Hornet Herald
August 27, 2023
Hello Hornet Families!!!
It was another strong showing from our Hornets this past week. Students are quickly acclimating themselves to campus, the locations of their classes, and our campus' expectations. Staff will continue being present in the hallways to remind students of these expectations and encouraging them to get to class on time. Teachers will begin counting students tardy if they arrive after the tardy bell, this week. Please encourage your student to Keep to the right, Move with purpose, and Show respect when walking through the hallways.
Administrators have been intentional about spending time in classrooms observing lessons and student engagement. We are proud of the work of our teachers in shifting their lessons to make up for students not having access to chromebooks but still creating engaging activities. Thanks to Ms. Williams, our librarian, we were able to distribute chromebooks earlier than we anticipated. If your student was absent this past Friday or they did not receive their district assigned chromebook, please have them visit Ms. Williams in the library.
This last week of August will be busy at the HIVE. We have our Fall pictures on Wednesday and Thursday, a volleyball match Thursday evening, and Back to School night Wednesday evening. We hope you all are able to attend, to engage with your student's teachers, and learn more about what they will learn this school year. More information about these and other events are below.
Happy Reading,
Mr. Estes
Campus Information
Upcoming Dates
- August 30 - Back to School Night - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
- August 30 - Picture Day
- August 31 - Volleyball vs. Murchison
- August 31 - Picture Day
- September 4 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
- September 6 - Football vs. Small
- September 7 - Volleyball vs. Gorzycki
- September 12 - Football vs. Murchison
- September 14 - Volleyball vs. Lamar
- October 3 - Band Concert @ Huston-Tillotson
From Ms. Morgan: A Stinger Salute to……Nico Canizares has shown remarkable respect by addressing sensitive topics with mature and amazing insight.
From Ms. Morgan & Ms. Payan: Elise Castano is incredibly loyal to her educational pursuits and shares her passion for reading and writing to help inspire others.
From Ms. Payan: Nick Rinehart consistently shows up to class ready to learn and adds insight and thoughtfulness to class conversations.
From Ms. Randolph: Avan Bollich is deserving of a Stinger Salute for constantly modeling expectations for peers, working hard every class, for being polite and helpful to teachers and peers, and for having a great attitude and positive energy!
From Ms. Tasneem: A Stinger Salute to Hannah Kestner for consistenly showing up with a smile on the volleyball court and in the classroom. She has a great attitude, positive energy, and motivates us to "Thrive in the Hive"
CONGRATULATIONS to this week's Stinger Salute recipients!!!
Those who test positive will need to stay home and report their case by calling the school’s front office and asking for the COVID-19 designee.
After testing positive, you need to wait five days before returning to school (the day you tested positive is Day 0). Anyone who tested positive will need markedly improved symptoms and to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning.
Students or staff who return to campus on the sixth day after a positive result will be required to mask for five more calendar day.
- MATH - August 30 - September 7
- Reading - September 8 - September 15
Data from this assessment will allow teachers and staff to determine what supports students could benefit from, ensure students are properly placed, and measure the growth our Hornets make this academic year. Please make sure your student is present to participate in the Beginning of the Year MAP assessment.
Last year’s free or reduced-price status will expire on September 26 and students will return to a full paid status unless their families either complete a meal application or they are approved for state funded meal benefits. We ask that you apply for benefits for this school year as soon as possible so there is not an interruption to your student's lunch status.
- Families may apply for state funded benefits, such as SNAP, at www.yourtexasbenefits.com.
- Families may apply for district level meal benefits at www.SchoolCafe.com/AustinISD or by submitting a paper application.
Campus Advisory Councils are committees of parents, students, business and community representatives, teachers, principals, and other campus staff. Specific functions of CACs include providing review and comment on:
- Campus Educational Program
- Campus Performance
- Campus Improvement Plan
- Campus Staff Development Plan
- Campus-Level Waiver Requests to the State
- Campus Budget
Interested in serving on this council? Complete the application below.
LPAC parent needed: Attention parents of English Language Learners
We need parent volunteers to be willing to be on a committee where we will determine the best educational choices for our students
You can participate via Zoom or over the phone.
