Casa View Counseling Deparment
Maria Alarcon, Counselor
Our school has the best students!
The Counseling Department believes that our students can succeed and become healthy, well rounded individuals. This means with our help, our students will have the academic and social skills needed to be college and career ready.
I care I help---Ms.Alarcon
Our Students
Our students
Our students
Casa View Counseling Program
- Student Services
Individual counseling
Group counseling
Guidance classes
Dealing with peer pressure and bullying
Building Self-esteem
Learning how to make healthy decisions
Managing feelings
Adjusting to a new school
Academic and personal goals
- Parent Services
Parent consultations
Parent classes
Improving parent-child communications
Referral for community agencies/resources
Information to help understand your child's learning and behavior needs
Ways to help your child succeed at home or school
Working with your child's teacher
- Teacher Services
Teacher consultations
Supporting student-teacher communication
Supporting student-teacher academic goals
Implement school-wide prevention programs e.g. Anti-bullying
Promote the importance of higher education
Provide assistance and interventions in a timely manner
Guidance Class Topics
Student Handbook/Orientation
No Bullying/Cyber Bullying
Higher Education/Career Awareness
Testing Anxiety
Group Counseling
Our plan is to provide students with skills they can use to further their academic and emotional goals that can help them at school and at home and provide them with the tools to be successful as adults. Some of the topics that are offered in group counseling are:
Study Skills
Social / Friendship Skills
Anger Management
Testing Anxiety
Parent Classes
Parents are welcome to attend these informational sessions. Our goal is to assist you in improving your knowledge and skills in how best to help your child academically and emotionally. Some of the topics offered at Casa View are:
- Casa View Counseling Program
- Dallas ISD Student Code of Conduct
- Red Ribbon Parent Awareness
- Anti-Bullying Parent Awareness
- Higher Education
Six Pillars of Character
What can you do
Higher Education
SEL Program
Students meditating during class!
Meditating on her own!
Unwinding after a long day!
We are located in the heart of East Dallas!!
Phone: (972)749-7700