Tarvin Times
Sept. 9, 2021
What a great week of engaged learners! I love visiting classrooms, and students are excited to show me what they are learning. Shout out to the 5th grade for giving us feedback on traditions and events we should start at Tarvin. We will take their input to the leadership team and start making plans.
Together we can keep our students healthy and safe. If your child has a fever (100.0◦F or higher), please keep them home. If they have 2 or more of the following symptoms, please keep them home.
Symptoms include chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, trouble breathing, fatigue, headache, congestion or runny nose, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
We are doing our best here to sanitize, wash hands and keep masks on. Thank you for your assistance in keeping Tarvin safe and healthy.
Together in Learning,
Christy Hilbun
Apex Kickoff: Sept. 13th
Our Apex Fun Run event fundraiser and leadership program begins next week! We love the leadership portion of this program - check out this year’s awesome lessons! Video
More info coming next week!
#ApexLeadershipCo #ApexAsOne #BuildingLeaders
General PTA Meeting: Sept. 14 at 6:30
Topic: PTA General Meeting
Time: Sep 14, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 582 1698
Passcode: Tarvin
Grade level Newsletters
In order to help cut down the number of emails you receive, grade levels will have their newsletters here.
Early Childhood:Career Fair
Parents, We only have one volunteer signed up to be a presenter at our Career Fair. We need many more volunteers in order to make our Career Fair happen! Please consider sharing a little about your career, and educating our students on the many more career options that they have!
To sign up, please fill out the form below:
Girls Club
Please contact Mrs. DeMoss at lisa.demoss@leanderisd.org or (512) 570-8214 if you would like to sign your daughter up for this group.
I Will Change the World by.... Reflections Program
The Reflections Program encourages children to find their own voice through various mediums of artistic expression. With this year's theme, "I Will Change The World By...", students are encouraged to make their message clear through dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Entry forms will be available in the front office and the Tarvin PTA Facebook page. All entries must be turned in no later than October 31. Students can turn in their projects, with their registration form to our Reflections submission bin in the community room or by email to tarvinptaarts@gmail.com. All entries will be reviewed in November and selected projects will be advanced to the regional level of judging. Questions? Contact tarvinptaarts@gmail.com. For more information: click here.
Important Dates
Sept. 13th: Apex Kickoff
Sept. 14th: General PTA Meeting 6:30 PM see Zoom information above.
Sept. 15th: Early Release at 1:25 PM
- Progress reports go home
Sept. 22nd: Picture day
- Early release 1:25 PM
Sept. 24th: Apex Fun Run
Sept. 29th: Early Release 1:25 PM
Oct. 4th: Tarvin Spirit Night at the Grove
Oct. 6th: Early Release: 1:25 PM
Oct. 8th: End of the 1st Nine Weeks
Nancy Tarvin Elementary School
Email: Christine.hilbun@leanderisd.org
Website: https://tarvin.leanderisd.org/
Location: 1280 Logan Del Way, Leander, TX 78641
Phone: 512-570-8200
Facebook: facebook.com/TarvinElementarySchool
Twitter: @TarvinES