The Cardinal Connection
Week of Dec. 1st
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity
Dec. 3rd: Step-Team Try-Outs
Dec. 11th: MySchool DC EdFest virtual event, kick-off event for SY22-23 lottery
Dec.13th: SY22-23 My School DC lottery opens
Dec. 14th: Stuart-Hobson Middle School Virtual Open-House@7PM
Dec. 15th: Virtual Principal Chit Chat @6PM
Dec. 23rd-Dec. 31st: DCPS Winter Break for schools
November 29, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am writing to inform you of updates to DC Public Schools’ policy regarding unexcused absences related to COVID-19 and Virtual Learning Program for school year 2021-22. If your student has unexcused absences related to COVID-19 or Virtual Learning Program this school year, please review the information below to determine whether your student's absences are eligible to be excused. If you believe your student to be eligible, you must submit a note to your school’s Attendance Point of Contact for absences to be excused.
COVID-19 Close Contact: You may now submit a note for an excused absence if your student was absent from school because the student, or a member of the student’s household, was determined to be a close contact of a person who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Students whose absences were not previously eligible for excusal for this reason can now have those absences excused.
Virtual Learning Program Expansion: If your student is approved for virtual learning under new requirements set by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), their previous absences related to COVID-19 can also be excused.
Please complete and submit the excuse note provided below if your child has been absent from school this school year due to one of the following reasons:
1. Your child or a member of your household was determined to be a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19; or
2. Your child has recently been approved for the Virtual Learning Program and has had COVID-related absences between the start of school and November 30, 2021.
Notes must be submitted via email, text, or hand-delivery to your child’s school on or before December 17, 2021, so that your child’s absence can be recorded as excused. For the rest of this school year, please submit excuse notes to your school within five days of your child’s return to school from an absence. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Stephenson at Talisa.sutton-stephenson@k12.dc.gov or on 202 698-4733. Thank you for your timely attention to this matter.
Mitchell V. Brunson
The JOW PTA's Annual Giving Drive Is Underway...
DCPS COVID -19 Vaccinations Nov-Dec 21st
If your student has gotten his/her first vaccination they must return to the same location 21 days later to get the second. If they are getting their first vaccination they can report to the most convenient location listed below. NO APPOINTMENT IS REQUIRED!