Welcome to the ECC!
WRSD's Early Childhood Center
Our Mission
The ECC is an Inclusion Preschool Program - What does this mean?
By enrolling your child as a 'community peer' in our program, or if your child has been identified as requiring inclusion preschool services, you are becoming a part of our inclusive ECC community! Here are a few things you can expect to find in an inclusion preschool program:
- Teachers work together to provide for the needs of all students.
- Parents, general education and special education teachers, and service providers work together to determine the students’ needs.
- Program practices are research-based and culturally, linguistically, and developmentally appropriate.
- Children have opportunities to work and play with each other throughout the school day.
- There is a focus on the whole child.
- The school provides a welcoming and ongoing relationship with the families, focusing on their needs.
- There is a collaboration and partnership with families and communities.
- The preschool is accountable for the improved outcomes for all students.
What does the research say about Inclusion?
Children with Disabilities:
- Can make significant developmental and learning progress in inclusive settings (Grisham-Brown, Pretti-Frontczak, Hawkins, & Winchell, 2009).
- Experience greater cognitive and communication development than children with disabilities in separate settings (Green, Terry, & Gallagher, 2014; Nahmias, Kase, & Mandell, 2014; Rafferty, Piscitelli, & Boettcher, 2003).
- Are more socially competent than peers in separate settings. They have more social interactions and a larger network of friends (Katz & Mirenda, 2002; Justice, Logan, Lin, & Kaderavek, 2014).
Children without Disabilities:
- Can show positive developmental, social, and attitudinal outcomes in inclusive settings (Diamond & Huang, 2005).
- Are capable of demonstrating greater compassion and empathy, and develop a better understanding of human diversity (Odom, et al., 2004).
- Benefit from the learning and developmental supports provided by teachers skilled in meeting the needs of individual students (Odom, Buysse, & Soukakou, 2011).
- Typically view early childhood inclusion positively (Barton & Smith, 2014).
- Desire friendships between children with special needs and peers who are typically- developing (Strain, 2014).
- Enjoy greater connections with other families and community resources and increased participation in their community (Delaware Health and Human Services, 2013).
What do our Preschoolers Learn?
We also follow the DESE standards for pre-academic readiness. These include exposure and learning expectations in Math; English Language Arts and Literacy; Science and Technology; and History and Social Science. Please see below for some of the standards that we follow here at the ECC.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mental Health Services
The William James INTERFACE Referral Service is a mental health and wellness referral Helpline available Monday through Friday, 9AM -5PM, at 888-244-6843 (toll free). This is a free, confidential referral service for individuals living within the five towns in the Wachusett Region.
Please click here for more information.
Preschool Application and Child Find
It is the responsibility of the WRSD to identify any child who may have a disability. If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's development, please contact us at (508) 829-4766.
Opportunities for Volunteerism - The Friends of the ECC
As a parent or guardian of a child enrolled at the Early Childhood Center, you are considered a Friend. Friends of the ECC is the Parent-Teacher Organization for the Early Childhood Center. It provides a route for parents and guardians to take an active part in their child’s education. The Friends of the ECC’s mission is to support the teachers, therapists, and the principal in accomplishing their primary goal – to provide a positive first school experience for our children. Some of the roles the PTO plays include, but are not limited to;
Assisting with school activities and in the classroom
Purchasing equipment, educational toys, games, materials, etc.
Organizing special events for the children, as well as the entire family
Some of the fun activities sponsored through the Friends of ECC included: Animal Adventures, Pumpernickel Puppets, Family Movie Night, Family Magic Night, Field Day, and the end of year parade and social. We have also provided a holiday lunch and special breakfast for Teacher Appreciation Day to thank the staff for their hard work and extra effort with the children.
Please consider being an active member of our PTO. We provide enrichment programs, materials, and equipment for our students through their fundraising efforts. We are always looking for fresh ideas brought to the table and new friends to be made. With your help we can make our ambitions a reality.
A Tour of the ECC
During the school year, we host enrichment programs and family events - in the past these have included Animal Adventures, Discovery Museum, Pumpernickel Puppets, Yoga, Family Game Night/Pizza Party and a Family Dance Party. We celebrate school-wide by participating in 'spirit week activities' such as 'sports day', 'crazy hair day', ' and 'favorite character day'. Each year, we are fortunate to have our local first responders (fire, ambulance, and police) visit our school. The ECC also encourages outdoor play - we currently have three separate playground spaces, host an annual Field Day event, and participate in the district-wide Special Olympics program!
Additional Resources for Families
The Early Childhood Center
Email: andrea_ostrosky@wrsd.net
Website: wrsd.ecc
Location: 1745 Main Street, Jefferson, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 829-4766
Facebook: facebook.com/the-early-childhood-center