Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 9, Term 2, 2020
Generosity is giving and sharing. It is giving freely.
It is seeing a chance to give what you have and then giving just for the joy of giving.
A Prayer For Charity
God of mercy and compassion,
We praise you for your goodness.
May your will be done on earth As it is in heaven.
Fill us with the spirit of loving service
As we recognise in those we meet
The face of Jesus your Son.
Through the generous work of our LifeLink welfare agencies,
May burdens be lifted from the shoulders of your people,
And may they feel the warmth of your kindness and love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Staffing Changes Semester 2
I would like to inform the school community of staffing changes that will be in effect for Semester 2. Mrs Emma Bell will take on the role of Acting Principal while I am away on leave. Mrs Erin Leech will step in as Assistant Principal and we welcome to staff Miss Rachel Gardiner who will fill the Year 2 vacancy. Handover for year 2 will occur next week with everyone taking up their new roles on Monday, July 20. We congratulate Mrs Bell and Mrs Leech on their new positions and welcome Miss Gardiner to staff.
Parent/Teacher Interviews Monday 20 July 9.30-4.30pm
Parents and Carers will have the opportunity to meet with classroom teachers on Monday 20 July to discuss their child’s progress to date. The link to schedule your interview time will be available on Monday, 29 June. Please note that students will be commencing school on Tuesday 21 July. If the window of opportunity does not suit you, please contact your child’s Teacher to make an alternate time.
Feast of Sts John and Paul
On Friday, July 3, we will celebrate the Feast of Sts John and Paul. We will have a Mass at school which, at this stage, will be for students only. Should this change, a notification and invitation will be issued to the wider community on SEQTA. The school is providing a sausage sizzle lunch for students who have returned the sausage sizzle form distributed earlier this week. Students are permitted to wear appropriate free dress on this day as well - it will be a wonderful way to wrap up term 2.
Enjoy your weekend
Christine Walsh
The Week That Was!
From our Parish of Sts John & Paul
Please visit the Parish website for the latest information on weekend Masses.