TVC PTA: September News
Stay informed!
This year is brand-new, and different than any other year we've ever seen. Children are back on campuses and so are PTAs - it's amazing! Things are different, but they can absolutely still be amazing, and we are so excited to see the wonderful and incredible things that each PTA will do this year! We can't wait to recognize unit rockstars and unit programs - check out the links below to submit!
TVC PTA officers are here to help support our unit leaders! Let's introduce them:
- President Becca Marks-Anderson at
- Vice President of Programs Amanda Wing at
- Secretary Ronnie Eagleton at
- Treasurer Andi Heim at
- Historian Ashley Sexton at
- Webmaster Randy Anderson at
You can also reach out for help anytime by emailing
Start thinking about where you will be next year; elections for the TVC PTA 2023-2025 term of office happen in 2023
Don't miss a minute: check out the TVC PTA Officers Group (on Facebook)!
REQUIRED: Unit Compliance Check Scheduling
It's that time of year again!
Time for the Unit Compliance Check and the TVUSD Governing Board Packet! Woo!
This packet must be completed and submitted to TVUSD with Council at your UCC!
If this packet is not completed with TVC PTA, your unit will be missing required documentation for approval by TVUSD!
Units must register to attend. Slots are in 1-hour increments and are first come, first served so you will want to secure your spot as soon as possible! Also, you may be wondering who attends the UCC? Great question! It is required for the President, Secretary, Treasurer, and all check signers to attend. Any other board members are welcome to attend in addition to those named, the more the merrier!
Units will remit monthly paperwork at this meeting (Check the calendar!), and must bring the following:
- Unit Annual Report (2021-2022)
- Treasurer Report (Most Recent)
- Unit Adopted Budget (2022-2023)
- Make Sure Officer Roster is Submitted to THIS LINK
Unit Audits will be returned during this meeting!
Have Roster Changes? Submit Them Here!
Submit roster changes using this form
Do not email roster changes; submit using this form only.
If there are no changes to the president or treasurer position, select "other" to bypass those fields
Upcoming Training: Boot Camp Revisited!
Boot Camp Revisited
[Location: TVC PTA Offices, 31350 Rancho Vista Road, Building 24, Office 2400.]
Training sessions begin promptly; don't be late!
o Monday, September 19 – 10:00 – 11:30 A.M.: General Finance
o Monday, September 19 – 6:00 – 7:30 P.M.: Treasurer Training
o Tuesday, September 20 – 6:00 – 7:30 P.M.: Presidential Practices
o Wednesday, September 21 – 6:00 – 7:30 P.M.: Secretary Success (Historian)
o Thursday, September 22 – 10:00 – 11:30 A.M.: Treasurer Training
o Friday, September 23 – 10:00 – 11:30 A.M.: Programs and Ways & Means
o Friday, September 23 – 1:00 – 2:30 P.M.: General Finance
Don't forget! General Finance is also scheduled for Office Hours! September 29 at 10:00 A.M.
How to Request Financial Training
It is highly recommended that contact us one month in advance.
- Your President or Treasurer needs to reach out to Council via and let us know what kind of financial training your unit requires. The subject of the email needs to read: "Financial Training Request: (School Name)"
- Email must include: Type of training requested, and date and time of event (if applicable)
- All requests will be answered in the order they were received and within 48 business hours. Also, we cannot fill special requests for virtual meetings, a specific trainer, etc. as it is completely dependent on which trainer is available. Once we have figured out availability, we will contact your unit with a couple of dates and times to choose from.
- Once we confirm the choice that works best, it will be added to the queue!
We are having our units reach out so early in order to give you time to send out info and gather the volunteers you need to fill the training! We at Council also do not have as much flexible time as we have had in years past and it may take a while to actually get you on the books! Please keep this in mind when you are planning events. Make sure you have enough time to get those volunteers trained!
Days and Times Available (Depending on Trainer Availability)
On-site: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
10 am start time: General Finance or Cash Handling
11 am start time: Cash Handling only
Note: There will not be any on-site training for the last Thursday of the month, as we have a General Finance/Cash Handling training scheduled at the TVC PTA offices during office hours. You can send anyone to this training, no need to register!
Virtual via Zoom: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
6 pm start time: General Finance or Cash Handling
7 pm start time: General Finance or Cash Handling
Note: General Financial training clocks in around 90 minutes, not including the Q and A after.
Cash Handling training is significantly shorter at 30 minutes, not including any questions at the end.
This year, premiums must be remitted to AIM Insurance Services directly. Instructions will be provided via email in October.
Premiums must be PAID by December 1, 2022, and evidence of premium paid delivered to TVC PTA by no later than December 6, 2022. Late fees will be assessed after December 20, 2022
If remitting insurance will present hardship, contact TVC PTA immediately to discuss waiver options.
Let's make sure the right people are scheduling the right events!
Instructional Time events are handled differently than After School Hours events.
For events during instructional time, site staff will coordinate events, and PTA will donate funds to make things happen (make sure you get documentation or invoices for records!).
For events happening after-school hours (where PTA is responsible), PTA will directly schedule with vendors and resources (follow all protocols for permission, and don't forget the Keep Our Students Safe! list, attached)
See the attached Event Planning handout for the directions on hosting unit events!
POP QUIZ: Answer the Questions; Win a Prize!
Copy and paste the questions below, and send both questions and answers by Tuesday, October 5, 2022 to our phenomenal Vice President of Programs Amanda Wing at and you could win a prize (for you, since you are such a PTA rockstar!)!
Winners of the monthly pop quiz prize drawings will be recognized in upcoming newsletters, and at Association meetings!
September Questions (Focus on Finance):
- What two documents must be reviewed, signed, and dated by a non-checksigner in the top right-hand corner (per insurance) each month?
