The Eagle's Nest
Volume #69

Dear Walsh Families,
Student attendance at Walsh is improving! Thank you for getting your children to school on time! Every minute counts. We are so appreciative!
This Wednesday is Valentine's Day. Students may wear red, pink or Valentine-themed clothing. Students may bring in treats to share with the class, however, edible treats must be pre-packaged.
Ms. Smith, Principal
Mr. Tucker, Associate Principal
Ms. Chris Smith, Principal
Mr. Robert Tucker, Associate Principal
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, February 14
- Late Start - 8:50 AM
Monday, February19
- President's Day - No School
Wednesday, February 21
- Late Start - 8:50 AM
Wednesday, February 21 (* Date Change)
- School Board Meeting - 7:00 PM at HMS/Graves Multi Purpose Room
Tuesday, February 27
- End of 2nd Trimester
5 Essentials Survey
Help us meet our goal of 20%🙂
Beginning January 30, 2024 students and teachers across Illinois will have an opportunity to participate in the eleventh annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent/guardian, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.
Additionally, your district has chosen to provide the optional supplement parent survey. If at least 20 percent of Walsh's parents/guardians complete this survey, a parent report will also be generated. The parent data will not be included on the State Report Card.
You can learn more about taking the survey by viewing the video below.
Please click below to take the 5 Essentials Survey.
You may have gotten messages similar to the ones pictured below. Walsh has a new attendance communication procedure that notifies parents when their child has been marked absent. You'll get this message for even if you've called your child in, you do not need to call in a second time. You might even get a message congratulating you on a great job of getting your child to school on time!
Walsh remains dedicated to providing your child the best education around. Help us by getting your child to school on time each day.
Erin’s Law Student Presentation-KEEPING OUR KIDS SAFE
The State of Illinois requires schools to educate all students (pre-school through 12th grade) about sexual abuse and assault awareness, Erin’s Law legislation. Information regarding Erin’s Law can be found at: www.erinslaw.org
Summit School District 104 uses age-appropriate lessons to educate students about: safe touch and unsafe touch, safe secrets, and unsafe secrets, and how to get away and tell a trusted adult. The lessons teach children to: recognize child sexual abuse and report abuse.
When: February 13th-March 8th
Presented by: School Social Worker
Where: During your students regularly scheduled social emotional learning lessons.
Please complete the Erin’s Law Permission Slip for
your child to participate by FEBRUARY 12TH.
(Permission Slips will be sent home on January 29, 2024)
January Students of the Month ~ "Caring"
Missing from Picture: Ismael A./2nd Grade
School Treats
Just a reminder, no birthday treats are allowed. Treats are limited to all school celebration parties. Please see school policy if you have any questions.
Please help your child to be responsible for their device!
Fees are:
- Device Sleeve/cover - $10
- Charger - $25
- Touch Screen - $115
- Chromebook Device Replacement Cost - $250/new device; $200/2 years old; $150/3 years old; $100/4 years old (new devices are provided to 1st and 5th grades every year
District 104 App
Having problems with your child's device? Call or email the District Technology Department
District 104 School Board Meetings - 7:00 PM
December 13, 2023 at Graves/HMS Cafeteria ***@7:30***
January 10, 2024 at Walker
February 14, 2024 at the Admin Center
March 13, 2024 at Wharton
April 10, 2024 at the Admin Center
May 8, 2024 at Graves/HMS
June 12, 2024 at the Admin Center
Walsh Elementary School
Email: chsmith@sd104.us
Website: https://www.sd104.us/
Location: 5640 South 75th Avenue, Summit, IL, USA
Phone: 708-458-7165
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summitschooldistrict104/