Week at Windsor 4.6.20
Looking back and ahead at Windsor news and happenings...
Dear Windsor Families,
It is difficult to believe we are into the month of April!
Thank you to all who were able to participate in our virtual Spirit Week. It was fun to catch some different glimpses of staff and students alike!
Today, Monday 4/6, marks Day 10 of our Windsor At Home/Remote Learning Plan. Our plans will continue to now be posted on our Windsor web page under Families. Teachers are finalizing Days 11-13 plans, which will be Tuesday-Thursday of this week. We will be sending them out to families as soon as possible. We've provided more information regarding at home/remote learning below.
Please keep reaching out to us or to your child's teacher, if you need anything this week. We are here to help and do all that we can to support you.
As a reminder, there is no "school" for students on Friday 4/10 this week or Monday 4/13 of next week.
Warmest regards,
Piper Boston, Principal @PrincipalBoston
Lindsay Anastacio, Assistant Principal @lindzana
Remote Learning Days 11-13
Dr. Bein sent this letter to families on Friday, April 3, 2020. We are so pleased that as a district and a school we have been offering at home/remote learning opportunities since the start of closings. As a reminder, Days 1-5 were planned by our district-level coordinators so that students had learning opportunities right away when we closed.
Our Windsor team has planned Days 6-13. We will email before or by Tuesday morning at 8:45 AM for the next learning plan. You will continue to see a mixture of classroom-related review and instruction. All teachers have been exploring additional ways to connect with their students in different ways and through different learning platforms.
Having just received updated state guidance this past week, our district teachers and administrators have been meeting to plan even more for the long term. This means that learning Days 14 beyond may still look different. You will continue to see our remote learning plans evolve. Thank you for your ongoing understanding, support, and partnership!
Arlington Heights School District 25 Food Service Program
Day: Every Wednesday
Time: 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm
Where: South Middle School (400 S. Highland Avenue)
Thomas Middle School (1430 N. Belmont Avenue)
Who: Any family with a student 18 years or younger is eligible to come pick up meals.
District 25 COVID-19 Resources Page
ABC/25 Get Burbed!
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the unique impact and uncertainty it continues to pose to our community, we have made the decision, with the support of Superintendent Dr. Lori Bein, to cancel the ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge. This was a difficult decision to make but the safety and well-being of our race participants, volunteers, staff, and spectators is always a top priority.
The ABC/25 Foundation still needs your support in order to fully fund teacher grants in the upcoming school year. There are three ways you can still help. Every dollar earned goes directly back into our schools to bring students projects and programs that foster innovation and creativity.
- Register as a virtual runner and run/walk your own 5K or 1 Mile on April 25, 2020! Post a picture on Twitter and tag ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge to show your support! Register here!
- Statefarm Agent, Jennifer Burnidge, will make a $10 donation to the ABC/25 Foundation for every person who completes an insurance quote in the month of April. When calling in for a quote, be sure to mention Quotes for Good and the ABC/25 Foundation for the quote to qualify. Call today! (847) 253-5678
- Make a donation directly to the Foundation. All donations are tax deductible. Click here to donate.
We are already looking forward to the 2021 ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge. Event updates and information are available at abc25challlenge.org and through social media on Facebook, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
In the meantime, we encourage all of our participants, volunteers, event staff, partners and vendors to keep themselves and their loved ones safe and healthy during these unprecedented times.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support!
Check out our Windsor Twitter page for different insights into our school days!
Our Twitter page provides lots of great highlights into each school day and week at Windsor!
Windsor Spirit Week
Our Twitter feed last week featured lots of highlights from our virtual spirit week.
Thank You PTA Windsor Cares!
Our PTA Windsor Cares Committee and many parents/families donated and collected puzzles, games, free-time activity books, etc. to give to different families and households. Half of them were distributed last week. We will be distributing the rest this week. Please feel free to contact Ms. Boston at pboston@sd25.org if you are in need of anything.
COVI19 Communications
Windsor PTA
PTA Reminders & Happenings
UPDATE from 3.25.2020: Due to Gov. Pritzker’s stay at home order, our Bingo Night is cancelled. Thank you for your support and stay healthy!
The Nominating Committee is actively seeking volunteers to serve as PTA officers next school year! The Windsor PTA nominating committee would like to announce the nominations for officers for the 2020-2021 school year:
- To succeed as President – Katy Wendt
- For President Elect – Carolyn Warnement
- To remain as 1st Vice President – Casey Deja
- For 2nd Vice President – Gina Tourtelot
- For Treasurer – Melissa Anderson
- To remain as Secretary – Elyse Coval
Election Info as of 3.22.20: We are still planning to hold the vote on TUESDAY, APRIL 21st @ 7 PM. However, the location is TBD and will be determined closer to that date.
Extraordinary Staff Recognition
If there is a staff member you feel deserves some extraordinary recognition for something he or she has done for our school to make a difference for others, please fill out this form to have this staff member more formally recognized for her or his extraordinary accomplishment.
District 25 Parent-Student Handbook
Wildcat Way and Mission
We value our Windsor community that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, and a growth mindset.
- We believe in a kind, safe and responsible community because our students are important.
- We believe in designing lessons that promote inquiry, academic risk taking, and flexible thinking.
- We believe in supporting cultural, emotional, social, and academic diversity.
- We believe in working collaboratively as a school community for continuous improvement in a trusting environment.