CB West High School
West Times Newsletter 10.1.18
PSAT 2018:
The PSAT will be offered at CB West High School on Saturday, October 13th, 2018. This exam is recommended for all college-bound 10th and 11th grade students as practice for the SAT. Registration is open on the www.MyPaymentsPlus.com website from Sept. 14th – October 9th. For full details, please visit the testing page of the guidance website (https://www.cbsd.org/Page/1002).
Junior Evening Information Session:
An Information session for Junior students and parents will be held on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 at 6:30pm in the CB West Auditorium. Topics will include: Junior Year Timeline; Planning for Options after High School; College Admission Tests; College and Career resources; and Suggestions for a Successful Junior Year. Mrs. Bagnick and Mrs. Corr, your Junior House counselors, look forward to seeing you there!
Financial Aid Night -- The CBSD Financial Aid Night will take place on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 7:00 pm at CB South in the Auditorium. CB South is located at 1100 Folly Road, Warrington, PA 18976. The presenter will be Ms. Bonnie Behm, Director of Financial Assistance at Villanova University. Topics will include types of financial aid, the application process (using the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid), timelines and deadlines, and tips for comparing offers of aid from various schools. Seniors and their parents are especially encouraged to attend.
The West Tutoring Academy will begin peer tutoring sessions on October 2nd, from 2:30 to 3:30, in the school library. Tutoring will take place every Tuesday after school for one hour. If your child will be attending a peer tutoring session, they must sign in at Guidance by the preceding Monday. Clipboards are on the bulletin board in the reception area and are easily accessible to all students even if they want to stop in between classes. If they do not sign up beforehand, there may not be a tutor available to help. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Lori Bagnick at lbagnick@cbsd.org
College Visits -- Each day, admission representatives from up to four colleges visit CBW. The representatives who give these presentations are typically the ones responsible for reviewing students’ applications, so this in an invaluable opportunity to make a personal connection with that person. Students should sign up through Naviance (College Tab →Research Colleges →College Visits and click on the “Register Now” button). You will receive a confirmation email to your CB email account. Students should either print this email as their pass to attend the visit, or they may obtain a pass from the Guidance Office.
Please bookmark our Guidance Webpage for current updates on Guidance events, college application procedures, PSAT/SAT/AP news, and more!
Keystone Testing Information 2018-2019
Regarding Winter Testing from December 2017 and January 2018:
If your child participated in Literature, Algebra 1, or Biology Keystone Assessments in December or January, scores are available in Parent Portal.
Regarding Spring Testing from May 2018:
If your child participated in Literature, Algebra 1, or Biology Keystone Assessments in May, scores are available in Parent Portal. Additionally, individual score sheets were distributed to parents at Back to School Night on September 13. Any remaining score sheets were then distributed to students during advisory on September 14.
Regarding Winter Testing in December 2018 and January 2019:
Students currently enrolled in English 10, Algebra 1, or Biology will be administered the corresponding Keystone Assessment(s) during the month of December for Literature and January for Algebra 1 and Biology. Our testing schedule will be available on the CBW Keystone Assessment Webpage at http://www.cbsd.org/Page/25869. This webpage also includes resources to help students prepare for the assessments. After-school help sessions for Algebra and Biology are also posted under “Testing Supports at CB West.” Students enrolled in English 10, Algebra 1, or Biology during 2nd Semester will test in May.
State Assessment Proficiency Requirements:
Currently, PDE requires students in the class of 2021 and beyond to have reached proficiency on each of the three Keystone Exams prior to graduation. Students are encouraged to retake the test if proficiency is not reached on the first attempt.
Keystone Retake Procedures:
If proficiency is not met on a Keystone exam, students are encouraged to retest. Typically, students are invited to retest the following school year when scheduled for their next math, English, or science course. However, if students who tested in December or January would like to schedule a May retest, please contact Mrs. Zaleski at hzaleski@cbsd.org
Information and Announcements
The daily announcements offer the most comprehensive listing of meetings, fundraisers, and events in our school. You can watch the daily announcements scrolling on TV monitors throughout the building. In addition, you can access the announcements each day by visiting the CB West homepage: https://www.cbsd.org/domain/3037.
