Bomber News
2023 January Issue
Greetings from Principal Rowell
Happy New Year to all our families and welcome back to 2023! We hope that you enjoyed the winter break and were able to spend some time with family and friends.
We are quickly approaching the end of the first semester and encourage students to remain focused on finishing strong by managing their time well and getting assignments completed. January is a busy time in the school calendar, as the high school prepares to start the scheduling process for next year, planning to administer the Youth Risk Behavior Assessment (YRBS) in February in grades 6-12 and preparing Juniors for the ACT in March. Please access the test prep information at www.act.org/info-for-examinees.
We are excited to report that we are continuing to increase access of 1:1 technology for our middle school students. This means that all students in study hall will now have a device that is conveniently available and they can use their time to complete assignments. In addition, this access enables the district to monitor student engagement and participation in the classroom. On Monday, January 23, 2023, all middle school students will be given a device to use at home and at school. Chromebooks will be distributed throughout the day and students will need to have their school ID with them. In addition, please read, and sign the link at the bottom of the page in the 1:1 Technology Agreement. We must have your signature prior to distributing the device to your child. One form must be signed for each child.
Kohler Schools is excited to bring Brian Williams to Kohler on January 18, 2023. His message is about Kindness, and how by being kind we can change the experience of other people making the world a better place. There is a parent session from 5:30pm - 6:30pm that will be held in the theater. We hope to see you there.
Also, with the start of second semester, students who are returning for clubs during advisory, will be able to enter the building at 10:55am. We ask students to plan accordingly especially with the colder weather.
Please enjoy our newsletter that is filled with useful information and pictures of our students learning, participating in athletics and extracurricular activities.
This year we will be administering the ACT online. We are very excited to be able to offer this opportunity to our students. The test will be administered to all Juniors on March 7, 2023 in the Kohler High School gym. Students should arrive at 7:45am, and bring an approved calculator. The test starts promptly at 8am. Late students will not be admitted. Students will be dismissed after the test at approximately noon.
Exam Schedules MS/HS
Please review the exam Schedule for the week of January 16, so that your child takes time to prepare for each exam on the given day. Students in grades 9-12 do not need to report to study hall on exam days. Students should make plans to be off campus during their study hall period(s).
Parent Teacher Conferences
Families will be able to sign up in Skyward Parent Portal during the week of February 6, for a 10 minute time slot, for the February 14 and 16 parent teacher conferences. Sign up will be closed at 8am on the day of conferences. Conferences will be held from 3:30pm - 6:00pm.
Technology (1:1)
Middle School is going 1:1 and all MS students will receive a device on January 23, 2023. Please review and sign the 1:1 Technology Agreement.
YRBS (Youth Risk Behavior Screener)
Every two years the Kohler School districts participates in the YRBS. It will be administered to students on Wednesday, February 8, with a makeup date scheduled on Wednesday, April 12. This survey is important as it provides useful information as we continue to build supports and instruction to keep our students safe and healthy. This is an optional survey. More information to follow.
PTO - Kohler School Friends
Please join Shannon Bullard and Erika Farquhar on Monday, January 16, 2023, at 6:30 pm at Kohler Swing Studio for our first Kohler School Friends Parent Teacher Organization meeting and social!
Upcoming meeting dates: March 20 and May 15
Supply Buffet
Kohler School Parents,
Our teachers could use YOUR help! As the school year marches on, student supplies are running low in some classrooms. ES, MS, and HS teachers would be thrilled if we could help with the following items:
(*designates highly requested items)
•*pencils, *colored pencils, pens, highlighters, Sharpies, dry-erase markers
•looseleaf paper, single subject notebooks, Post-it notes, construction paper, notecards
•*Scotch tape, *staplers, *staples, *Gorilla tape
Please send donated items or send $ money labeled PTO Supply Donation to the Front Office by
Wednesday, January 18 and PTO can shop on the 19th
. Teachers will get the chance to “shop the
Supplies Buffet” during their PD Day on January 20th.
Thank you for supporting our teachers and students!
Kohler School Friends PTO
The high school dance is scheduled for Saturday, February 11, 2023, from 8pm-11pm. Dress is semi formal.
The middle school dance is scheduled for February 24, 2023, from 6:00pm-9:00pm. Dress is formal.
From the desk of Ms. Nachreiner - High School Counselor
January is a whirlwind of a month! Please remind your students of healthy nutrition and sleep habits as our finals week rolls around. I wish all students the best of luck on their assessments and want to give a final reminder for parents to urge them to turn in any assignments that are still showing up as missing. The week of January 9th - 13th was very exciting as I joined your students in their English courses to discuss future scheduling for next year. This gave me an opportunity to meet some students I had yet to meet, and learn more about their plans and goals for the future.
