Eccles Friday News
Below are some school highlights for you to be aware of...
A Note from Mr. McKean
Greetings Eccles Community!
Thank you to all of you that attended Meet & Greet last night. It was wonderful connecting with all of you again!
We are looking forward to the start of school next week. If you have questions, please review the information below. If you still have questions you may email us at
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. McKean
School Hours/Late Start
School hours for students will be 9am-3:30pm Monday through Friday with the exception of Wednesday. Wednesday ‘late start’ will be reinstated this year and school will be from 10am-3:30 pm for all students.
- Students may arrive in the morning no earlier than 8:45am on Mo/Tu/Th/Fr.
- Students may arrive in the morning no earlier than 9:45am on Wednesday.
- Students planning to eat breakfast should arrive by 8:45am. (9:45am on Wednesday)
The arrival process will be the same as this past Spring. We will provide maps at Meet & Greet that will help show the following locations.
- A drop-off car line will run through our West parking lot.
- Buses will drop off in front of the school.
- K-1st grade students will enter our front doors.
- 2nd-3rd grade students will enter the back doors at the NE corner of the building.
- 4th-6th grade students will enter at the NW corner of the building by the gazeboes.
- Parents will not be permitted to walk students to class to begin the school year.
- Staff will greet students and do a quick visual screen at each entrance.
The dismissal process will be the same as this past Spring. Parents picking up students are strongly encouraged to use the car-line for this process if able.
- A pick-up car line will run through our West parking lot.
- Students whose parents walk up to the school for pick up will be available at the NE corner of the building.
Mask Wearing at School
All students and staff without a qualifying medical exemption are currently required to wear a mask while at school. Masks are required to be worn on buses but will not be required in outdoor settings such as recess. We will have a limited number of masks available to students that arrive without one.
Volunteers at School
While we will be able to once again have parents/guardians volunteer at the school, we will be moving forward slowly with this practice.
- Volunteers will be permitted at a rate of one volunteer per space per day.
- This must be pre-arranged with the teacher and/or specialist that you are assisting.
- Volunteering will not begin until October 1st.
- All new volunteers must be registered and pass a background check. (Link below)
- Existing volunteers who have had their volunteer status lapse will receive an email on how to re-register.
- All volunteers are required to wear masks when inside the building.
- All volunteers must sign in and out upon entry and exit of the school building.
Meals at School
School lunch and breakfast will be free for all students through the end of the 21-22 school year. We are asking all parents to complete a free/reduced lunch application (linked below) no matter your family’s income level. These applications are not only associated with free hot lunch for the year but are also tied to other federal benefits such as EBT cards for students.
- Lunch & breakfast will resume in the cafeteria this year.
- Students will be distanced at 3 foot intervals.
- Only one grade level will eat lunch at a time.
Class Placement
Teacher assignments have been finalized and were available to you on Wednesday, 8/18.
Many of you were able to log in to ParentVue to see your child's teacher for this year. If you are experiencing any difficulty with ParentVue or if you still need an activation code, please email us at
School Supplies
Please plan on sending your child’s supplies with him/her on the first day of school. To see the list of supplies needed, click the link below.
Playground Update
Our playground, unfortunately, is another story…
Significant delays in the arrival of our playground equipment means that our new playground will not be installed and ready for use by the start of the school year. While this is disappointing, the silver lining is that we will be able to hold a ribbon cutting for students shortly after school starts and they will no doubt have the added excitement from being the first to set foot on the new equipment. In the meantime, we will come up with some fun outside activities to occupy our students during their recess times.