Barbieri Bulletin
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Snowball Fun in April with Ms. Webber's Class
Spirit Day
Principal's Message
Good morning Barbieri Family,
As we start the week with the first day of MAY I want to send a friendly reminder that MCAS testing will continue again this week! Please reach out to classroom teachers with any questions. The MCAS schedule is below. Please read the schedule to be informed of when your child will be testing if they are in grades 3-5. You will also receive a MCAS testing reminder the day before testing.
Have a great week,
Barbieri Mural Unveiling 🎨🖌️🎨
We were supposed to be writing beautiful chalk messages for our wonderful teachers and staff tomorrow afternoon, but unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating. So we have decided to postpone the chalk messages and drawings to next Sunday, May 7, from 2-6pm in front of Barbieri school.
However, next week's other activities for our wonderful Barbieri staff and teachers is still on!
If you would like to be a part of the Tuesday breakfast, see the sign up genius below. If you could please have your child(ren) make cards for their teachers, specials teachers, administrators, office staff, and custodians and bring them in on Wednesday. Then on Thursday we will be giving the teachers a Nacho bar for lunch to sustain them through their parent-teacher conferences. Friday, we will be doing a Raffle for prizes to award the teachers. We need much help to make all these things happen for our amazing staff at Barbieri. Please go to the links below to help in the way that best works for you.
Tuesday, May 2, 8:30-11am Breakfast for the Staff & Teachers
Wednesday, May 3 Bring in cards of appreciation!
Thursday, May 4 1-4pm Nacho Bar for the Staff & Teachers
Friday, May 5 Staff Raffle! Items needed! (See sign-up genius below)
Thank you SO much Barbieri Community!
For more details on how you may help, go to:
Monetary donations can be made by Venmo to @barbieriPTO (Hunter Hawk), cash or check (please send to school in a sealed envelope labeled "Barbieri PTO Staff Appreciation", checks made out to "Barbieri PTO"), or by credit card at https://staff-appreciation-events.cheddarup.com.
If you would like to contribute to the Teacher Appreciation Fund (TAF) go to:
Thank you!
Se suponía que mañana por la tarde escribiríamos hermosos mensajes con tiza para nuestros maravillosos maestros y personal, pero desafortunadamente, el clima no está cooperando. Así que hemos decidido posponer los mensajes de tiza y dibujos para el próximo Domingo 7 de mayo, de 14 a 18 hs.Al frente de la escuela Barbieri.
Sin embargo, ¡las otras actividades de la próxima semana para nuestro maravilloso personal y maestros de Barbieri todavía están en marcha!
Si te gustaría ser parte de lamartes desayuno, vea el genio de registro a continuación. Si pudiera tener a su(s) hijo(s)hacer tarjetas para sus maestros, maestros especiales, administradores, personal de oficina y conserjes y traerlos el miércoles. Entonces en El jueves estaremos regalando a los profes una barra de Nacho para almorzar para sostenerlos a través de sus conferencias de padres y maestros. El viernes estaremos haciendo una rifa de premios para premiar a los maestros. Necesitamos mucha ayuda para que todo esto suceda para nuestro increíble personal en Barbieri. Vaya a los enlaces a continuación para obtener ayuda de la manera que mejor funcione para usted.
Martes 2 de mayo, 8:30-11 a.m. Desayuno para el personal y los maestros
Miércoles 3 de mayo ¡Traiga tarjetas de agradecimiento!
Jueves, 4 de mayo 1-4 p.m. Nacho Bar para el personal y los maestros
Viernes, 5 de mayo Rifa para el personal ¡Artículos necesarios! (Vea el genio de registro a continuación)
¡Muchas gracias Comunidad Barbieri!
Para obtener más detalles sobre cómo puede ayudar, vaya a:
Donaciones monetarias puede hacerse por Venmo a @barbieriPTO (Hunter Hawk), efectivo o cheque (envíelo a la escuela en un sobre sellado con la etiqueta "Agradecimiento al personal de Barbieri PTO", cheques a nombre de "Barbieri PTO"), o con tarjeta de crédito a https://staff-appreciation-events.cheddarup.com.
Si desea contribuir a la Fondo de Apreciación de Maestros (TAF)ir a:
Barbieri PTO Board Members Elections
Are you interested in becoming more involved with the PTO to help support our school community? Then come join the PTO Executive Board!
