Salem Public Schools

Salem Public Schools - Weekly Update
February 2, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Dear SPS families,
Yesterday marked the beginning of Black History Month, which the Salem Public Schools celebrates annually to commemorate the contributions and tremendous impact that African-Americans have made on American history. It also compels us to reflect on our efforts to be an anti-racist school system that strives to create equitable access for all students. We still have work to do to ensure that we all address disproportionality in academic achievement, discipline rates, chronic absenteeism and opportunities to engage with advanced coursework. As part of our core values, we are fiercely committed to ensuring that we are an inclusive community where all members are empowered, engaged and thrive.
As part of this year’s Black History Month, we are taking the month of February to honor the life and work of Charlotte Forten, the first African-American graduate of Salem State University (then the Salem Normal School) and the first African-American educator in Salem Public Schools.
Ms. Forten came to Salem as a teenager from her native Philadelphia to attend Salem’s integrated schools (though Pennsylvania was a free state, schools in Philadelphia were segregated). In her journals, Ms. Forten fondly recalls her years in Salem as some of the best of her life, in which she was an ardent abolitionist, writer and activist for civil rights.
Throughout the month, we’ll delve into Ms. Forten’s legacy in our classrooms as well as our social media pages. We also encourage you to take advantage of the City’s Black History Month events and activities:
Tomorrow (Saturday, Feb. 3), the Salem Human Rights Coalition is hosting a Community Celebration and Flag Raising at Old Town Hall (32 Derby Square). On hand will be artist Ai Qiu Hopen, who’s been commissioned to create the Charlotte Forten Memorial Sculpture to be placed in the park named after Ms. Forten at 289 Derby Street. A speaking program is also scheduled.
From Feb. 19-29, Old Town Hall will house idea boards and other projects by our students. Part of the display will include the terrific essays of our three students – eighth grader Rayan Taku and fifth graders Amaya Hicks, Julian Orrego and Maddisyn Washington – who were the winners of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest.
On Saturday, Feb. 24, the Salem Human Rights Coalition will host a program that highlights the stories of its African-American residents from Salem’s past and present. The presentation includes live interpretations on the life and writings of Ms. Forten and why her legacy needs to be preserved.
Each of these events are free and open to the public. We hope you take advantage of them and take time to reflect on the significance of Black History Month.
Happy Groundhogs’ Day! Have a wonderful weekend!
And the rockstar award winner is.....
At Salem Public Schools, we are recognizing one staff member a week who exemplifies our core values of celebrating differences, facilitating collaboration, fostering innovation, creating equity and access, growing all students, and upholding high standards for all. We are surprising a deserving SPS team member with a rock star trophy.
This week's rockstar is Nicole Ryan, building-based substitute at Carlton Elementary School. Ms. Ryan has been an amazing addition to the school and to the overall Carlton community. She has gone out of her way to form relationships with students and staff which helps tremendously with the transition when a teacher/staff member is out for the day. Ms. Ryan is always flexible, reliable, student-centered and is consistently positive. Carlton is lucky to have her as part of their school family!
- SPS Multilingual Learner Department Awarded $22,000 DESE Grant 189 | Monday, Jan. 29
- The Boston Globe: Learning to Love School: A Blueprint for Engagement | Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024
- Project 351 Ambassador Fiona Brandt a 'Leader Amongst her Peers' at Saltonstall | Friday, Feb. 2
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce its new, free MPY Parenting Solutions Library. MPY is offering the MPY Parenting Solutions Library in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit located in Mansfield, Conn. Through this new partnership, MPY is pleased to offer proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being.
Early Childhood Education Expo Meet & Greet: Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024
SPS Holding Public Onsite Enrollment Opportunities
SPS Family Engagement and Parent Information Center will hold public onsite enrollment opportunities at several locations to help families enroll their children for the 2024-25. The sessions are open to families of students entering pre-K or kindergarten.
Food & Nutritional Services Blog: February Menus Available
Happy February! The February breakfast and lunch menus for all schools along with the SHS dinner menu are now available.
