Behind the Magic at Disney
Week of September 4, 2023
Information from the office...
Mrs. Amy Porter, Principal
Important Contact Information:
Main Office Phone: (586)439-6400
Fax: (586)439-6401
Absentee Line: (586)439-6490
24-hour recorded line, please leave your child's reason for absence and length of time out. Absences reported to this line, ensure most timely and accurate record.
School Administrative Assistant:
Mrs. Sue Mogge
Building Hours - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:35 am – 3:30 pm
First Bell: 8:30 am
Instructional Bell: 8:35 am
Students must be in class by 8:35 am or they are marked tardy.
Location: 36155 Kelly Road, Clinton Township, MI, USA
Phone: (586)439-6400
Twitter: @jageramy
All students will be sent home with a Data Verification Card on Monday. Please fill this form out and return it ASAP so we have this important information to update our contacts in our system. The form is bright YELLOW. All forms should be submitted no later than Tuesday, September 5th.
Please reach out to our Main Office at 439-6400 with questions. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
iPad Updates
iPad distribution will begin on Wednesday, September 6th. If you have any unpaid fines, please pay them as soon as possible. Please talk with your child about where their "home base" will be to charge the iPad each night. iPads should come to school fully charged each day.
Students with Tech Fines
If a student has a technology fine for a charger, case or iPad, the iPad will stay at school until the fine is paid. Once paid, the iPad can be sent home with a new charger.
Please contact Mrs. Cichocki with any questions.
Be a Disney STAR
PBIS is a school-wide system that includes proactive strategies for teaching, modeling, and reinforcing appropriate behavior. This past Wednesday, we had grade-level meetings to introduce our Disney STAR expectations to all students. Classroom teachers will be teaching these behavior expectations and every adult in the building will reinforce students when they meet the behavior expectations and reteach when they need a reminder. Our school-wide behavior expectations are for students to Be a Disney STAR:
S – Show Kindness
T – Take Responsibility
A – Always be Safe
R – Respect Others
We encourage your student to make good behavior choices and come to school each day ready to be a Disney Star. We appreciate your encouragement at home to do the same.
Second Step
Now more than ever, we need to address the whole child. Best practice shows that students who feel safe and secure are better prepared to engage in their learning. Therefore, we are excited to continue to use Second Step in our K-8 classes beginning this week to further strengthen our commitment to social and emotional learning. (For more information about the benefits of SEL, please check out the quick video below.)
Second Step offers weekly, age-appropriate virtual lessons for students to help them with various social and emotional skills. These weekly lessons will build on and support all of the great work we're doing at Disney to support our students. Combined with our schoolwide restorative practices and consistent PBIS expectations, we are creating a firm Tier 1 foundation for supporting all of our students' social, emotional, and behavioral development.
Please view the flyers below to learn more about the program topics, and look for additional updates from classroom teachers and ALL district newsletters.
Parking Lot Reminders
We all know that the Disney parking lot is stressful and challenging at times. We have a large population of car pickup students all exiting the building at the same time which creates an intense and stressful moment for staff, students, and parents. If we all follow our parking lot procedures and practice patience, we will be able to quickly exit everyone safely.
Below are a few important reminders:
- Please stay as far right as possible when in the car pick-up line so thru traffic utilize the left lane. As a reminder, there is no parking or stopping traffic in the car pick-up line. Drivers MAY NOT get out of the car while in the outside drop-off/ pick-up lane. Your students must exit to the outside of the loop (passenger side of vehicle), and drivers must not exit the car to walk students up or pick them up. If you have younger children who need to be walked up or picked up at the door, you MUST park your car in one of the lots or on the street.
- Please refrain from parking anywhere other than designated parking spaces, this includes parking in handicapped parking spots unless your handicap parking pass is properly displayed.
- The driveway in the front of the school is for bus parking and exiting traffic only. This is not a drop-off/pick-up zone. Families may not walk through the bus driveway at dismissal.
- Please utilize the crosswalks in our parking lot when walking to parked vehicles
- Please enter the Disney parking lot from the north (turn right into parking lot) and exit to the south (turn right on Kelly) to help assist with traffic flow.
- Please be distraction free - refrain from using cell phones, loud music, or other distracting activities. Pay attention and be on the lookout for people walking through the lots
- Smoking and pets are not permitted on school grounds. Please leave your pets at home for the safety and comfort of all of our students and families.
Thank you for your patience and support in keeping our community safe in our parking lots.
First Day of School Fun
6th Grade Last First Day of Elementary School
Student Illness Guidelines
If, in the judgment of school personnel, a child becomes too ill to remain in school, the parents will be called immediately. It is necessary that children remain at home until they recover from illness since they could be endangering their own health and the health of others by returning too soon. Children are expected to participate in all school activities when they return from being ill except for special situations or if the school receives a note from a doctor listing the restrictions.
It is never an easy decision whether to send your youngster to school if he/she complains of illness. The following guidelines are designed to provide information until you can discuss the situation with your doctor.
