TSHS Cougar News
Keeping you connected to teaching and learning

A Message from Ms. Pearl
Students, the school year is coming to an end. The last day will be here before you know it. You are reminded to stay focused on your academics. Make sure you arrive on time to your classes, complete all assigned work, and submit by the desired due date. Parents, if you have concerns about your child's progress, please feel free to notify your student's counselor and arrange a conference.
Backpack Policy Reminder
Dress Code Reminder
As we are entering Spring and Summer months, with warmer weather, please keep in mind of the dress code policy. We are noticing a large increase in dress code violations, with students wearing crop tops and short skirts. The full-dress code policy can be found in the Code of Student Conduct on pages 14 - 15 or the Parent Handbook/Calendar on page 29. Here are a couple of reminders:
- No headwear which includes hoods, hats, durags, and scarves. Headwear is prohibited in the building. The only exception will be for students who have provided the necessary documentation to their grade-level administrator for religious purposes.
- Rips in jeans and skirts should be mid-thigh or lower. A good practice for this is the finger-tip test.
- Sleepwear-type clothing is not to be worn to school unless we have a special assigned day.
- Gentleman's pants should be secured at the waste and undergarments are not to be visible.
- All shirts must cover the midriff area as well as the cleavage area.
Teacher Appreciation Week
National Teacher Appreciation Day is Tuesday May 9, 2023.
Feel free to show your appreciation by sending a short email to your teachers.
SMOB Voting
Elections are taking place now and will run through May 19th. Elections will also take place in all English classes.
The ballot is available on the CCASC website at https://forms.office.com/r/xXGxcB9gB3 or at https://ccboemd.sharepoint.com/sites/CCASC.
To watch the candidate debate, visit https://youtu.be/HUSEUEzhOkU.
Treasure Perkins, one of Thomas Stone High School's very own is running against, Jamiyah Bonds from St. Charles High School.
YOUR VOTE COUNTS!! Let Thomas Stone HS be heard!
Fun on the River
PPW's Community Day 2023
CCPS Pupil Personnel Workers (PPW’s) will be hosting a Community Day on May 18, 2023. This event will be hosted at St. Charles High School, 3:00-6:00pm, rain or shine, linking the community to support services and resources. Please see the attached flyers for more details.
For more information, you may also contact Ms. Carter (PPW) by calling the main office at 301-753-1756.
Battle of the Classes
Students, if you are interested in participating in Battle of the Classes, see your class sponsor to sign up for an event. You must get the permission form signed and returned, and the event participation form completed before you can sign up.
Class Sponsors are as follows:
Seniors: Ms. Wells
Juniors: Mrs. Anderson
Sophomores: Ms. Rabb
Freshmen: Mrs. Matthews
Tickets sales, for those wishing to watch the Battle of the Classes, will go on sale, during your lunch period, starting Thursday, May 11th. Tickets are $5.00 each and will NOT be sold at the door.
Spring Spirit Week
Monday, May 15 - TINY LIE or TIE DYE DAY
Wear white shirts with tiny lies on them. See if your friends can figure out if you're telling the truth or not (see online for ideas). Otherwise, students can also wear tie dye from head to toe. School Dress Code applies.
Blast from the Past! You can dress from any era in history or from your own personal past.
School Dress Code applies.
Wednesday, May 17 - CAREER DAY
Wear career attire, career costume, and/or career items
example: Police hat, Fireman hat, stethoscope
School Dress Code applies.
Thursday, May 18 - CLASS COLOR DAY (for the Battle of the Classes)
Seniors: White
Juniors: Blue
Sophomores: Yellow/Gold
Freshman: Black
Wear College Merch to honor and celebrate the Seniors last day!
College and Career
Class of 2023
The senior class has raised over 19.3 million dollars in scholarship money. Congratulations to the class of 2023! Please continue to share your college acceptances with Ms. Morton in the Career Center. Seniors', continue to check your emails from Ms. Morton for scholarship Information. Several local organizations have provided opportunities for you to attend college, vocational or trade school. Seniors planning on attending the College of Southern Maryland in the fall, please see Ms. Morton or send her an email, as soon as possible, so she can schedule the College Advising Sessions that will take place on May 11.
Senior Exit Survey - Due to Ms. Morton by May 9, 2023. The information is for the graduation program, scholarships and awards received. Post-Secondary plans needed.
Senior Awards Night
Senior Awards Night is Tuesday, May 31, 2023, at 6:00pm, by INVITATION ONLY.
Seniors, you will get your invitation during graduation practice, Tuesday, May 30th. Dress code will be Cap and Gown.
Class of 2024
June 3 SAT Registration, deadline is May 4, 2023
Senior Activities
Week of May 8-12
CCPS issued Laptops will be turned in, during English class
Monday, May 15
Senior Clearence Forms disbursed through English Class
Friday, May 19
Senior Clearence Forms Due
Tuesday, May 30
Graduation Practice 7:30am – 11:30am (Distribution of Senior Items, Cap & Gown etc.)
Wednesday, May 31
Graduation Practice 7:30am – 11:30am (Dress rehearsal & Panoramic Picture)
Parade of Success 11:30am – 1:00pm
Senior Awards Night 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Thursday, June 1
Graduation Practice 7:30am – 11:30am
Senior Picnic (Football Field) 11:30am – 1:30pm
Friday, June 2
Graduation (Regency Stadium) 9:00am – 10:30am
Senior Dues
Senior dues are overdue, and the total price is $135. If you plan on attending Graduation, you must submit your Senior Dues prior to graduation practice. You can submit your payment by cash, check, or money order to Ms. Lee or Ms. Gowin in the main office. Payments are accepted between the hours of 7:30am – 2:30pm. You can also pay online, by debit or credit card at www.myschoolbucks.com. Money orders and checks are to be made out to Thomas Stone High School, with the student’s name in the memo line. Please speak to Mr. Snow or Mrs. Lee, in the main office, if you have any questions.
