Meadowbrook News
December 1, 2023
From Principal Natalie
Good Afternoon Meadowbrook,
Wow, it's already December! I can hardly believe that we will soon see 2023 come to a close. It is really remarkable the growth we are already seeing in our students; thank you for being such a strong partner in your child's education. Please remember to send a snack, water bottle, and snow gear along with your child each day. These items help them have the best day possible!
Our 2nd graders are currently learning about festivals around the world. If your family celebrates Las Posadas, or Kwanza, we would love to have you into our classrooms to talk with our students. If you are able to partner with us in this way, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/9u8FDe1ygq9byjTp7.
As you can see below, it's time for 2024-25 Kindergarten registration. Please note, if you are a family who has open enrolled to Meadowbrook, in order to receive sibling preference, you need to complete an application for your incoming Kindergarten student by the January 16 deadline.
In partnership,
It’s 2024-25 Kindergarten registration time!
Open-enrolled families (families who live outside the Hopkins School District): if you have a fall 2024 kindergartner, you will need to complete an Open Enrollment Application for your child by Jan. 16, 2024.
Hopkins School District resident families: please submit a K-12 Student Enrollment form for your fall 2024 kindergartner — even if you are already attending Hopkins Preschool.
Find forms online! Visit HopkinsSchools.org/enroll.
Hopkins School Board Community Engagement Session: Mental Health Policy
Please join us for a virtual engagement session on December 6th from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Hopkins School Board Policy Monitoring Committee is exploring its proposed Mental Health Policy and is looking for feedback from parents/caregivers, scholars, staff, and community members. The goal of the session is to gather feedback and better understand the concerns, questions, and needs of our community. The feedback gathered will be used to foster an educational environment at Hopkins Public Schools that is safe, supportive, and fully inclusive for each student. Learn more about how to join by visiting our website.
Native American Heritage Month
As National Native American Heritage Month comes to a close, it is important to remember to honor this rich culture all year round. Native Americans have made a proud impact across the nation and specifically in Minnesota. The Dakota people, with their deep connection to the land, have left an imprint on Minnesota through their agricultural practices and spiritual traditions. Their influence is seen in the names of many towns and landmarks, serving as a testament to the enduring legacy of indigenous communities.
October was Dyslexia awareness month. Dyslexia impacts about 1 in 10 people and is "...a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities." (International Dyslexia Association)
All elementary students in Hopkins are screened for characteristics of dyslexia using a state approved screener called Fastbridge. Students with areas of concern are assessed using further diagnostics to identify and address areas of need. Teachers cannot diagnose dyslexia and if you have concerns or your scholar's teacher mentions concerns, you should start by reaching out to your pediatrician. You can also check out these self-assessment tools provided by IDA.
In Hopkins, we have over 75% of our K-2 teachers are LETRS trained - a professional development program approved by the IDA and MDE to support solid instruction for students with dyslexia or dyslexia characteristics. We will be working towards 100% completion in training in 24-25 so we can support all of our learners' literacy needs.
Books to check out:
It’s Called Dyslexia by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos (K-5)
Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt (3-5)
From Nurse Karen
Hello December!!!
We are officially entering the cold time of year. Please make sure your student has warm hats, gloves and jackets. Snow pants and snow boots are going to be needed soon. Our students go outside during the day and the playground equipment and surfaces are very cold. Have a conversation with your child about wearing their mittens/gloves. I have seen many students who chose not to wear their mittens and their hands get frightfully cold!
There are many viruses and illnesses going around. If you have a conversation with your child and they indicate they are not feeling well, please keep them home. Many students come to my office stating that their caregiver told them to “try to go to school”, or “if it gets worse, go to Nurse Karen.” Those are signs to please keep your child home. I truly appreciate all of the families that DO keep their child home as a precaution. This sure helps decrease the spread of everything!
As always, please contact me with questions or concerns,
Nurse Karen
PTO Corner
The Mingle Needs YOU!
Meadowbrook Community - If you have a passion for fundraising and our school, the Meadowbrook Mingle is seeking leaders for this important event.
In recent years, the Mingle has been a silent auction (either in-person or online) in April. As a leader for this event, you have the opportunity to repeat the past formats OR make the Mingle something new and different!
The funds raised help pay for a significant portion of the PTO budget. These dollars support field trip busing costs, teacher grants, enrichment programs for our students, etc.
There are volunteers ready and waiting for a leader/committee of leaders! Are you that person? Email MeadowbrookElementaryPTO@gmail.com to express your interest.
Community Service Night
What an amazing evening! Thank you to everyone who made a donation for Service Night, volunteered throughout the week or joined us and participated at the event. Our school community came together to serve 10 local organizations with 14 different service projects.
