High Ability Update
Jackson Elementary
January 27, 2023
First Grade Language Arts
Our focus on connections in language arts continues. After a fun and interesting moment with mirror writing, we moved on to anagrams. We will continue with anagrams next week.
First Grade Math
Our geometry studies continue with sorting shapes based on their attributes. The students worked in pairs to sort shapes into three groups: all right angles, all obtuse angles, and different angles. We will build on this lesson next week.
Second Grade Language Arts
Kate DiCamillo was a featured author on The Today Show at one point, because Jenna Bush Hager had her on the summer kids' reading list. I showed the students an interview from that time. They are so excited to start reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane next week! We reflected back on The Tale of Desperaux and speculated as to whether or not there are many similarities between those two books by DiCamillo.
Second Grade Math
We did not have class this week, I apologize for my absence. Looking forward to picking up where we left off next week:)
Third Grade Language Arts
Fable is the next type of folklore we will be exploring, so the students added fable to their folklore posters. Now that they have the defining aspects of fable noted, we will move on to reading a few fables next week.
Third Grade Math
We did not have class this week. I apologize for my absence and look forward to being back in the swing of things next week.
Fourth Grade Language Arts
Please ask your HA language arts student whether or not I have asked him/her to work on their biography research outside of class. If they take their materials home and do not bring them back to HA class, they will have to miss HA class that day. Some students continue to be challenged by the questions, because the questions require them to make inferences. We are wrapping up the biography research next week. After the students present their research to the class, we will be moving on to a mystery unit.
Fourth Grade Math
We didn't have class this week. I apologize for my absence and look forward to more algebra next week.