Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
November Event Calendar
November 1 - Parent Connections Group
November 8 - Parent Connections Group
November 8- Early Head Start/Parents As Teachers Socialization
November 15 - Parent Connections Group
November 15 - Policy Council Meeting
November 17 - Parent Meeting
November 23-25 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
November 29 - Parent Connections Group
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Wednesday and Friday
7:50 am
11:45 am
Letter from the Principal
It's November and that means our 1st Semester at school is rapidly coming to a close. Your students are showing so much progress and it will only improve as we head into January.
I would like to give a shout out to our Family Advocates and Home Visitors for the hard work that they have done recruiting during the month of November. If you know any families with students between the ages of 0-5 that may need services, please don't hesitate to have them call 620-371-1220 and inquire with our Office!
Please consider attending our Parent Meeting on November 17th as our staff has put together several great booths to promote Literacy.
As the weather get's colder--please remember to insure your child is dressed warmly for the transition form outside to school. It is hard for little people when the weather is bad.
We will be off for Thanksgiving Break November 23rd to the 25th. We hope that every BBEC family has a great Thanksgiving!
Arthur Barker
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center/Sunnyside Pre-K
We still have spots for qualifying children!
Come and participate in a number of activities! Bring your father, uncle, big brother, family friend, grandfather, or male role model to spend time creating and having fun! Receive a book!
Thursday, Nov 17, 2022, 05:00 PM
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center Gym
Contact Valerie Gastelum at 620-371-1220 or gastelum.valerie@usd443.org
The October Policy Council meeting took place on October 18th. Policy Council members voted to approve the following:
Information Memoranda from Head Start
Preliminary Budget
Classroom Design for 23-24
Community Assessment Questions
The next Policy Council meeting will take place on November 15th at 11:30 am. If you are interested in being a part of Policy Council, please contact your teacher or advocate. Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
A Note From Miss Melyssa
What a joy it has been to get to know your children in their classrooms, at arrival and dismissal and the many other ways we get to enjoy school together!
As the Holidays approach and changes in experiences happen, I want to share a tidbit on ways share in the excitement and keep doing their best learning at home and school. Routines and schedules are a sure way for all of us to go through our day. Keep a consistent awake and get ready, mealtimes, and bedtime routines to bring calm to everyone's day. This allows for when times change a bit or a change in activity occurs for the child to feel confident in safety and connection with family. Add some pictures in drawings or photos to allow children to access them best! These schedules are used at school as well.
Next, add a connection with your child that allows them to count on the relationships at home and school. This can be a fun handshake, hug, song, rhyme or "I love you ritual". Adding these in at transition times of drop off at school, pick up from school/childcare and while waiting during errands will give the message; "we are in this together". This positive attention may decrease other behaviors that children will use to gain attention from the adults around them.
Keep doing the "good stuff" with your kiddos and I hope these little tidbits allow us to shift a bit and add in a different way to learn with children.
We continue these topics and discussions at Parent Connection Groups. These follow the Conscious Discipline Mindset and strategies to share with school and home families. Come and meet with other parents, do some make it take it activities with your child(ren) and learn together. See more info in the flyer included in this newsletter and in Talking Points.
Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Wishing you Well! ~Miss Melyssa
We know attendance is important for your child's education! But if your child is sick, please keep them home so we do not spread germs to other children. If your child has one of the following symptoms, please keep them home until they are symptom free without medication for 24 hours.
Difficulty breathing or untreated wheezing
Severe congestion
Diarrhea (more than once)
Discharge from the eyes
Untreated lice
An unexplained rash
An oral temperature over 100 degrees
Please be sure to call the office at 620-371-1220 if your child will be absent.
Bright Beginnings Childcare
Children in one of our toddler classrooms were working with sensory bags to develop fine motor skills. They had a lot of fun participating in this activity.
Early Head Start
Masks will be optional for all students and staff. Sanitizing stations will be available in high traffic areas.
Please click here for any updated information.