Newsletter Week 3 Term 2
St Peter's College 21st May 2021
Kia ora e te whanau
I am still smiling from ear to ear after watching the school performance of “Grease” last Thursday night, what an absolutely stunning performance from our students. There were many laughs and the audience showed their appreciation throughout. So much time, preparation and commitment goes into putting on a show like this from both the students and the staff involved. They gave up their weekends, nights and school holidays and from all accounts the students never once complained or became precious about their roles. Most school shows are never this stress free, and this comes down to the leadership, passion and enthusiasm of three very special staff members: Mrs Victoria Kelly, Mrs Liza Wilson and Mrs Lee-Anne Kortbaoui. While there was also a lot of fantastic support from many staff members, the show would not have been possible without their vision and ability to see through to the end product the whole journey through. The talent amongst the student body was also phenomenal and I have a feeling we will be seeing many of their names in lights in the very near future. I was lucky to see the Dunedin show of Les Miserables just two nights later where past St Peter’s College student, Anna Langford was performing as Eponine, so it just goes to show what our students can achieve and it starts right here! While standing in the refreshment line at the St James Theatre in Gore for our show, I witnessed every single St Peter’s student who went up, say thank you. Gratitude is often shared by our students in and out of school and it is always a pleasure to witness. Staff and visitors to the school regularly report on the helpfulness of our students in opening doors, picking up rubbish and asking if assistance is required. These are all great examples of goodness in action. Such attitudes, firstly come from the student’s family upbringings. Children who are loved and cared for in the home return gratitude. It also comes from our schools’ traditions where students are expected to be well dressed, well-mannered and turn up every day to do their very best. There are no short cuts at St Peter’s College where the preparation for life approach begins on day one, even when the rewards may not be felt or seen until long after they have left our school. I acknowledge the expertise and effort of all our staff. Those who teach on the frontline. Those in the back story helping. Genuine men and women who really care for the future of our young tamariki.
Gratitude also comes from the service ethic being encouraged in every one of our students and this week the servant leaders at each year level were announced at assembly. I congratulate these students for putting themselves forward and stepping up to serve their school community. We will meet fortnightly on Monday lunchtimes in the chapel to plan and prepare acts of service around the school. These are our future head boys and girls.
Year 7
Serena Love
Josh Thompson
Eli Puna
Theo Dynes
Amelia Robinson
Kaila Wilson
Hamish McIntyre
Matilda Gemmill
Jude Terry
Year 8
Ella Donnelly
Aria Wilson
Millie McFadzien
Abi Kotkamp
Emelia Filimoehala
Cheska Acuna
Emilia Peters
Maia Petterson
Fletcher Patterson
Year 9
Mikee Omega
Ava Wiegersma
Hannah Hargest
Gemma Rae
Phoenix Marshall
Shalvi Permal
Elliot McDiamid
Mitchell Vetters
Cohan Cruickshank
Year 10
Cassandra Juanitas
Heidi Clarkson
Samantha Marsh
Luca Metzler
Lachlan Dixon
Molly Gray
Talia Moody
Ben de Jong
Year 11
Ethan Friend
Connor Swain
Shanae Allen
Dixie-Leigh Burr
Jude Ballantyne
Kate Perkins
Batt Othavorn
Marielle Penus
Year 12
Olivia Shanks
Seba Metzler
Nicholas Roy
Emily Irwin
JB Acuna
Connor Watkins
Adrianna Evans
Myah Kortbaoui
Abby Gutschlag
Tara Quinney
School Production - GREASE
'Grease' was the word around Gore throughout the month of May. A cast of over 40 students, from Years 9-13, kept audiences enthralled with their take on this iconic show. The enthusiasm and energy of the talented cast pulled 'Grease' together in a mere 10 weeks. The hard work and dedication of all involved combined to recreate this well-known movie.
The classic catchy songs and memorable lines drew in the crowd with many laughs throughout the production. 'Grease' ran for two nights with Friday night being fully sold out much to the excitement of the cast. The relationships and bonds that were built during this production are some the cast will never forget. We were very privileged to work alongside our director, Mrs Kelly, and our choreographer, Mrs Wilson. Both ladies are very talented and without their knowledge and expertise in the Arts we would’ve been a lost cause. They also both had families and still found time for the Grease family for many countless practices. The other staff involved in this production really brought their A game and this was abundantly clear to all involved and who watched it. It would not have been possible for us to complete such an amazing show without the help from all these terrific people and our fabulous audiences. We were all Hopelessly Devoted to this production.
Wop ba-ba lu-bop a wop bam boom
Brianna Hedley and Eli Parish
Sandy Dombrowski and Eugene Felsnic
Year 7 and 8 Homeroom Subject Conferences
Kia ora Whanau,
I hope that you have taken the opportunity to book to meet with your child’s specialist subject teachers this week.
