The Jet Way
A weekly publication for RES families
Volume 1, Issue 32- May 12, 2023
Purpose of "The Jet Way"
Mission of Roncalli Elementary School:
Cultivate the call to holiness, inspire missionary disciples, and champion academic excellence in the Catholic tradition based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
In simpler terms…
We partner with families to develop SMART,
and FAITH-FILLED disciples.
RES Field Day - May 17, 2023
RES will hold its annual end-of-year field day on May 17, 2023. This is an out-of-uniform day for our students. Jeans and shorts may be worn. Please dress appropriately, as students will participate in several outdoor yard games. Tennis shoes are required on this day. We will be outside all afternoon (weather permitting). Only a significant down pour will cause us to cancel this event - no raindate scheduled.
The end of the school year should be a time to celebrate accomplishments. With your help, I would love to CELEBRATE the end of the school year and acknowledge the hard work of our students and the undying dedication of our RES staff! I hope you can help me again this year with a bit of a surprise.
SHHHHH...the next part is a secret…
As we usher the grades 4K - 4 students out of school on the last day, I would like to hold a “celebration” for the students and staff. Here is where you come in...
At approximately 3:05 p.m. (the last day of school), a volunteer will be on the playground distributing a small assortment of horns, leis, and noisemakers (please bring your own if you have cowbells, air horns, or noisemakers, etc.; however please refrain from confetti). Families are also encouraged to make large signs to congratulate their student(s) and/or thank their child’s teacher! As the students and staff exit the bulidng, it is time to cheer for their success - hold up your signs and make lots of noise! :)
Thank you again for all you do! We have accomplished SO much this year; I hope you will help me celebrate the accomplishments of our entire school (including you). Have a great summer!
RES Weekly Liturgy:
May 18, 2023 - Miss Duckart
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - RES Students, Teachers & Staff (1:30 p.m.)
LIturgy Lesson of the Week
We celebrated with our 2nd-grade students and other first communicants this week during our annual RES first communion Mass! What a beautiful way to celebrate Jesus!
During his homily, Fr. Jason explained the 1990s statement and fashion trend WWJD (What Would Jesus Do). He reminded students that when faced with tough situations, they should always think about how Jesus would have reacted if put in the same situation. He explained how choosing the "high road" isn't always the "easiest road," but we are called to treat ourselves and others with dignity, respect, and compassion. Next time you find yourself in a tough situation, consider - WWJD. :)
Quarter 4 Report Cards
End of year/Quarter 4 Report cards will be sent home with students on the last day of school. Please look for your copy in their backpack. You will also receive their Spring Measure of Academic Progress (MAPs) report.
For Your Planning Purposes:
Last Day of School:
Unlike years past, the last day of school is a full day - students will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m.
Last School Liturgy for 2022-2023 School Year:
Our last school mass will be held on May 23, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. This mass will include our end-of-year recognition ceremony. Please join if you can - this mass is a beautiful way to send our students into the summer with Jesus in their hearts.
End-of-Year Extended Care:
There will not be AFTERNOON extended care services on May 23, 2023 (The last day of school). Please plan accordingly.Last Day of School
Students will be dismissed promptly at 3:15 p.m. on May 23, 2023. There is no after-school extended care on this day.
Please join us for an end-of-year parking lot celebration!
This will be an out-of-uniform day, although I kindly ask you to adhere strictly to the out-of-uniform dress code since we will be attending church on this day.
Summer Programming - St. Francis of Assisi Parish
SFA has several fun events and opportunities scheduled for youth of all ages and families over the next few months, including Summer Life Teen Lite for our current 8th-12th graders, youth ministry activities like Athletics and Lectio, Cooking with the Saints, and Service, opportunities for families to socialize after 8 AM Tuesday Mass, summer bonfires, and more. See the document attached for more information.
Vacation Bible School - Registration is Open Now!
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is hosting Stellar Vacation Bible School (VBS) Monday, July 31st - Friday, August 4th, 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Waldo church / elementary school campus. It is open to students going into Kindergarten through 5th grade this fall. The suggested donation is $20/child; if you can offer more - wonderful! If you can't pay anything, that's ok too. VBS is for everyone! Students going into 6th grade and older are welcome to volunteer at no charge and receive their t-shirt as a thank-you for their service. We are looking for a volunteer nurse on campus each day of the week. If you are interested in volunteering, don't hesitate to contact Dianne Vandey, RCS Community Minister, at Spots fill quickly, so make your arrangements and sign up right away!!! We have room for 140 participants, and they always fill up!!
Participant Registration:
Volunteer Registration:
Extended Care Sign Up - Week of May 22, 2023:
All families are REQUIRED to submit their extended care needs electronically via the form below:
Week of May 22, 2023:
Families must register their students by 3:30 p.m. on the Thursday before the week they need care. Students must have a reservation to be permitted to attend extended care.
Families needing care after the Thursday deadline must call the school office at 920-683-6892 to inquire about potential availability. Open spots will not be guaranteed and will be filled on a first-come, first-served based on the proper student-to-adult ratios.