November 12, 2023
Coyote Ridge Families,
Happy Diwali! For those that celebrate, may the festival of lights brighten up your life and bring prosperity and happiness to you and your loved ones!
Our Veterans Day Assembly was just fabulous! It was a genuine pleasure to host the Veterans connected to our CRE Community and participate in the festivities. Our students did a wonderful job presenting and singing patriotic songs to honor our guests. Huge appreciation to Mr. Clay Davis, our Music Maestro Extraordinaire, who coordinated and led all of the program, and to the Specials Team and other CRE staff who helped with the assembly. Thank you also to CRE PTA for providing the Veterans and their guests with a delicious breakfast!
Thank you for voting over the past few weeks! Preliminary election results show that Lewisville ISD voters approved a majority of the district's nearly $1.23 billion bond referendum. The Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE), Proposition A, was also approved and will add an additional $37.5 million annually to the operating budget to help sustain competitive staff pay and maintain student instructional opportunities and programs of choice. The passing of Bond Propositions B and C represent $1,030,177,000 of the total proposed bond package of $1,229,620,000.
For more details about the results, please go to the district link here: Bond Election Results
Thanksgiving Break is headed our way! Please remember that Friday, Nov 17th is a regular school day with regular hours (we often get calls asking if it's an early dismissal day). I hope you have some amazing plans with your loved ones with delicious food while counting your bountiful blessings! But before you get ready for a vacation from school, please join us this Wednesday from 5:30-7:00 for a fun Literacy Night!
In this newsletter, you'll also find information and reminders about CRE Literacy Night, the National PTA School of Excellence parent feedback survey, CRE Art Program fundraiser (great gifts for grandparents!), PTA community event at Sci-Tech Discovery Center, BOOSTER FUN RUN information, Creek Valley MS STEM Fest, and sponsored events through Hebron High School organizations. As always, this newsletter also includes links to Recognize SomeONE submissions, Child Nutrition information, CRE PTA Information, and calendar updates.
Thanks for all you do!
Mrs. Padgett Cervantes
CRE Literacy Night
Good Afternoon CRE Families!
Please join us on Wednesday, November 15th, from 5:30-7:00 pm for our Sleepy Time Stories Literacy night. This year’s theme will be bed time, so please wear your favorite pajamas! Students will be able to travel through the school completing fun literacy based activities, and listening to special guest readers read their favorite books! There will be hot choclate, and lots of fun! Can’t wait to see everyone there 🙂
CRE Events Team
Nation PTA School of Excellence - Feedback Request
Dear Families, Administrators and Teachers:
The Coyote Ridge Elementary PTA knows that a strong partnership among our families, school leaders and community members is important to the success of our students and school. That’s why we are participating in the National PTA School of Excellence program, which grows partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being of all students.
At a National PTA School of Excellence, families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success, and PTA is a key partner for continuous school improvement. We feel Coyote Ridge Elementary and CRE PTA can achieve that together—and the result will be national, state and community-wide visibility for the positive impact we are making together at Coyote Ridge.
We need your help! As part of the process, National PTA requests feedback from families, administrators and teachers at two points in the school year—the beginning and the end. Your feedback will help us improve our family-school partnership and achieve excellence.
Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience at this school and complete the attached survey. Mark an “X” in the box that most accurately expresses how you feel about your experience. This survey is completely anonymous. Please use the link below to complete this survey by Wednesday, November 15th.
Does this sound like a PTA program you’d really like to help with? Join us! Contact Karah Edwards @ karahedwards@gmail.com or 214.395.2628 to learn more!
Karah Edwards
CRE PTA Parliamentarian
CRE Art Program Fundraiser
This is the information link for the exciting CRE student Art program fundraiser.
For any questions, contact Mrs. Clements!
Thank you,
Colette Clements
Art Teacher
Coyote Ridge Elementary
Coyote Ridge Fun Run - Register today!
Our Coyote Ridge Fun Run fundraiser is kicking off! This is our one and only large-scale school-wide fundraiser for the school! Mark your calendars with these key dates!
● Coyote Ridge Fun Run Kickoff - 11/14/2023
● Event Day (FUN RUN) - 11/30/2023
You can now register for our Coyote Ridge Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $12,000 for school improvements. Registering is easy and free!
⭐️ Register Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
Be sure to check out the easy sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM to let others know how they can help support our school.
Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!
CRE Yearbook Pre-Orders
Hello CRE families! Here at CRE we are so thankful for your continuous support! If you are interested in pre-ordering the 2023-2024 CRE Yearbook the online store is now open! You can place your order for $25! For a limited time only, you can also personalize the yearbook by adding your child’s name on the cover for an additional $6! What a wonderful way to revisit all those memories from our school year!
Visit our site to place your order: http://bit.ly/CREYB
Your Yearbook Advisors,
Mrs. Clements and Mrs. Hernandez
Recognize SomeONE
School Meals
Breakfast and lunch menus can be found directly here: https://lisd.nutrislice.com/menu
Coyote Ridge PTA
Parents, we invite you to join the CRE PTA! Along with spirit wear sales will be online membership and registration. I encourage ALL parents/guardians and staff to join, and we will continue to aim for 100% membership. Please remember that your membership dues go to support the school with items and programs that directly and positively impact your child's learning experience at CRE. Your membership also helps us have a collective voice in matters that impact education as a whole. Your membership in no way obligates you to any specific volunteer tasks or participation in meetings, but we'd love to have you! We proudly aim for 100% CRE staff participation, and we'd love to get as many families in as possible. Grandparents, neighbors, and community members are welcome members as well!
To join PTA and/or order CRE Spirit Wear, click on our CRE PTA website below and follow the steps. REMINDER: Membership dues go to support the school with programs directly impacting our students learning experience at CRE. Joining the PTA, in no way obligates you to specific volunteer events or participation in meeting. We would love to have you join, but there is NO obligation.
Coyote Ridge PTA Website - https://coyoteridgepta.membershiptoolkit.com/home
Thank you for partnering with us this school year!
Mark Your Calendars!
11/14. Booster Fundraiser Kickoff (runs through 11/30)
11/15. CRE Literacy Night 5:30-7:00pm
11/17 - Spirit Day: Fall Colors (or Dress Like a Turkey)
11/18 - 11/26. Thanksgiving Holiday - school closed
11/30. CRE Fun Run!
Hebron High School News:
Hebron Silver Wings - Galleria and Silent Auction 12/5 from 9 am - 4 pm
Hebron Band - Poinsettia Fundraiser 11/1-11/17
Coyote Ridge Elementary
Email: cervantespi@lisd.net
Website: coyoteridge.lisd.net
Location: 4520 Maumee Drive, Carrollton, TX, USA
Phone: (469)713-5994
Facebook: facebook.com/coyoteridge
Twitter: @CoyoteRidgeES