MMS Update Sept. 22, 2023
Have a great day and make someone else's day great, too!
MMS Artist of the Week
This Week's Class Highlight: Math 6
Math 6- Mrs. Gage
Math 6 PLUS - Mrs. Besco
Math 6- Gearns
Washington DC Trip
It’s NOT too late to sign your 8th grade student up for our trip to Washington DC! If you would still like your student to attend our trip please use the following information to sign up.
Or call 800-468-5899
Trip ID #206879
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Amy Krupkin at
MMS Book Club
Oakland County STEMi
SLCS Continuous Improvement
As part of our continuous improvement efforts, this year our district will be participating in a systems-level accreditation process with Cognia. Cognia is an accreditation organization working with schools around the world to improve their systems. The accreditation we are seeking through the process will extend to all the schools within our district.
One part of the accreditation process includes seeking feedback from our students, staff and families. During the first week in October, surveys will be shared with staff, families, and with students in grades 3-12. Participation in the survey is optional. Families will be provided with a link in our weekly newsletter. Staff will be sent a link via email. Students will be offered a chance to participate in the survey during school. Each survey has two components- a portion asking for demographic information and a portion asking for feedback on our district’s culture and climate. The survey questions and response choices come directly from Cognia, the accreditation organization, and were not written by our staff.
If you wish, you can direct your child to skip over the demographic portion of the survey. Students can also skip any individual questions within the demographic portion. Your child is still able to provide feedback on the culture and climate portion of the survey without completing the demographic questions. You are also able to opt your child out of the survey by filling out this form before the end of September. If on the day of the survey any child wishes to opt themselves out of responding, that is allowed as well.
At our school, students will be taking the survey on Friday, October 6th during 4th Hour.
Survey results will be used by our district leadership team to determine future areas of focus as well as strengths of our district.
SLCS Public Notices
Please see this link for important information regarding the following topics.
Disclosure of Personal Information-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FERPA
Contingency Plans
District Policies and Procedures
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
Project FIND Special Education/ Section 504 Notice
Title IX Policy
Requirements for Student Immunizations
Pest Management
South Lyon Community School District Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
Management Plans
Periodic Surveillance
Section 504 Notice of Nondiscrimination
Nondiscrimination Policy
Stormwater Management
Search and Seizure
Solving school-related problems
Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Drug-Free Environment/Protection
Personal Curriculum
Programs for English Language Learner Students
Title l Funds: Parent Involvement
Counseling Groups
Groups are small, confidential, and facilitated by a school counselor. The groups meet no more than once a week during the school day. Each group meets approximately four to six times. Meeting times rotate to ensure that students do not consistently miss the same class period. Students are responsible for any missed work.
Upcoming Dates
November 7: No School (Professional Development for Staff)
November 16: Parent Teacher Conferences
Millennium Middle School
Ross Baker, Assistant Principal
Christina Cibrario, Assistant Principal
Location: 61526 9 Mile Road, South Lyon, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 573-8200
Twitter: @MillenniumMS