Please reach out to Ms. Ronda Jones for more information, ronda.jones@austinisd.org
In last week's Hornet Herald we shared some of the meals Chef Gloria and her Culinary Arts class were preparing. Students made buttermilk biscuits, flour tortillas, and Gordon Ramsey's scrambled eggs with mushrooms and vinegar tomatoes and with sourdough bread.
I can't eat eggs, but I must say, the tortillas were scrumptious.
Chef Gloria providing instructions.
Sourdough Bread topped w/scrambled eggs, mushrooms, and vinegar tomatoes.
Homemade Tortillas
This year, we will have a green screen that allows you to choose the background for your student. Please make sure your student does not wear green as it will disappear in the background.
You can preview, personalize, and pay by visiting jostenspix.com
Kealing Connects is a community engagement initiative, created by teachers, administrators, and the PTA to provide positive support for Kealing students. The goal is to continue to promote a culture of respect and increase well-being on campus. We are seeking volunteers to care, connect and have a consistent and positive presence at Kealing Middle School.
Some of the ways you can support the school community, as a volunteer, are:
- Greeting and getting to know students in the hall
- Encouraging students to arrive to class on time
- Monitoring the courtyard and cafeteria during lunches
- Tutoring in small groups
- Engaging in one-on-one mentoring
- Playing games/sports together and participating in other positive relationship-building interactions
After we gather interest, we will match your availability and coordinate shifts. Volunteers are also required to complete a background check through Austin Partners in Education and attend a one-hour orientation session with Kealing staff (offered monthly).
Please fill out the survey below so we can take the next steps to prepare you for your time at Kealing Middle School. Our first orientation session is scheduled for Tuesday, August 29th at 8am.
A SHAC is a school board appointed advisory group of individuals who represent different segments of the community. By law, a majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district.
The AISD SHAC is made up of parents, community members, students, and school staff working together to improve the health of all students and families through coordinated school health programs. Texas law requires all school districts to have a SHAC. Learn more about SHAC Bylaws.
The AISD School Health Advisory Council meets on a Wednesday of every month, with the exception of July and August, from 6:00–7:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held on September 20, 2023, and the focus will be on Food Services & Nutrition.
The Austin ISD Student Success Guide (Student Code of Conduct) is now available on the Austin ISD District website for students, parents, and guardians to review. One important legislative update is that ALL e-cigarettes (THC and Tobacco) are prohibited. House Bill 114 requires a student to be placed in the District Alternative Education Program (DAEP) if the student possesses, uses, is under the influence, sells, gives, or delivers marijuana, THC, or an e-cigarette (new) while on campus, within 300 feet of school property, or at a school-related event. Under Austin ISD guidelines, this is a 20-day DAEP placement. Parents and guardians are strongly urged to talk to their students about this new policy and review the Student Success Guide to help keep our schools safe for students and staff. For resources to use when talking with your student about the harmful effects of e-cigarettes visit https://e-cigarettes.surgeongeneral.gov/.
More information on immunizations requirements and/or exemption forms can be found by visiting AISD's Health Services and Nursing website.
Good luck this week against Murchison
To nominate one of our outstanding teachers or learn more about this exciting opportunity, please visit the Holdsworth Center website.
Austin ISD Advanced Academics Department is offering free family virtual workshop next week, on Raising Critical Thinkers. Soon you will have the opportunity to nominate your student for the GT program.
I am your GT Coordinator so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, RoLanda Williams, rolanda.williams@austinisd.org.
August 29, 6:00 PM: Virtual Family Workshop – Raising Critical Thinkers, hosted by ThinkLaw and AustinISD Advanced Academics (Option 1)
August 30, 12:00 PM: Virtual Family Workshop – Raising Critical Thinkers, hosted by ThinkLaw and AustinISD Advanced Academics (Option 2)
This workshop is recommended for ALL families, not just families of GT learners.
Meet Anshu. Anshu is a sixth-grade student who has been playing racquetball for 3 years now. This past June, he represented Texas at the Junior National Racquetball tournament held in Pleasanton California. Anshu placed 4th in his age group at the national tournament.
Online Kealing Sprit Wear orders can be placed HERE. Our first on-campus sales days will be the first Thursday and Friday of the month - September 7 & 8 in the cafeteria during all lunch periods. All online orders can be picked up by students at that time. We also offer delivery to door for $5 and free adult pickup for online orders. See the order form for details.