Burbank Bulletin
January 18, 2022
Dear Luther Burbank Families,
I hope that this message finds everyone having enjoyed the long weekend and the opportunity to stop, pause, and reflect. Every year, I always appreciate the extra day to reflect on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s message and think about what I can do to take one step closer to making a difference in the world. While the difference I may make in the world may not be a difference on the grand scale, I do know that what I do, and what our teachers do, matters for our students each and every day... for each and every student. For me, this reflection resonates deeply. I know, without a doubt, our students are the hope and future for the world. They are talented, enthusiastic, creative, innovative, smart, and collaborative. Future problem-solvers, future - everything. It is in service to our students wherein there is infinite potential to make a difference. This I know for certain.
On Thursday, the Luther Burbank School Council will spend time exploring the concept of Portrait of a Nashoba Graduate. Nashoba has engaged in a partnership with Batelle for Kids, an organization that helps districts crystallize their core values with an eye on the current environment and future environment to help inform strategic plans for visioning purposes including upcoming building projects such as our new high school building project. We invite any parent/guardian who is interested in participating in this discussion to our School Council meeting this Thursday afternoon.
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your child's journey. It truly is an honor and a privilege.
Laura Friend
Dates to Remember
January 17: Holiday, No School
January 19: Basketball v. Florence Sawyer, Home
January 20: Basketball @ Hale
January 20: LBMS School Council, 3:00 PM
January 24: Basketball v. Maynard, Home
January 27: Basketball v. Clinton, Home
January 27: SEPAC Event, Ask the Advocate, (POSTPONED, New Date TBA)
January 31: Basketball @ Bromfield
February 3: Basketball v. Tahanto, Home
February 4: Early Release Professional Development, 11:30 Dismissal
February 7: Basketball @ West Boylston
February 10: SEPAC Event, Understanding Assessments, 7:00 PM (Virtual Event)
February 17: LBMS School Council, 3:00 PM
February 21-25: February Vacation, No School
Luther Burbank Award Recognition
Pictured left: Leyner, Merrick, Izabela, Sofia, and Sloane (not pictured, Alexander)
Substitute Teacher Pay Increase
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a substitute teacher and/or are interested in applying to become a substitute teacher, please email Laura Friend at lfriend@nrsd.net or call our main office at 978-365-4558. Substitute teaching offers flexibility and a direct interface with our awesome students. It also offers interested community members a way to contribute to our school.
Covid Protocol Reminders, Updates, and More
At this time, all visitors to LBMS are prohibited. Visitors with educational purposes only may be allowed on site with permission granted ahead of time. Spectators for our basketball games have been limited to parents and immediate household members of players on the teams competing in a game.
There are no additional changes to our extracurricular activities; however, our instrumental band classes and music ensembles continue to rehearse in the auditorium where there is more space and airflow.
The district has been working hard to keep the COVID Data Dashboard up to date. While we have had an uptick in COVID related cases over the past three weeks, we still do not have evidence of any in school transmission. Please click here for the NRSD COVID Data Dashboard.
Our consent for testing percentages continue to grow. Please click on the following link to complete the consent to test if you have not already done so. Thank you for your continued support. Here is a link to the consent to test.
Covid Vaccine Clinic for Ages 5-11
Looking for Real-World Visual Arts Connections, We Need You!
Are the visual arts a part of your profession?
The study of Visual Art helps students develop creativity and innovation skills. Visual Art helps us understand history and culture, too. Art also helps us decode imagery presented in communication in our daily lives (for example, in advertising). We benefit from understanding the role of visual art in all aspects of society. Students can learn from marketing professionals, web designers, architects, engineers, retail workers, product designers, landscapers and other professionals who use knowledge of art in their daily work. Even if these careers are not labeled as "artists," visual art and the creative process is woven into the work that they do.
Are you willing to talk about your profession and how creativity, visual images, and/or design principles are used in your work?
Luther Burbank's Art teacher, Mrs. Slattery, will be recording video interviews with adults in a wide range of professions. The series of videos will be shared with students to develop an understanding of the widespread use of art in a myriad of careers. If you are interested in helping with this project, or would like more information, please fill out this Google Form: Art in Professions Questionnaire
Final Totals Are In - Luther Burbank Overtakes Hale Middle School in Food Donation Competition by 350 Items!
A special thank you to Maddie Oxnard and Margot Sonia, LBMS alums, and to Amalia Nagale, who organized this wonderful event.
Winter Attire, Recess, and Mask Breaks
This year we have continued with our longer recess blocks so that students can benefit from the fresh air and activity. During the winter months, students may elect to play in the snow. In this case, students MUST wear snow boots and snow pants. Thank you for your support with ensuring your child is adequately prepared. We know that sometimes it is tricky to wrangle a middle schooler when it comes to attire, and we appreciate your support from the homefront.
Luther Burbank Middle School
Email: lfriend@nrsd.net
Website: burbank.nrsd.net
Location: 1 Hollywood Drive, Lancaster, MA, USA
Phone: 978-365-4558
Twitter: @LBMSPrincipal