At the Creek....
February 10, 2023
Coming Soon:
February 13th-ALICE drill-see below
February 14th-Happy Valentines Day!!!
February 15 Lottery Opens
February 15th-Spelling Bee 2:00pm
February 17th-Winter Fun Day 5:00-6:30pm
February 22nd, 23rd and 24th-Full instructional days for students-No Parent Teacher conferences
February 22nd and 23rd-Luncheon for staff provided by the PTA-see below
February 28th-4:00-8:30-Dine to Donate at Texas Roadhouse
March 6th-9th-Science Fair-See below
March 9th-End of Third quarter
March 10th-Grading day-Inservice day for students
March 11--19th-Spring Break
Hello Rabbit Creek families,
The snow outside has made for great cross country skiing in PE and fun recess times too. It's deep out in our field area and comes up to the waists of some of our fifth and sixth grade students. We are still hoping to add a couple of extra noon supervisors to our team-might you be available? If so, please search for South High Area School Based Temporary positions.
Speaking of the playground, I would like to ask families to help us in talking with students about our school rule of keeping one's hands and feet to ourselves. We are seeing students, many of them boys, who are "just playing" but are pushing, shoving, tackling, throwing one another down and more during recess. As you can imagine, what starts as "just playing" can quickly become a big problem and we do not want anyone to get hurt. We speak of school rules multiple times a week on our announcements, in classrooms and throughout the building. Your help would be an additional reminder and would be appreciated!
As you know, there are not parent teacher conferences this month as we need to use those days to make up for those missed in December due to snow. Although there are not scheduled opportunities to meet with teachers, families are encouraged to reach out to staff to ask questions about student progress. Parent Connect through our Q system is a fabulous way for parents to keep up to date on grades-see https://www.asdk12.org/domain/1697 to sign up or see your child's information.
Have a great pre-Valentines weekend,
Ms Peterson
Upcoming ALICE drill
I will make an announcement to our school letting them know that we will be doing a DRILL to practice staying safe in school. I'll talk about how we do earthquake drills and fire drills as our way of practicing what to do in an emergency and how this drill will be the same. I will speak to them about the necessary actions of locking doors, turning off lights and remaining quiet until there is information that the drill has been completed. I will then make the announcement that our drill is beginning and we will take the time for staff to complete the steps with their classes.
You will find ASD's ALICE flyer below for your viewing. This notification is to allow families a chance to talk with children prior to our drill to increase their ability to feel comfortable. The goal is always practicing what to do in an emergency to enable us to be as prepared as possible. Please reach out to our staff if you have questions.
Science Fair is Coming Soon!!
Projects need to be dropped off at school on Monday, March 6th, with judging to happen starting that day as well. The rest of the week's schedule looks as follows:
Monday-project drop off 8:00-9:00am
Monday-Judging begins
Tuesday and Wednesday-class viewing
Wednesday-5:30-7:30pm community viewing
Thursday-Project pick up 3:30-4:30
Congratulations to our Battle of The Book 4th place team!!
The Question Crushers, with team members Elianna Bailey, Madi Davis and Colton Flowers, finished in 4th place at this year's Battle! Way to go!!
Congratulations to all of our Battle of the Books students!!
Rabbit Creek Preschool Open House!!
Rabbit Creek Preschool is holding a Registration Open House Thursday, February 16th from 6-7pm.
Come tour the classroom, meet the teachers and register for next year!
*Rabbit Creek Preschool is located in Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church 1612 Oceanview Dr 99515
Check out our website for more information: Rabbitcreekpreschool.com
PTA Information
Staff Luncheon
Winter Fun Day is just 2 weeks away! We still need a number of volunteers to help out with set up/clean up and the various stations. If you have 45 minutes to spare that night we'd love the help. Sign-up is below.
Winter Fun Day: 2/17, 5-6:30 p.m.
Join us on the blacktop/playground/field for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, games, hot chocolate, and snacks!
All equipment will be provided, but consider bringing a helmet for skiing/sledding. This is a family event; students must be accompanied by an adult.
From Your PTA
Hello Rabbit Creek Families,
Love is in the air, as Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching.
I hope you enjoy the beautiful snow that keeps falling down. Our skiing season is still alive and well.
PTA wanted to give a big thank you to Mrs. Barnes for all of her help in The Battle of the Books. Rabbit Creek did an amazing job!
There are so many fun activities coming up at Rabbit Creek Elementary.
This Friday please wear your favorite sports shirt or jersey as the Student Council is hosting a spirit day.
How do you spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? The Spelling Bee is next week, February 15th. Good luck to all of the RC students!
The Winter Fun Day will be held on February 17th from 5-7pm. We are in need of volunteers for the event. Please sign up on the RC PTA Facebook page.
We need your help! The PTA is hosting our annual Teacher Luncheon on February 22-23rd and we need parents to bring in foods and beverages for the teachers. Please check out the RC PTA Facebook page to sign up.
Our biannual Dine to Donate night at Texas Roadhouse is coming up at the end of the month on February 28th from 4-830pm. Please mark your calendars for a delicious meal and a 10% donation that RC receives.
PTA is working with teachers to organize some fun after school activities, such as Karate Club, Chess Club and 2 art project days. More information to come on all of these fun activities. If you have any suggestions, please reach out to PTA.
You can still purchase memory books at ybpay.com with the Yearbook ID code of 13268823. The books are $20 each and parents can decide to personalize the book with their child’s school photo on the front, if they wish.
Please join us Tuesday, March 7th in the RC library for our next PTA meeting. To stay up to date with current PTA issues and activities, refer to our PTA website www.rabbitcreekpta.org and our closed PTA Facebook group "Rabbit Creek Elementary PTA".
Your fabulous PTA President,
Kelly Joy Quisenberry
President, Rabbit Creek PTA
president@rabbitcreekpta.orgThe Best School EVER!!
Email: peterson_kristina@asdk12.org
Website: www.asdk12.org/rabbitcreek
Location: 13650 Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907) 742-5700