The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
September 17-21, 2018
Building Goals
*Cultivate a Positive Climate
*Implement Formative Instructional Practices
COMING UP at the JH!
This Week
September 17: Picture Day
Mark your Calendars
September 28: No School (Professional Development Day)
Did you know?
Announcements are available for viewing every afternoon! Go to the JH Website and page down to the bottom where you will see a section titled "announcements". Click here to access the page now!
Many of our clubs have already started! Check announcements for information about meeting times. For general information, download the pdf below, click HERE or access this brochure from our JH website under the "Activities" Tab.
For more information about the Junior High PTO please visit
Join the PTO ! Click HERE for an easy way to join and pay your membership fee.
Get involved through our Volunteer Opportunities. For more information click HERE.
Make up picture day help needed Monday September 17th, 8-9:30 am (first two bells). If you are able to do this contact Becky Dawson becky5623@aol.com
The Junior High still collects Box Tops and Pipkins receipts to help fund PTO events and club activities at the school. Please send these in with your child or drop them off in the boxes located in the lobby by the office, next to sports equipment drop off.
We have a box top turn in deadline coming up soon and want to have a good fall $ amount to start of the year Thank you!. For more information contact Ann Uhlman annuhlman@gmail.com or Kim Fidanza kimfidanza@gmail.com
General FF Information
Mark your calendars for the 8th Annual Sycamore Junior High Aviator Flight Fest 5k/10k Race & Festival on Saturday, October 20, 2018! Please visit our website at www.aviatorflightfest.com to Register for the Race and get more Flight Fest 2018 information.
Silent Auction
The auction is live for bidding on items. Bidding will close on 10/20/18. Don’t miss Instant Buy Opportunity for 2 tickets to Chris Stapleton concert on Oct.4th at Riverbend. Check out some of the new items added: Blue Jackets tickets, Main Event game passes, tickets for SJH choir concerts, reserved parking for SJH choir and band concerts, and more! Go to www.aviatorflightfest.com to see Flight Fest Silent Auction.
Follow us on twitter @avesflightfest to get race updates and information on new items added to Silent Auction.
Please contact Michelle Ciotola at avesflightfest@gmail.com to learn about business and family sponsorships, volunteer opportunities, or any questions regarding Aviator Flight Fest.
Bring your paid receipt showing you registered for the Flight Fest 2018 race to Kenwood Athleta on 9/29/18 to receive 20% discount off one item!
Flight Fest Raffle Tickets and Game Tickets
Pre-order your Flight Fest Game/Food Tickets for a significant discount! Pre-sale tickets are 15 tickets for $5 - that's a rate of 3/$1 versus 2/$1 at Flight Fest. Use this Pre-sale Order Form to purchase your pre-sale tickets. You can also purchase pre-sale tickets online at https://www.sycamoreschools.org/Page/3256. Deadline for pre-sale tickets is October 12th.
Support Flight Fest and Have a Chance to Win up to $500! Cash raffle tickets are $10 each and we will draw 3 winners (1st - $500, 2nd - $300, 3rd - $100). Drawing held at Flight Fest at 12:45. You don't need to be present to win. This is an EASY way to support Flight Fest and the Junior High, even if you can't be there - it's like a hassle-free donation but with a chance to win money! Fill out the Cash Raffle Tickets Form and return with payment to the office. You can also purchase raffle tickets online at https://www.sycamoreschools.org/Page/3256. Raffle tickets can be purchase and/or returned up to 12:15 the day of Flight Fest.
Become a Flight fest sponsor
School Picture Day
A message from child nutrition
The roll off date for Free and Reduced benefits from the 2017-2018 school year is Septemeber 26th. On Sept. 27th if you have not reapplied for the Free and Reduced Price Meal Program for the 2018-2019 school year your benefits will revert to full pay. The district will not cover any negative funds accrued after this cut off date, so it is imperative the form is turned in before Sept 26th. Please contact the Child Nutrition Department with any questions - (513) 686-1796.
Click here to apply online.
Kelsey Gash RD, LD
Child Nutrition & Wellness Director
Sycamore Community Schools
(513) 686-1796
In case you missed it
Sycamore Junior High is excited about our new support system, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). With PBIS, the goal is to encourage good behavior and a culture which is safe, supportive and welcoming for all students. Helping students develop these skills ensures that we are developing successful, engaged citizens that are able to contribute productively in the world after high school. At Sycamore, we will focus on the following expectations to help students develop and practice appropriate educational behaviors:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Be a Problem Solver
PBIS is a proactive approach to establishing the support needed for all students in school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. Key focus areas of PBIS include prevention, positive behavior supports, using data to better determine the individual needs of students, team meetings to support students with complex emotional and behavioral needs, and community-based supports for families, youth and schools.
Immunizations for 7th graders
Thank you to all 7th grade families who have turned in immunization records. As we work to process those records received, please continue to be patient before you follow up. If there is a problem, you will be contacted via email by Amy Bonham. If you have not turned in your child's proof of immunizations from a doctor's office, please do so ASAP. The cutoff date was September 5th.
August 13, 2018
Dear Sycamore Families,
Sycamore Community Schools takes the safety and security of our staff and students very seriously. As part of an Ohio Revised Code requirement, the District is required to inform students and parents/guardians before the first day of school each year of our emergency parental notification protocols.
In the event of an emergency where an evacuation of the school building is necessary, students will be transported to safety at Sycamore Community Schools’ reunification site:
Blue Ash Recreation Center
4433 Cooper Rd.
Blue Ash, OH 45242
In the event of an evacuation, families should report to this location to pick up their student(s). A Reunification Information Document will be used in an event of an emergency where a reunification process is required. This document will be made available at the Blue Ash Rec Center to assist us in releasing your child to you.
In an emergency, we will disseminate information through our mass notification system, which includes phone calls, emails, mobile app alerts, as well as the district website and social media. Additionally, we will continue to provide updates through the above avenues as needed.
We are asking parents to verify their emergency contact information is up to date in Final Forms in order to be contacted in case of emergency. If you make any changes to your contact information in Final Forms, please confirm that the changes have been received by your child’s school by calling the front office.
Around Sycamore
Sycamore Junior High School
Email: jhadmin@sycamoreschools.org
Website: www.sycamoreschools.org/sycamorejh
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SycamoreJuniorHighPTO/
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh