Explore the SAMR Model
and How to Transform your Teaching Using It
What is SAMR?
Read About It
- https://sites.google.com/a/msad60.org/technology-is-learning/samr-model
- http://www.schrockguide.net/samr.html
- http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/06/samr-model-explained-for-teachers.html
- http://brholland.wordpress.com/2014/02/25/in-response-to-redefinition/
- http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/07/samr-ladder-wonderful-graphic-for.html
Think About It
Post your answers to these questions in your own sticky note on this Padlet wall.
SAMR Progression
Making Change Happen
Pick a lesson (activity, center rotation, whole group, something!) and find the lesson plan for it on its current level. Identify which level of SAMR it is.
Now, take it up the SAMR ladder appropriately. Re-write the lesson on a higher level of SAMR. Include what technology (websites/apps/etc) you will use to take it up the ladder.
In a third document, reflect on the process of moving it up the ladder. How did you do it? What did you learn through the process?
Once all three documents are completed, go to www.dropcanvas.com. Click Upload and upload all three documents. Highlight and copy the URL in the black bar at the top of the webpage. Go to this website and enter your last name and your dropcanvas URL. DropCanvas URLs are only live for three days. Do not upload them to the page until the day you submit the URL to me for verification, so I have three days to download them.
Challenge Checklist
- Read the articles.
- Posted a sticky note on the Padlet wall.
- Picked a lesson to transform.
- Transform the lesson up the SAMR ladder.
- Reflect on the process.
- Post 3 documents to DropCanvas on the same day you submit the URL on the form.
We will check all of these above things and check you off for completion! :) How will we know you did it? We receive an email when you post to Padlet and when you submit your URL! ;)