There are three PTO Executive Board seats up for election this spring: Vice President, Communications Officer, and Treasurer. Any of these positions can be shared by two people, so if the idea of doing it on your own makes you nervous, grab a friend and do it together! We also need to elect a new parent representative to the School Council. See below for descriptions of each role. Nominations will take place at our May 11 PTO meeting. If you are interested in being nominated for a position, please attend that meeting or email BarbieriPTOPresident@gmail.com by May 11.
Executive Board Positions up for Election
Vice President:
- Attend Executive Board meetings and general PTO meetings (3 hour per month commitment)
- Aide the President(s) in their duties and be present at events if the President(s) is absent.
- May be delegated projects assigned by the president(s).
- If the President is not able to remain in their position, you fill that role for the remainder of the yearly term.
Questions? Email Leah.
Communications Officer:
- Attend Executive Board meetings and general PTO meetings (3 hour per month commitment)
- Maintain the calendar of PTO events
- Inform the Barbieri community about all PTO-sponsored activities through email and social media using the PTBoard site and the Barbieri PTO facebook group.
- Projects could include but are not limited to flyers, newsletters, and emails.
- Send out notifications five days prior to general member meetings.
Questions? Email BarbieriSchoolPTO@gmail.com
- Attend Executive Board meetings and general PTO meetings (3 hour per month commitment)
- Handle money received and paid out by the Organization.
- Keep accurate records of receipts and expenditures through the Executive Board.
- Plan and coordinate accounting and budgeting, asset management, and assist the Board and committee chair persons with projects that include financial activities.
- Present financial report at Board meetings and general meetings and or anytime it is requested.
- Chairs committee for the Teacher Appreciation Fund (“TAF”)
- File the annual federal and state tax return for the Organization.
Questions? Email BarbieriPTOTreasurer@gmail.com
School Council:
- Attend monthly school council meetings with administration. Meetings are typically held Wednesday mornings at 8 am. Topics have sometimes included school wide and district goals, grant opportunities, and school progress. Time commitment is one hour a month.
Questions? Email Wendy.
Elecciónes de la Junta Ejecutiva del PTO
¿Está interesado en participar más con el PTO para ayudar a apoyar a nuestra comunidad escolar? ¡Entonces únase a la Junta Ejecutiva del PTO!
Hay tres posiciones en la Junta Ejecutiva del PTO para elección esta primavera: Vicepresidente, Oficial de Comunicaciones y Tesorero. Cualquiera de estas posiciones puede ser compartida por dos personas, así que si la idea de hacerlo solo te pone nervioso, ¡toma a un amigo y háganlo juntos! También necesitamos elegir un nuevo padre representante para el Consejo Escolar. Consulte a continuación las descripciones de cada rol. Las nominaciones se llevarán a cabo en nuestra reunión del PTO del 11 de mayo. Si está interesado en ser nominado para un puesto, asista a esa reunión o envíe un correo electrónico a BarbieriPTOPresident@gmail.com antes del 11 de mayo.
Posiciones abiertas a elección de la Junta Ejecutiva
- Asistir a las reuniones de la Junta Ejecutiva y las reuniones generales del PTO (compromiso de 3 horas por mes)
- Ayudar al presidente(s) en sus deberes y estar presente en los eventos si el presidente(s) está ausente.
- El presidente(s) le podría delegar o asignar proyectos.
- Si el presidente no puede permanecer en su cargo, ocupará ese cargo por el resto del período anual.
¿Preguntas? Envíe un correo electrónico a Leah.
Oficial de comunicaciones:
- Asistir a las reuniones de la Junta Ejecutiva y las reuniones generales del PTO (compromiso de 3 horas por mes)
- Mantener el calendario de eventos de PTO
- Informar a la comunidad de Barbieri sobre todas las actividades patrocinadas por el PTO a través de correo electrónico y redes sociales utilizando el sitio de PTBoard y el grupo de Facebook de Barbieri PTO.
- Los proyectos pueden incluir volantes, boletines y correos electrónicos, entre otros.
- Enviar notificaciones cinco días antes de las asambleas generales de socios.
¿Preguntas? Envíe un correo electrónico a BarbieriSchoolPTO@gmail.com
- Asistir a las reuniones de la Junta Ejecutiva y las reuniones generales del PTO (compromiso de 3 horas por mes)
- Manejar el dinero recibido y pagado por la organización.
- Mantener registros precisos de ingresos y gastos a través de la Junta Ejecutiva.