Illness Guidelines
- Children with Covid-19 must remain home until cleared to return
- A fever is a sign of some form of infection. Children should remain home if running a fever. A child must be fever free for 24 hours without the benefit of medication (i.e. Tylenol) before returning to school.
- If a child vomits, they should not return to school until he/she is symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
Children with an infectious disease must remain home until the communicable stage has passed. The most common infectious diseases are, chicken pox, influenza, pink eye, strep throat, COVID-19, and head lice.
Please notify the office at 586-439-6490 of the specific diagnosis and provide doctor’s instructions and notes upon return..
If your child has specific medical needs, please reach out to the main office prior to the start of school. In order to administer medication, consent forms must be completed. Consent forms for prescription medications must include dosage and frequency information signed by a physician. Medication, including inhalers, must be stored in the main office and not in backpacks or pockets. In addition, if your child has a medical plan, it will need to be updated for the 23-24 school year.
Please find medication forms linked below for your convenience.
A great resource in our own backyard
CARE is a resource in our community that helps families and individuals who are experiencing difficulties with mental health or substance abuse. CARE's Student Assistance program offers families the opportunity to receive a thorough assessment for children who are experiencing mental health issues. CARE will then provide resources to assist with concerns. CARE also is a great place to attend parenting classes for Early Childhood through Teen. Specialty classes related to anger management and play and learn groups for younger children are also programs provided through CARE. For more information or for a referral to CARE's Student Assistance program please contact our social worker, Mrs. Rinna, or contact CARE at 586-541-CARE.
Red Flag (In-Door Line Up)
When the red flag is hung outside the front of the building, this means indoor line-up. Our students will not line up at their normal door and will be able to enter the main doors at 8:20!
Friday, September 8, 2023
Fraser Public Schools invites all to join in a celebration of the new school year. Join us at the annual Fraser Family Tailgate at the first home football game, against Sterling Heights High School!Parking lot outside of the football field from the Garfield Rd. entrance.
TAILGATE: 5:30 – 6:30 P.M. | GAME TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Need a Backpack and Supplies?
Fraser Youth Choir Auditions
This group meets every Monday at 6:00 PM in the FHS Choir Room and puts together two concerts a year. All are welcome to sing and have fun with friends! You can email all questions to
Attention 4th & 5th Grade Students....
**4th graders can only audition for The Little Mermaid.**
Free & Reduced Meals
As you may have heard, all students in Fraser Public Schools are eligible to receive free meals this school year. Every student enrolled in our district can receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE to your household each day.
Meals Information
Breakfast and lunch menus for the first week of school and the month of September are linked below. Elementary Schools will have a limited variety of a la carte items to purchase using CASH ONLY. All students can choose to purchase an additional breakfast or lunch at the full paid student price.
Education Benefits Form
Even though meals are free for everyone, it is still important for your household to complete an Education Benefits Form, which can be found online on the Family Portal website. This form is critical in determining the amount of money that our district receives from a variety of state and federal supplemental programs. It could also help your family qualify for additional benefits.
We are asking that you please complete and submit the Education Benefits Form as soon as possible. All information on the report submitted is confidential, and it should take only a few minutes to complete.
Menus for lunch and breakfast items do not need to be turned in this year. Teachers will go over the lunch room procedures with students the first day of school.
Come Work With Us!
Email: with any questions or to express interest!
Disney Elementary Parent Teacher Organization
As a caretaker of a Walt Disney Elementary student, you are a valued member of the Team Disney Parent Teacher Organization. All PTO meetings will now be both in person AND have a link to join virtually. ALL are welcome to join. If you plan to attend in person it is adults only. Our 1st meeting of the year is on Wednesday, September 13th at 6:00 p.m. We will be going over the budget and voting for approval and discussing our plans for the year and upcoming community events and fundraisers. You can join our virtual PTO meeting by clicking here at 6:00 p.m.
Our official Facebook group is here: Team Disney Fraser Facebook. Please help us build the group by sharing with other Disney families and adding them to our group. If you have a question or concern that you need to be answered, please message a page Admin/Board member.
We welcome the 2023-2024 Board Members:
President- Molly Magnotte
Vice President- April Horgan
Treasurer- Alison Ross
Secretary- Candice Bookmiller
Contact: Team Disney
- 9/8 - Fraser Family Tailgate @ FHS Stadium 5:30
- 9/12- 6th Grade Camp
- 9/13 - Early Release Day (1:30 Dismissal)
- 9/13 - PTO Meeting @ 6:30
- 9/18 - Skate Night at Great Skate @ 6:00
- 9/29 - Fall Picture Day
- 9/29 - Homecoming Parade & Football Game
Access the full District Calendar HERE at any time!
Gleaners Food Distribution to Continue
We are excited to announce that we have extended our partnership with Gleaners through the summer. They will continue to be set up in the FHS parking lot on the following dates:
September 15
September 29
If you are in need of food assistance, you can find pantries in your area by visiting