If you have any concerns about your child at this time please reach out to both myself and their teachers. The final stretch is here! I am hopeful that the fresh start will revive some of the winter blues. 🙂
2023-24 Scheduling Updates
This Wednesday and Thursday, January 11 and 12, I visited your child’s English class. During this time I discussed future scheduling, reviewed how to count credits and reviewed Kohler High Schools graduation requirements.
Based on the electives we are able to offer, students are surveyed for level of interest. Our goal is to offer all required classes and provide electives of interest.
Once the master schedule is complete, I will share scheduling information with families on how to make these course selections in Skyward.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions at nachreinerc@kohler.k12.wi.us.
Athletic "sKoop" from Mr. Sprenger
January Bomber Athletic and Activities
We are officially halfway through the winter sports season and halfway through the school year. It has been a great winter season so far! The varsity girl's basketball team continues to be very competitive in their games, and the girl’s basketball JV team has been doing great and has a winning record. I am excited to see how this group of girls will finish the season. The boy’s basketball team has been off to a great start as well. The boys currently have a winning record, and the JV team has been playing well throughout the season. Kohler also co-ops in hockey and swimming and those seasons continue to go well for our athletes that compete in those sports. I am looking forward to a great 2023, and am excited to see what Kohler Athletics can do this year!
Girls Basketball
The girl's basketball team is currently 4-10 on the season. They recently finished in 2nd place at the North Fond du Lac tournament and continue to improve each week. The girls always play hard, and never give up in games. They have been a great, and fun group to watch this season! Coach Zielke, Morelli, and Plugge have done a great job ensuring that the team is prepared week-to-week, and have done a lot of team-building activities including Yoga, going to a Badger Basketball game, and having team meals. I want to thank all of the coaches for their hard work and dedication to the program thus far this season.
Boys Basketball
The boy's basketball team is currently 10-1 on the season. They were the North Fond du Lac tournament champions! The boy's team always plays with a lot of grit, intensity, and passion. They hope to continue to grow as a team, and finish the year strong! Coach Roeder, Baynes, and Albrecht have been doing a great job making sure the team is ready every week to play their games. They also find the importance of teaching the players how to be good citizens on and off the court. Thank you to all the coaches for the time they have put into the program this season!
Welcome Jake Porter: Kohler's New Track and Field Head Coach
The School District of Kohler would like to welcome Coach Jake Porter as Kohler's next track and field head coach! Coach Porter has lived in Kohler all of his life and attended Kohler School District K-12. After he graduated from Kohler he joined the military and then moved back to Kohler. He coached youth football for a number of years and then became a track and field coach. While in high school Coach Porter was coached by Coach DuMez, then was able to work alongside and learn from Coach DuMez. Coach Porter hopes to serve as the head coach "for at least 42 years". He is looking forward to competing for a conference title this upcoming season and making a positive impact on the student-athletes on and off the field. We would like to thank Coach DuMez for all the years that he served as Kohler's track and field coach.
Booster Club
The Booster Club continues to run concessions at all home games, and we are very lucky to have such a great booster club that helps out with our programs. All of the proceeds from the concession stand directly benefit our student-athletes. We have had many talks with the booster club and are already planning a lot of great events for next year! The Booster Club is still looking for volunteers to work the concession stand this winter. You can use this link to sign up. We also stream the basketball games in the concession stand so that you are still able to watch the games as you work concessions.
The Booster Club meets every month, and their next meeting is on January 18th at 6 pm in the library. This is open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend.
Thank you to the following for all of their hard work and dedication to Kohler Athletics:
Rosa Hartman, President
Holly Kehoe, Vice President
Cheryl Van Zeeland, Treasurer
Michelle Pociask, Secretary
Rhonda Kohler, Concessions Manager
Social Media Accounts
In addition to the Kohler School District Facebook page, you can get the latest updates from each sport by following the Facebook pages listed below:
Kohler Blankets for Sale
School Spirit
Email: rowelln@kohler.k12.wi.us
Website: www.kohlerpublicschools.org
Location: 333 Upper Road, Kohler WI 53044
Phone: 920-459-2920
Activities and Athletics Director
Email: sprengerr@kohler.k12.wi.us
Website: www.kohlerpublicschools.org
Location: 333 Upper Road, Kohler WI 53044
Phone: 920-459-2920