- Planificar y coordinar la contabilidad y el presupuesto, la gestión de activos y ayudar a la Junta y a los presidentes de los comités con proyectos que incluyan actividades financieras.
- Presentar un informe financiero en las reuniones de la junta ejecutiva y asambleas generales y/o en cualquier momento que se le solicite.
- Preside el comité para el Fondo de Apreciación de Maestros ("TAF")
- Presenta la declaración anual de impuestos federales y estatales de la organización.
¿Preguntas? Envíe un correo electrónico a BarbieriPTOTreasurer@gmail.com
Consejo Escolar:
- Asistir a las reuniones mensuales del consejo escolar con la administración. Las reuniones se llevan a cabo típicamente los miércoles por la mañana a las 8 am. Los temas a veces han incluido metas escolares y distritales, oportunidades de subvenciones y progreso escolar. El compromiso de tiempo es de una hora al mes.
¿Preguntas? Envíe un correo electrónico a Wendy.
MCAS Year 2023
MCAS Message for Families in Grades 3-5
During MCAS testing season please ensure that your child has a good night's sleep and full breakfast! Please remember that breakfast is available at school for all students! ALL STUDENTS SHOULD ARRIVE TO SCHOOL ON TIME!
STE- Science Technology and Engineering
ELA- English Language Arts
Math- Math
During testing ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE PROHIBTED. This includes cell phones and apple watches, etc. Please be sure that you discuss with your child that if they chose to still bring these devices to school they will need to give these devices to their classroom teacher/testing proctor BEFORE testing begins and they will receive them AFTER the testing session has ended. This is a non-negotiable. If any device is set off (rings, vibrates, etc.) during testing we risk having to invalidate tests.
Thank you for all of your support at home and for understanding!
Scholastic Spring 2023 Book Fair!📚📕📗
The Barbieri PTO will be sponsoring a fall Scholastic Book Fair at Barbieri School! The Scholastic Book Fair will be facilitated by Mrs. Tiffanie Maskell. A HUGE THANK YOU TO MRS.MASKELL for all of her hard work in getting it all arranged for us!
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held Monday, May 22nd- Friday, May 26th.
All classrooms will have the opportunity to visit the book fair. Please view the sign up genius below so that you are able to volunteer when your child/children visit the book fair!
Early Release Day- Thursday, May 4th, 2023 Dismissal at 12:55PM!
There will be an Early Release Day on Thursday, May 4th! Dismissal will be at 12:55PM. Lunch WILL BE served! This is a PARENT/GUARDIAN CONFERENCE DAY! . Please review the upcoming dates below.
Thursday, May 4th- Parent/Guardian Conference Day
Thursday, May 11th- Parent/Guardian Conference Day
Thursday, May 25th- Parent/Guardian Conference Day
Conferences can be held via phone, video conference, or in-person. Please contact the classroom teacher directly with any questions.
Community Dance Clinics
Message from Mrs. Trossello Shared with Families📚
Student Public Library Cards
As the weather gets nicer, we in library media are thinking about summer reading! Framingham Public Schools is excited to partner with the Framingham Public Library to help students get public library cards. If your student does not have one, please fill out the registration form in the link below by Monday May 15. The form is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. If you have any questions, please email our Library Media Specialist Annette Trossello at atrossello@framingham.k12.ma.us. She will be delivering the public library cards directly to the students at the end of May.
Link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVGs2xRV35fLjcBML3C1hmO8_NeyWexrGjhdjmJdgJyBMD-Q/viewform
Thanks so much,
Mrs. Trossello
--Annette Trossello (She / Her / Hers)
Library Media Specialist
Barbieri Elementary School
4-EARLY RELEASE DAY, Parent/Guardian Conferences-Dismissal at 12:55PM, Lunch IS served!
11-EARLY RELEASE DAY, Parent/Guardian Conferences-Dismissal at 12:55PM, Lunch IS served!
11- Barbieri PTO Meeting 7:00PM-8:30PM, In-person at Barbieri School/Virtual Option-Please click!
18-EARLY RELEASE DAY, Parent/Guardian Conferences-Dismissal at 12:55PM, Lunch IS served!
22-26-Barbieri School Spring Book Fair!
23-FPS Elementary INight, Sage Program, 4PM-7:30PM at Walsh School!
24- Barbieri PTO Family Picnic Night! 5:30PM-6:30PM, more information to follow!
25-EARLY RELEASE DAY, Parent/Guardian Conferences-Dismissal at 12:55PM, Lunch IS served!
29- NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day