The breakdown is as follows:
- Senior T-Shirt $10.00
- Senior Bag $5.00
- Senior Picnic $10.00
- Yard Sign $10.00
- Caps/Gowns/Stoles $55.00
- Awards $25.00
- Stage Decorations $5.00
- Graduation Programs $15.00
Total $135.00
Senior dues cannot be discounted, nor does it include a yearbook. See information below regarding "Yearbooks" if you wish to purchase one.
Senior Clearance Forms
Graduation Practice
Graduation practice will be Tuesday, May 30, Wednesday, May 31, and Thursday, June 1, 2023. Senior Graduation Practice is MANDATORY. If you do not come to all graduation practices, you will not be able to participate in graduation. ONLY Emergencies will be excused. You must speak with Mr. Snow or Mrs. Pearl if you are not able to attend all three practices. All seniors must be seated in the gymnasium by 7:30am each day.
Seniors', you are not permitted to walk the hallways, nor visit teachers and students, while you are in the building for graduation practice. Graduation practice will be from 7:30am to approximately 11:30am each day. You are allowed to ride the school bus to graduation practice, but you are not allowed to stay, until the school day is over, to ride the school bus home. You must have transportation, and leave the school grounds, when graduation practice is over.
Parade of Success
Yearbooks are now on sale for $51.40, which includes tax. Yearbooks can be pre-ordered by creating an account with Treering, using the link and password below. Parents of Seniors, you may also pay for senior recognition ads in the yearbook, if you choose to do so. If you wish to submit your seniors baby picture, and have it included in the yearbook, please send it to Mr. Jaffe at jdewerthjaffe@ccboe.com as a .jpeg or .png file. If students want their books shipped to the school before graduation, they must purchase a book by May 1st. Students may order a book after this date and get it delivered to their home address, but there will be a $5.99 shipping fee.
Purchase Link: https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1016484887994993
School Passcode: 1016484887994993
Submit all attendance notes via email or in-person to Ms. Foxx within three days of the absence. There is an attendance box located outside of the attendance office. Ms. Foxx is unable to accept attendance emails or phone calls from students. Late arriving students must check in with the attendance office. Only a parent/legal guardian may sign a student out for early dismissal at the Attendance Office. 2:00 PM is the cutoff time for Early Dismissal. Please send all attendance correspondence directly from your email account to jfoxx@ccboe.com or give her a call at the school if you have questions. All information concerning the county’s policies on absences is found on pg. 6 of the CCBOE Parent/Student Handbook.
Headphones via Key Club
Do you have wired headphones for testing? Never fear! The TSHS Key Club has you covered. They are selling earbuds for $1 that will work for your testing needs. Earbuds are sold in the morning outside of the cafeteria on testing mornings, Room 309 (Ms. Hopper) or Room 107 (Ms. Hatch). Make sure you get yours before they sell out!
Students, please note that devices need regular updating to ensure that all software continues to work and to receive the latest security patches from Microsoft. Please check for Windows Updates every Tuesday evening (or as soon after as possible). This can prevent many problems, especially during testing sessions.
During the summer months, students will keep their CCPS issued laptop unless they are transferring schools, in and out of the county. If your student will be leaving TSHS, you will need to return your CCPS issued laptop and charger prior to being withdrawn.
During the week of May 8-12, Seniors will be turning in their laptops, during English class. Start preparing your laptops to be returned to TSHS. If there is anything that you would like to keep, off of your OneDrive or computer, please download and save to a personal thumb drive. Seniors', your OneDrive will be unavailable to you after graduation.
Dates to Remember
May 1 - Interim Reports posted for Seniors
May 5 - 2hr Early Dismissal for Students
May 8 - Interim Reports posted for Underclassmen
May 8 - 12 Teachers Appreciation Week
May 9 - Board Meeting 1:00pm, Public Forum 6:00pm
May 9 - National Teacher Appreciation Day
May 10 - School Nurse Day
May 14 - Mother's Day
May 18 - 2hr Early Dismissal for Students
May 18 - Battle of the Classes
May 19 - Last day for Seniors
May 29 - Memorial Day (Schools/Offices closed)
May 30 - Senior Graduation Practice
May 31 - Senior Graduation Practice
May 31 - Senior Awards Night
June 1 - Senior Graduation Practice
June 2 - TSHS Graduation for the Class of 2023
We Can Help
9th - Mr. Green mailto:jgreen@ccboe.com
10th - Ms. Werkheiser mailto:cwerkheiser@ccboe.com
11th - Dr. Bateman mailto:jbateman@ccboe.com
12th - Mr. Snow mailto:bsnow@ccboe.com
Instructional AP - Mr. Lamb mailto:dlamb@ccboe.com
9th - Ms. Prade mailto:aprado@ccboe.com
10th - Ms. Jarmon mailto:tjarmon@ccboe.com
11th - Ms. Salopek mailto:gsalopek@ccboe.com
12th - Ms. Ransom mailto:hransom@ccboe.com
Thomas Stone High School
Website: https://stone.ccboe.com/
Location: 3785 Leonardtown Road, Waldorf, MD, USA
Phone: (301)753-1756
Twitter: @CougarsTSHS