- Do unit audits have to be adopted by the executive board and association?
- Can receipts submitted for PTA payment reimbursement be altered, highlighted, or otherwise written on?
Facilitron, Insurance COI/Additional Insured AND MORE!
- Facilitron
All units will now use Facilitron through TVUSD to schedule after hours events (site staff will schedule for events during instructional time). Do not use the paper "Facilities Use Request" forms; all events must be scheduled through Facilitron. - Scheduling with Facilitron
Once your login is created (president or treasurer), your unit can schedule away for the space you need! Facilitron has a dashboard where scheduled events can be viewed, modified, or cancelled, and comments can be exchanged directly with facilities to make sure your event is phenomenal! - Organization Category
The first time your organization schedules an event, it may reflect site fees. This is due to the unit being classified as a non-school site (which is technically correct). To correct this, complete the scheduling process (do not pay custodial fees at this time; select pay by check option), and once the event reflects in the Facilitron dashboard, write in the comments section "Organization is a PTA; no site fees should be assessed. Custodial fees only" and TVUSD facilities staff will correct the site categorization, and only custodial event fees will be due and payable. Once TVUSD Facilities corrects the classification, the unit can go in and pay the custodial fees due (This will only be needed the first time an event is scheduled. After that, it's smooth sailing!) - Custodial Fees Payment
PTA units must pay the custodial fees associated with holding after-hours events. The Facilitron system allows for payment by check, ACH Bill Pay, or Credit Card. Checks are mailed to the Facilitron address provided. Units may pay Facilitron fees with ACH Bill Pay (from the unit bank account) or Personal Credit Card (to be reimbursed by the unit). Don't forget to keep the documentation (confirmation page!) - Certificate of Insurance
All units must now upload a current Certificate of Insurance with Additional Insured Endorsement to the Facilitron system. In prior year, TVC PTA requested a blanket certificate from AIM and provided that to TVUSD; however, this is no longer provided by AIM. Using the attached form: Additional Insured [For Units] complete the form and email it to the address provided. Use your email address as the contact for the return of the certificate. Just list your upcoming event for the event details, and once the certificate is returned with the Additional Insured Endorsement, upload both documents to Facilitron, and you'll be all set!
Don't forget to reach out to us if you have any questions or need help!
You can always reach out to
To Boldly Go: Membership Matters!
The September Challenge:
30 members in the first 30 days!
30 members in the first 30 days of school? WE CAN DO THIS!
Qualifying units that submit verification to by October 5, 2022 and your unit can win one of five themed snack packs! You must submit verification to have a chance to win!
Unit Points!
With the new year come new opportunities!
One of these opportunities comes in the form of unit points! Every time your unit accomplishes a task necessary to run a healthy PTA you earn points! If you turn in your paperwork, points. For example: submit books for audit = points! Turn in unit paperwork on time = points!
At the bottom of this email, you will find the flyer attached with all the ways you can earn points for your unit.
At the end of the year, we recognize units for the most points earned, three schools for elementary, two schools for middle, and one school for the high school!
Hey, hey I wanna be a Rockstar...
We know that doing good things for kids can be incredibly rewarding. Know what else is? Awards! That's right, they're back: The Unit Rockstar awards! Do you have a parent that always goes above and beyond when you put out the all-call for volunteers? Do you have a staff member at your site that embodies the true spirit of PTA? Do you (yes, YOU!) dress up like a container of french fries and hand out flyers at afternoon pick-up to get the word out about your restaurant night? Let us know so we can celebrate you and all your hard work! The submittal process is easy: click the link below, fill in the form, and hit enter. Boom! It really is that easy!
Program Pride!
Maybe your unit planned and ran a highly successful Harry Potter-themed S.T.E.A.M. night, or PTA got the whole school involved in collecting duffle bags for foster youth. Maybe you had a special hour before the family dance and had a "silent dance party" so that all the families at your site would be included.
If you made magic for kids, let us know! Whatever program/event you are proud of, share it with us! Tell us the amazing things you're doing for your school's families!
Reflections 2022-2023: Show Your Voice!
The 2022-2023 Reflections theme is: Show Your Voice!
For more than 50 years Reflections has inspired student artists to create!
For 7 out of the last 9 years, Temecula Valley students have received recognition at the National PTA level - don't miss out!
Unit PTAs will earn points for participating!
Download student entry packets and more information by clicking this link.
Entries are due to TVC PTA by November 10, 2022.
TVC PTA Reflections Showcase - December 19, 2022
If you missed the General Association, here's a recap!
The resignations of the following individuals were ratified:
- Brenda Loera from Secretary
- Ronnie Eagleton from VP of Membership
- Randy Anderson from Digital Content Coordinator
- The appointment of Randy Anderson to Webmaster was ratified.
- The election Of Ronnie Eagleton to Secretary was ratified.
- The 2022 - 2023 Budget was presented and adopted. See attached.
- The 2022 - 2023 Calendar was presented and adopted. See attached.
- Due to popular demand, TVC is working on a tax workshop! More info will be coming closer to tax time.
- The "Scheduling Events as a PTA/PTSA" handout has directions on new protocols and procedures to follow.
- In addition, there is now a new way to reserve your site for an after-hours event: Welcome, Facilitron! See attached.
- We still have 3 units (Chaparral High, Great Oak High, and Day Middle) that do not have leadership. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Council!
- Emails will soon be sent out in regards to unit bylaws review.
- UCCs are coming up the week of September 26 - 30, 2022. Scheduling to come.
Temecula Valley Council of PTAs
31350 Rancho Vista Rd.
Building 24
Temecula, CA 92592
Office Hours:
Last Thursday of most months: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
and by appointment
Location: PO Box 891116, Temecula CA 92589
Phone: (951) 775-1266