Bonsall Bear News
November 27 - December 1
Principal's Message
Dear BES families,
I hope that the Thanksgiving break gave you and your family time to relax and recharge!
Please note - Important Reminders
E-bikes continue to be a concern on campus - A big thank you to those of you who are walking your bikes and e-bikes on our school campus. It is still being witnessed that parents are riding their e-bikes with students on them who are not wearing helmets. All visitors and students that ride bikes are expected to walk them once they are on campus. Please walk your bike or e-bike on campus and be sure that those on the bikes are wearing helmets. Safety is extremely important to the entire BES community.
Parking lot safety - Please remember that the speed limit in the school parking lot is 5 mph. We alI run a little late sometimes. I, as well as other staff members, have had to ask parents to slow down, stop at the posted stop signs, and be courteous drivers. Please follow all posted signs and the directionality of the flow of traffic in order to keep students, family and staff members of BES safe.
Student cell phone use - In general, our BES students are responsible about following our cell phone rules such as keeping them off during school hours and only using them to contact parents after school for support with pick up. Please review cell phone usage with your student at home. If a student is found using their cell phone during the school day, it will be in the office for an adult to retrieve after school.
Student safety after school - Our staff works very hard to get 900 students safely into their vehicles after school. When you pick your student up from school, please keep them with you or exit the campus as soon as possible. Students are climbing trees, breaking branches off of trees, running through bushes, wrestling with friends, etc. We want to keep our students safe and our campus beautiful!
Dogs - Dogs are not permitted on campus at any time, including outside the campus gates.
Thank you for your attention to these important safety reminders!
Allison Fortney
A note about breakfast
Every student is entitled to a free breakfast. Breakfast starts at 7:50 a.m. when the gates open. We are finding that students are going to play first, then when the first bell rings at 8:10 a.m., they are running to get breakfast. While we will never deny a student food, if your child is getting breakfast each morning, please remind them to get breakfast prior to playing. At 8:10, there is no longer any supervision in the cafeteria, students are leaving huge messes for our custodians to clean up, and they are arriving to class late. Thank you for your help with ensuring that your child gets the nutrition they need to start their day off right but also making sure that they are adhering to school rules and not missing instructional time.
Winter Break 12/22/23-1/9/24
Friday, Dec 22, 2023, 08:15 AM
Bonsall Elementary School, Old River Road, Bonsall, CA, USA
PTA Meeting in Room 605
Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023, 01:15 PM
Bonsall Elementary School, Old River Road, Bonsall, CA, USA
Click below to join the Bonsall PTA!
Child Nutrition Services Information
Please see the letter below from Kursten Orr, our Child Nutrition Services Director.
COVID update
Bonsall Unified School District has supplied two COVID test kits per student for our site. If you would like your child to retrieve the two kits, please come to the office to pick up your kits. These COVID tests are provided to you as a courtesy. Testing is not required by our district.
Although we are excited to have your child attend school everyday, when your child is sick, we do ask you to keep him or her at home. Specifically, if your child has tested positive for COVID, he or she should remain at home for five (5) days from the onset of symptoms or positive COVID test (if asymptomatic). Your child may return on Day 6, unless he or she remains sick. Masking upon return to school is not required by the District.
We wish you great health as we know the cold and flu season approaches, and encourage you to place special attention to taking practical steps to boost your student’s immune system by providing nutritious food, proper amounts of sleep, and good doses of exercise.
Counseling Corner with Ms. Newman
Hi there!
Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break. I hope everyone had a wonderful week. This week I wanted to talk about Habit 3 of Leader in Me which is Put First Things First. We will be having an assembly on December 1st dedicated to students who put first things first. The definition is putting the things that need to get done first and using time management skills. An Example of this would be making sure all of the homework is done before going to play with friends. Time Management Skills are extremely important for anyone to learn to become successful and happy in life. Here are some resources that can help students with time management skills.
Have a good week!
Ms. NewmanAllison.newman@bonsallusd.com
760-631-5205 ext 1133
Our Community Liaison - Leonor Rodriguez
Bonsall Elementary is hiring!
Meet the newest member of our office staff, Jennifer Williams
Important Contacts - Our Office Team
Office Manager, Tisha Tokarz - 760-631-5205 ext. 1172
Attendace/Registration, Sandra Esparza - 760-631-5205 ext. 1101
Health Tech, Brittany Wanzer - 760-631-5205 ext. 1102
Tisha Tokarz
Sandra Esparza
Brittany Wanzer
Follow us on Instagram!
Bonsall Elementary School
Email: allison.fortney@bonsallusd.com
Website: https://be.bonsallusd.com/
Location: 31555 Old River Rd. Bonsall, CA 92003
Phone: (760) 631-5205