February is an exciting month with a lot to celebrate and great meal options.
February is also American Heart Health month. All meals served throughout the district are whole grain and low sodium, both essential factors to maintaining a healthy heart. Food and Nutrition department will be sharing heart healthy tips and recipes to promote prioritizing heart health.
At its Monday, Jan. 22 meeting, the School Committee voted to approve a revision to the Salem High School/Salem Prep 2023-24 calendar. The professional development half day originally scheduled for May 22 has been moved to May 15 due to a conflict with the state’s MCAS testing schedule (which was released after the calendar was originally created/approved). This applies ONLY to Salem High and Salem Prep. The website has been updated.
Secondly, on Monday, we shared our proposed 2024-25 academic calendars based on input received from the community. You can find them here. The School Committee will be discussing these proposals at the Feb. 5 meeting. NOTE: Carlton Innovation School’s calendar will be drafted once the district’s calendar is approved.
Please send any comments or concerns to Krista Perry, Executive Administrative Assistant to the School Committee and Superintendent at kperry@salemk12.org.
FY25 Budget Forums: Your Input is Welcome
Save the Date: Tuesday, Feb. 13 - Beginner All-City Concert
Attention Grade 6-7-8 Families: CTE Open House Scheduled for Saturday, Mar. 2
Kid Wind Calls upon K-8 students from around the U.S. to create artwork about the theme Beautiful Wind Energy. We want to see the amazing art you can create!
Two winners from each grade (K-8) will receive $200 and the chance to show their work at the annual Cleanpower 2024 conference in Minneapolis, Minn., Mar. 5-8, 2024 alongside the World KidWind Challenge.
Early submissions are encouraged: The first 20 people to submit their art will receive the Electrify Everything Coloring Book or a KidWind Mini Turbine Kit!
Submissions are open from Jan. 3-Mar. 22, 2024
Artwork must be submitted before 12 p.m. Mar. 22, 2024
Find out moreRegistration for Salem's Adult Career Technical Initiative Program is open. Our hands-on, 12-week program is offered at no cost. Building Property Maintenance and Automotive Technology trainings begin Monday, Feb. 26, 2024. Classes are scheduled Monday-Thursday from 5-9 p.m. To enroll, individuals must meet the specified requirements through MassHire. For more information, contact: jstonge@salemk12.org
Join Cartwheel and Erica Greenberg, MD, on Tuesday, Feb. 6 (7-8 p.m.) to learn how OCD and tic disorders present in youth, how symptoms can be impairing (or not), how to seek professional help, and best practices for treatment.
COVID Test Kits Available
Salem Public Schools is pleased to announce the availability of COVID test kits at all our schools' main offices and health offices. If you require a test kit, kindly contact your school nurse or main office to coordinate pickup. It is important to note that we do not have an in-school testing program. In the event of illness, students will be sent home, and families have the option to conduct COVID testing at home. Please refer to our sick-day guidelines on the district website or consult your school nurse before deciding whether to send your child to school. Your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for all is greatly appreciated.
Virtual Backpack
Welcome to the Virtual Backpack. This is a space where we will place items that in the past may have been a flyer in your student's backpack from friends and partners to SPS.
- Pre-K spaces still available for remainder of 2023-24
- Salem Little League Baseball and Softball (Closes Feb. 28)
- Witch City Soccer Spring 2024 Season (Closes Mar. 31)
Dowload the ParentSquare App
A reminder that ParentSquare is the district platform for communication. You will receive communication from the district, your school, and your student's classroom all in one space. You can communicate 1-to-1 with teachers, sign up for parent-teacher conferences, and more.
This is the primary communication platform for all Salem Public Schools. All messages and alerts come through ParentSquare and the app makes 1-to-1 communication with your student's teachers and signing up for guardian/student conferences a breeze. If you are not receiving messages from ParentSquare or if you are having trouble, contact your school's front office. You can visit www.parentsquare.com for more information.