The Weekly Update #4
September 10th, 2023
Week of November 13, 2023
Important Dates
-Monday, November 13-Friday, November 17th: Scholastic Book Fair on campus (in the gym)
-Tuesday, November 14th: Make-Up Picture Day
-Thursday, November 16th: Third Grade Field Trip
-Friday, November 17th: Middle School & Family Corn Hole Tournament (more info to follow)
Friday, December 1st: Tree Trimming and Holiday/Winter PJs
Friday, December 8th: Middle School "Snow Ball" Dance, 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the gym
Friday, December 15th: American Girl Holiday Party
Monday, December 18-Wednesday, December 19th: Holiday Spirit Week
Tuesday, December 19th: Holiday Programs This is a change of date.
Winter Break: December 21 - January 9, 2024
From Miss Angela
-Tomorrow is Make-Up Picture Day. Students who were absent on picture day in September need to have their picture taken. If you are having your child's pictures retaken, please return the original order of pics.
-Thanksgiving is so much more than feasting on delicious food. It’s a day when families and friends get together to spend time exchanging stories, and enjoying each other’s company. It’s also a day when we show our appreciation for our loved ones and our life and talk about everything that we are thankful for, especially this year. I wish that you are bestowed good health, happiness, and all the best things in your life. Enjoy your Thanksgiving day with your loved ones!
-We are participating in the Annual Rotary Club of Temecula Holiday Food Drive again this year. This is a house competition. Donations may be dropped off in the gymnasium this week. Food will be collected through this Thursday, 11/16.
-The Scholastic Book Fair is on campus. Students will have scheduled visits with their class throughout the week. Additionally, students may shop with their parents after school until 5:30 p.m.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Locations
Please drop students off at the gymnasium between 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. After 7:30 a.m., students should be dropped at the gate closest to their classroom. Pick-up after 4:30 p.m. will also be in the GYMNASIUM.
Scholastic Book Fair: THIS WEEK!
Holiday Programs and Performances
Our annual shows will take place on Tuesday, December 19th.
8:00 a.m.: Middle School
9:00 a.m.: Fifth Grade
10:00 a.m.: Fourth Grade
11:00 a.m.: Third Grade
12:00 p.m.: Second Grade
2:00 p.m.: Kindergarten
3:00 p.m.: First Grade
Garden Club Seeking Donations
-Empty and clean 2 liter soda bottles with lids
-Empty and clean plastic milk or juice containers that have built-in handles
-Empty and unbroken planting pots: nursery style, terra cotta, plain, pretty, or anything you have that you aren't using.
*If anyone is a wood worker or interested in donating a bench in your family's name, we are looking for at least three long, sturdy benches.
Please contact Miss Dolly at or 951-234-1940.
Eighth Grade Washington, D.C. Trip Info
Our eighth grade will be traveling to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. in April. For more information please visit Worldstrides for more details. Our trip ID# is: 207925.