Look for club and student activities fliers posted on bulletin boards and tack strips throughout our school.
On Mondays, we air a live stream broadcast from our TV Studio called “The Black and Gold.” This show highlights information about some of the biggest events and initiatives in our school.
On Fridays, we air episodes of Chatterbux. Chatterbux is a TV show produced by members of the Media Production classes. Chatterbux highlights a variety of aspects of student life here at CB West.
Visit the CB West website and check out the new "Activities" section. Each club has its own page with the most pertinent information.
Antler Yearbook Information
Don't forget to reserve your child an Antler yearbook for this school year - books can be reserved until May 10th. After that, they will only be sold on a first come, first serve basis. You can order books online at www.jostens.com or by filling out an order form, available on the Antler website.
Student Emergency Form
Each year, the Central Bucks School District requires our families to fill out a Student Emergency & Information Form.
Please complete your family’s Student Emergency & Information Form online.
The online form will ask you to confirm and/or update the following:
- Demographic Information
- Emergency Contacts
- Health Information, including permission for emergency care and analgesic administration
- Media Release Preferences
Please go to your Parent Portal account to complete the Census Verification form.
Thank you for taking the time to update this important information.
Innovative Learning Grant News
Now accepting ILG grant applications for first grant cycle. Deadline for submissions: Friday, October 19, 2018 NO later than 5 pm.
What is an Innovative Learning Grant?
CCBCEF provides funding to support innovative learning projects for the benefit of the students and complements the curriculum while embracing innovative learning approaches in the classroom. Click here for more information about the ILG application and guidelines.
CB West Parent Council
We look forward to continuing our partnership with parents through the 2018-2019 Central Bucks West Parent Council. Membership to the council is open to all interested CB West parents.
Meetings are scheduled for the following Wednesdays in the Tower Room off of the Main Lobby, beginning at 9:00 AM and concluding at 10:30 AM:
October 24, 2018
November 28, 2018
January 23, 2019
February 27, 2019
March 27, 2019
April 24, 2019
Some of the goals of the group will be:
- To foster a dialogue between the home and school through the collegial sharing of ideas and concerns
- To undertake project(s) as developed by the group
- To support the school in the community by information sharing
We hope you will be able to participate in our 2018-2019 Parent Council.
The Central Bucks School District offers a standardized testing prep system, ePrep, to all its students. This free web-based program helps students prepare for the PSAT, SAT and ACT. There are practice tests, test-taking tips, and instructional videos that explain how to do the problem(s) that may have been answered incorrectly during the practice session. The link is http://www.eprep.com.
All CB West sophomores have been registered with accounts. They should log in with their CBSD student email and the password 2018. Any students who are interested in accessing ePrep but do not have an account should contact Ms. Graney in the CB West Library for an account.
We hope you’ll join us Friday, October 19th for the 4th Annual CB West Homecoming Carnival! The West softball field will host the carnival from 4pm-6pm, just before the big Homecoming game against Souderton. The carnival will feature games, prizes, food, and a series of student performances on our music stage. A portion of the proceeds from the carnival will benefit a local charity. Come celebrate with us here at West, and get psyched to cheer on your Bucks! We’ll see you at the carnival!
The CB West Homecoming dance will take place on Saturday, October 20th from 7pm-10pm in the West gym. The theme for the Homecoming dance is the 80’s. Travel back with us to neon colors and rock n’ roll! Tickets will be sold in advance for $10 through My Payments Plus (starting on 10.1.18) or at the door on the night of the dance for $15. Everyone will need a school ID to attend the dance. ALL guests need to complete a guest form.
Children’s Health Insurance Program
CHIP is Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program for uninsured children and teens up to age 19.
Click on the link for more information about CHIP.
Good News About CB West Students
Apple Picking
Goodbye summer, hello fall! Students in American Cuisine went apple picking in the courtyard at West (the future site of the Give Back Garden).
CB West English Students Visit Doyle Elementary
English Honors 10 students rewrote their summer reading novels as children’s books which they shared with Doyle’s first grade and the Before School Program students. Both the 10th graders and the Doyle students enjoyed making new friends!
About Us
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/30
Location: 375 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 267.893.2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools
Twitter: @CBWestHS