The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - October 2020
Upcoming Events
October 21 - First Nine Weeks Report Cards Go Home
October 26-30 - Red Ribbon Week
October 27 - Wear RED for Red Ribbon Week
October 30 - PTO Pumpkin Decorating Contest Entries Due
November 3 - No School, Election Day
November 10 - School Picture Day
November 11 - No School, Veteran's Day
November 13 - 2nd Mid-Nine Weeks Ends
November 25-27 - Thanksgiving Break
Receipts Program
Our Apples for the Students program has started! We want to thank Metropolis Big John for always participating in this program for our school!
All you have to do is drop your register receipt into the Franklin Lancer designated box as you leave the store. Ask the cashier to print a duplicate if you like to keep receipts for your records. We earn reward points with every $ spent that we can redeem for FREE merchandise!
Look for the Franklin box next time you are at Big John's!
Box Tops
No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your Franklin's Box Tops earnings online.
You can still clip them and send them to school. Physical Box Top clips are being phased out of production but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store. Send your clipped Box Tops, along with any unexpired clips you may have at home, to Franklin School.*
Kinsa Program
Our school is partnering with Kinsa’s FLUency School Health Program again this year! For the past five years, FLUency has partnered with sponsors to provide parents free thermometers and a smartphone app to help detect and respond to spreading illnesses. This year, participation in FLUency matters more than ever to keep your school community healthy!
If you haven’t ordered yours yet, now’s your chance!
- Text FLUENCY to 900900! Open the link to download the free Kinsa app.*
- Finish signing up with our school in the Kinsa app to get your free thermometer!
*Messages and data rates may apply. You can always text STOP to end messages.
Transition Phase I Began October 5th
In-person learning transitioned from two days per week to four days per week for all blended learning students beginning Monday, October 5th.
- All blended learning students will attend in-person school Monday through Thursday using the current student arrival and dismissal times (8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.).
- Full remote students will remain on their full remote schedule.
- All safety protocols will remain in effect. Social distancing may not be possible in all classroom settings.
- Staff and student daily health screenings will continue
- Face Coverings will remain as a requirement at all times.
- Hand hygiene will remain a focus for all staff and students.
- The no visitor policy will remain in effect during this phase.
- Shared instructional objects will still be limited to necessities.
- The cleaning and disinfection protocols will remain in place during this phase.
- The early student dismissal will remain during this phase to avoid large gatherings of students for lunch. Student lunches will continue to be sent home with students prior to dismissal.
Phase I review checkpoints will be established approximately every two weeks to analyze implementation results and determine any necessary adjustments/revisions.
Report Cards
Parent-Teacher Conferences
See Something... Say Something
Please encourage your child to speak up if they see someone being bullied or just notice someone seems different and possibly depressed. Let an adult know so they can check on them. We will intervene if we are made aware of the situation. You can text rwest@massac.org from any smartphone. The message is anonymous unless you state your name within the
Character Word of The Month - PRIDE
*A feeling of respect that you have for yourself and others
*A feeling of personal worth
*Satisfaction with your or someone else’s achievements
*A strong appreciation of your school
Contact Us
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mount Mission Road, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243