufacturing Information
OMEP presented at our first Monday Mingle. Here are the slides they presented, with some great information on the status of the industry, workforce in Oregon, and more!
Upcoming ACTE Inclusion, Access, Equity and Diversity Webinar
Reclaiming Humanity: Services to Individuals who are justice-involved or incarcerated
Don’t miss ACTE’s next Inclusion, Access, Equity and Diversity webinar on Reclaiming Humanity: Services to Individuals who are justice-involved or incarcerated on January 13, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. ET. The webinar will host a discussion about humanity in how we serve these learners, experiences in building internal and external relationships equity of access to CTE programming and possibly other perspectives such as female or youth. Please register for the webinar here, and/or email Megan Kmiotek to be added to the calendar invitation for this event. We hope to see you on January 13! For ACTE members and non-members.
Upcoming Webinar: Teach CTE: Montana’s Approach to Recruitment for a New Generation of CTE Teachers
January 18, 2022, 2:00 pm ET
Expanding upon their “Tagged to Teach Ag” efforts, a collaboration of teacher preparation programs, Montana ACTE and the Office of Public Instruction CTE Specialists are recruiting high school students into the profession of education. Highlighting both formal and informal education options through CTE and Extension education, students get to work with high school teachers, college faculty, college students and state staff to explore the rewarding career and educational opportunities.
Register HERE.
IGNITE Worldwide: Closing the Gender Gap in STEM
Telling the story - WORKS Internships at the Washington County Chamber
The Washington County Chamber’s School to Career program has recently launched Hillsboro WORKS, a new addition to the Oregon WORKS family of internship programs (https://www.oregonworks.net/). Starting with a grant of $17,500 from the City of Hillsboro, they kicked-off with our first group of 5 interns in the summer of 2020. Each hosting business was given $3,500 to pay an intern. The School to Career program recruited students and recent alumni from the Hillsboro School District and the hosts were allowed to interview the applicants and select the person who was the best fit for the job.
These WORKS Internships were a win-win for the community. Small businesses, nonprofits, and manufacturers received “free help” and the selected interns had paid work plus access to professional development. Since the host sites were reimbursed for the intern’s salary they could afford to spend more time training and explaining the business. Interns were given not just a job, but a chance to see inside the organization.
In summer 2021, the Hillsboro WORKS program grew tremendously with the addition of funding from the Hillsboro School District as part of a one time grant. We were able to support twenty-four interns, eight of those were recent graduates and the rest were continuing their high school education in the 2021-2022 school year. Five interns worked for manufacturers and three positions were in the front office of small medical clinics. Other positions were in a variety of Hillsboro businesses where interns worked on social media and marketing, user experience and training, customer service, product packaging, retail, health and fitness, and non-profit service and administration.
Read the rest of the story including feedback from students, HERE.

Open CTE Positions in Oregon
Oregon ACTE Board Members, 2021-22
- Alan Kirby, President, North Santiam SD CTE/Pathways Coordinator
- Caitlin Russell, VP, IMESD, CTE Regional Coordinator
- Heather Ferrin-Myers, Treasurer, Director of School to Career, Washington Co. Chamber
- Lisa Klingsporn, Secretary, PPS, Strategic Business Partnerships Manager
- Lee Kounovsky, ECCO High School (Eugene)
- Kristin Gunson, former Oregon ACTE president
- Luis Juarez, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
- Regine Childs, High Desert ESD
- Robin Taylor, Chemeketa Community College Dean
- Art Witkowski, ODE
- Tom Goodhue, Executive Director