Monomoy News
November 26, 2019
Updates from around Monomoy Regional School District
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing all of our students, families, faculty, and staff a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! Reminder: there is no school Wednesday, Nov. 27, through Friday, Nov. 29. We'll see you back at school on Monday, Dec. 2!
Chatham Elementary students visit Chatham Bars Inn
As part of a longtime tradition - dating back to when CES didn't offer hot lunches - Chatham Bars Inn hosted students for a Thanksgiving luncheon celebration. To show their appreciation, CES students "sang for their supper"!
Alphabet Fashions on display at HES
Kindergarten students at Harwich Elementary School practiced their letter skills by creating and decorating signs and holding an Alphabet Fashion Show!
HES Kindergarten Alphabet Fashion Show November 2019
Monomoy Middle School students volunteer with StreetReach
As part of their continuing community service projects, MRMS students in the Megalodon club spent a recent Friday evening supporting homeless individuals by volunteering with the Youth StreetReach organization. Read more here.
Students, faculty, and volunteers at MRHS host Thanksgiving dinner for senior citizens
Each year, Monomoy Regional High School organizes a Thanksgiving dinner for senior citizens in our community, with food prepared by Culinary teacher Ms. Freitas and her students, and many more students, teachers, staff, and even former teachers volunteering to serve and assist guests.
MRHS holds Breakfast of Excellence
At the recent Breakfast of Excellence, Monomoy students and alumni were honored for academic achievements, including those who earned perfect MCAS scores, National Merit Scholars, John and Abigail Adams Scholarship recipients, and AP Scholar award winners. Learn more here.
Honor Rolls
With the end of the first quarter, MRMS and MRHS have released the names of students earning a spot on the High Honor Roll and Honor Roll. See the full lists here:
Parents' Night Out - hosted by MRHS Spirit
Parent University programs
Earlier this month, MRSD held a Parent University on Homework and Tech Tools. If you missed the session, click here for a video of the program, as well as the presentation slides.
The next Parent University, on Dec. 4, will focus on Underage Drinking. Please attend this important conversation.
MRSD Calendar
To stay updated on upcoming events, early release days, and more, be sure to check the MRSD calendar (pro tip: click the link icon on the calendar page to have MRSD calendar events automatically integrate into your phone/digital calendar!)
Monomoy Regional School District
Location: 425 Crowell Road, Chatham, MA, USA
Phone: 508-945-5030
Twitter: @MonomoySchools