I’d like to invite you now, to attend a Homeroom Subject Conference to meet with your child’s homeroom teacher, Ms Burrows, Mrs McCabe, Mrs McGowan, Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Kotkamp or Mr Nikiforuk. These conferences will focus on the core subjects taught in the homeroom as well as general matters in the homeroom setting.
Conferencing will be available between 2pm and 7pm on Wednesday 26th May and 2pm and 5pm on Thursday 27th May.
Booking for these conferences goes live today. Please go to and use this code (wu7kz) in order to book your interview.
Please be in touch if you need any further clarification.
Nga mihi,
Bridget Ryan
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
RYDA Road Safety Programme
RYDA Road Safety Programme. All our Year 12 students will be going to this course on Wednesday, 26th May, during periods 1 - 5, returning for period 6.
Career Pathways Department
On Monday, 24 May, Year 13 students will be catching an early bus to take part in the Dunedin Tertiary Open Day. A great opportunity to investigate future study options for next year. An email to parents was sent out last week with the details.
University Scholarships for Year 13 Students
MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2022. The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every University as well as those specifically available to local students.
Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success.
For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page
Our Gateway Employer to feature this week is Austin Brothers in Riversdale.
Year 13 Biology Field Trip to Portobello
On Monday, the Year 13 Biologists travelled to the Marine Centre in Portobello to experience life as Marine Research Scientists. The pupils had a day learning about crabs and their adaptations to survive life on the rocky shore. They then spent the next two days carrying out an experiment of their own choice finding out how crabs respond to a change in their environment.
Thank you to Jo Carter and Daryn Anderson for accompanying the trip.
Louise Grogan - Year 13 Biology Teacher
Young Farmers Club Competition
On Friday, 14th May, we had six teams compete in the Otago/Southland Regional FMG Junior Young Farmer of the Year and AgriKids competitions. The event was meant to take place in March, but COVID-19 level changes postponed the practical day to an online competition. Our members showed their resilience by adapting to the online format and coming in on a Teacher Only Day to compete. Teams competed in a series of online modules in the morning, and then we had three teams make it into the finals. Well done to all the students for getting involved. Special congratulations to Emily Irwin and Laura Heads who came 4th in the Junior Young Farmer contest, and to Cameron Coats and James Mitchell for coming 9th. Well done also to Charlotte Hunt, Brooke Hargest and Mackai Ross for coming 10th in the AgriKids competition. We look forward to being able to compete in person next year!
Laura Thomas, Teacher in Charge of Farmer's Club
Campbell Butler working on his Resin box
Waimumu Art Exhbition
A few of our creative students had some of their fabulous work displayed and entered as exhibits for sale at the recent Waimumu Art Exhibition.
Olivia Shanks
Callum Findlay
Callum Findlay
There are still some kilts to come. As soon as they arrive they will be handed out.
For these cooler days, woollen vests ($80) and scarfs ($25) can be purchased from the Uniform Shop.
Long sleeve winter shirts and blouses available at H & J Smith and The Warehouse.
Daniel Nelson
Fynn Chalmers
Upcoming events:
Junior Catholic School Tournament
Upcoming Junior Sports Tournament for Years 7-10 is on Thursday, 10th June, in Dunedin for the day. If your child has been selected, the forms permission slips have been emailed and sent to all the students' parents. Please fill them in.
Otago/Southland Cross Country – Wednesday, 2nd June
Southland Badminton Championships (seniors only) – Wednesday, 9th June
Eastern Primary Cross Country – Wednesday, 9th June
Junior Catholic Sports Tournament – Thursday, 10th June
Southland Primary Cross Country – Friday, 18th June
NZSS Cross Country Champs – Saturday, 19th June
SISS Swimming Champs – Saturday, 19th – Sunday, 20th June
Sports Registrations/ Events/ Draws will be online!
For registrations and draws, please use the St Peter's College Facebook Sports page and also the St Peter's College website.
Schools Apps NZ (if you do not have this go to Play store app and download).
If you require any further information email or come and see Jess Young in the PE office.
Gumboot Friday May 28th
Wear mufti and your (clean) gumboots next Friday to support Mental Health Services for Youth. Bring a gold coin donation. Join the whole school photo at morning tea, and watch the gumboot throwing contest at lunchtime.
Laura Thomas, English Teacher
Coming Up......
growing) of high-quality products. Most importantly, any purchases you make will mean 50% of the profits go straight to St Peter's College Gore.
Contact Us
Location: 121 Kakapo Street, Gore 9710, Southland, New Zealand
Phone: +64 03 208 9060