NVHS 2023 - 2024 Newsletter #13
- Did I work as hard as I could?
- Did I earn the grade I'm capable of making?
- Was I able to participate in both my schoolwork and my extra curricular activities?
- What changes should I make to be the most successful I can be?
We ask that students do this self reflection, because we will be doing the same as a faculty. We ask ourselves:
- Did we work as hard as we could?
- Did we give students the opportunity to earn the grade they are capable of making?
- Did we challenge students, but also remember the challenges they have outside of school and help create a healthy balance for them?
- What changes should we make for students to be as successful as possible?
We know that our students are capable of working hard and overcoming obstacles. We also know that we want to provide an environment for students to feel free to come to any of us with their questions or concerns. If you are not concerned with your child's progress or feel you need additional help, please don't hesitate to reach out to any teacher or administrator and we will work together at giving all students the opportunity for success.
How does a new truck sound?
Car raffle
Parent Surveys
Tutoring Begins
Mondays & Wednesdays @ 2:40 - 4:00 - Meet at the office.
Anyone requesting tutoring in other subjects should email Mrs. Denise and she will arrange this for you.
Dress Code reminder
- Color must be solid navy, white, red, gray, or black
- NVHS school issued sweatshirts are allowed.
- No emblems, monograms, or contrasting stitching are allowed except for logos/emblems that are no larger than the size of your school ID.
- Sweatshirts are to be worn over a school uniform shirt.
- If the sweatshirt (or any jacket) has a hood, the hood MUST be removed in the school building upon entrance.
Student Reminders - Things to know
- If you are struggling in a class, YOU can ask a teacher to pull you for intervention.
- Any group wanting to get together for a study session can check with Mrs. Denise and she will arrange to open the school after hours for groups to study or tutor at a time that works for your group.
- We are excited about our new breakfast offerings. Please remember that breakfast is to be eaten in the cafeteria.
- Students are reminded that any lunch detention assigned is to be served the following day. If you do not attend lunch detention, it will automatically be rescheduled as after school detention.
Practice ACT coming soon!
- All sophomores and Juniors will take this test.
- Any senior who would like to take the practice test should email Mrs. Denise to be placed in a group.
- Freshmen will have a virtual learning day this day and will not report to school.
- Seniors will follow a regular schedule and will complete transcript reviews in the morning.
This Week
Next Week
The Louisiana department of Health is partnering with health Acadian Ambulance, Ochsner Lafayette General, Our Lady of Lourdes and the RescYOU Group to host a Public Service Announcement (PSA) Video contest to educate youth throughout Acadiana about the dangers of vaping and opioids. https://ldh.la.gov/news/7142
A few details:
- Youth between the ages of 11 and 18 who reside in one of the seven parishes of Acadiana are invited to submit a short video (between 45-60 seconds) to educate their peers about both of these important issues.
- There are 2 categories for entry: The Dangers of Vaping and The Threat of Opioid Addiction and Overdose.
- Entries may be submitted by individuals or teams for one or both categories.
- Cash and electronic prizes will be awarded. Cash for group entries ($500, $300, $150) and electronic prizes for individual entries (LENEVOR THINKPAD, APPLE IPAD, APPLE AIRPODS)
- The winning PSAs will be aired throughout Acadiana across multiple media platforms.
- The deadline to submit a video is noon on October 31st.