Here’s a look at Service Night, by the numbers:
- Over 300 people in attendance, with nearly 70 volunteers working to make the event a success
- Over 1,600 hygiene items collected in our school donation drive
- 100 hygiene kits for adults packed, containing shampoo, body wash, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, lip balm, tissues, socks and hand warmers
- 75 hygiene kits for kids packed, containing 3-in-1 wash, toothbrush/toothpaste, lip balm, tissues, socks and hand warmers
- 150 slime kits assembled for children in the hospital
- Over 2,000 diapers and wipes packed into 200 diaper packs for families in need
- 19 blankets tied for children in the hospital
- 325 ping pong balls decorated for cats in a shelter
- 10 snuffle mats made for dogs in a shelter
- 54 snowflakes created to thank Meadowbrook teachers and staff
- 87 cards decorated for members of the community
- 57 place mats created to brighten meal deliveries for seniors and people with disabilities
- 155 snack kits compiled for kids in need
- 100 reusable tote bags decorated and taken home to help reduce plastic waste
- 35 feet of paper chain created from hundreds of paper links displaying acts of kindness
- Countless games played to learn about recycling and composting
For more ideas on raising children who care and contribute, check out Doing Good Together. DGT is a Minnesota-based national nonprofit that works to make volunteering and service, along with daily kindness, easy for every family. www.doinggoodtogether.org
5th Grade Party Planning
Hey 5th Grade Parents!
Want to help send our 5th graders off to Middle School with a super fun end-of-year party? Email Nikikroll@gmail.com with your name and we will get a committee organized to start party planning after the holiday break. Thanks and all are welcome and encouraged to participate!
Order a Yearbook
School is in full swing and we are hard at work on your child’s 2024 Yearbook. We can’t wait for you to see this year’s book! Don’t put it off, order now at ybpay.com!
The Meadowbrook ID Code is: 14465724.
December Restaurant Night:
- When: December 13th and 14th
- Where: Papa Murphy's Pizza: 8525 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley
- Order online or in the store using code: DONATE
- 25% of orders will be donated back to Meadowbrook PTO
Online Directory:
The Online Meadowbrook Student Directory has a new look and new website! Visit HopkinsMeadowbrookPTO.org for access to the new directory.
- Registering is fast, simple and secure. Only verified, registered Meadowbrook users can view the directory.
- By signing up you will have access to contact information for other registered users, which is great for parent communication, birthday invites, and play dates.
- The school is unable to share any student contact information. However, if that student is also registered, you may find their contact information in the directory.
How to Sign Up for the Directory:
Current Users: If you had a log-in from the previous directory, visit the website. Click the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password. Then update any personal information in your profile that you would like to share and you are all set.
New Users - Sign up is easy! Visit the website. Click the “Sign up” button. To create your account, enter your full name and email address, and create a password. Including your full name will help staff verify that you are a Meadowbrook caregiver. From there, you can update your profile with the contact information you would like to share.
How to Help The PTO:
- Volunteer - Complete this form to express your interest: https://forms.gle/4G39cpzZQ8kddGXs7
- Download the Box Tops for Education app and scan your receipts after shopping. Any qualifying purchases will go directly to Meadowbrook PTO- no need to 'clip' anymore!
Any questions? Reach out to us at meadowbrookelementarypto@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook , Twitter, Instragram, or our PTO website
District-Wide Announcements & Events
HEF News
We’re excited to announce that the Hopkins Education Foundation recently awarded 21 grants to teachers and staff, totaling more than $64,000, to enhance Hopkins students’ education. Congratulations to all these recipients! These grants will impact students in Transition Plus, VirtualEDU, Hopkins High, West and North Middle, Tanglen, Harley Hopkins, Glen Lake, Eisenhower, and Meadowbrook.
We’re excited to bring funding to everything from literacy, robotics, calming tools, fitness, jazz band, science, special education, and more! Visit the HEF website to learn more.
Join Hopkins Community Ed for Free Introductory Skating Lessons with Brownbody
Explore the world of skating with Brownbody at Hopkins Pavilion! Join us on December 3rd and 10th for introductory lessons blending dance, theater, social justice, and ice skating. Lessons at 1:00, 1:30, and 2:00 p.m. Helmets and skates provided (limited availability). Arrive at 12:45 p.m. for a special Brownbody performance. Registration is required here. Don't miss out!
Gender Expansive Caregiver Group
Important Calendar Dates
December 8: No School - Professional Learning Day
December 13 & 14: Restaurant Night @ Papa Murphy's Pizza
December 25-29: No School - Winter Break
January 1-5: No School - Winter Break
January 15: No School - MLK Day
January 26: No School - Grading Day
Meadowbrook Elementary
Main Office Line: 952-988-5100
Attendance Line: 952-988-5110
Online Student Directory: https://hopkinsmeadowbrookpto.org/
Email: natalie.sawatzky@hopkinsschools.org
Website: https://hopkinsschools.org/schools/elementary-schools/meadowbrook-elementary
Location: 5430 Glenwood Avenue, Golden Valley, MN 55422, USA
Phone: (952) 988-5100
Facebook: facebook.com/HopkinsMeadowbrook
Twitter: @MeadowbrookGV