Greerton Village School Panui
Term 1 - 2023
Principals Word
Kia ora, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakalofa Atu, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Kon'nichiwa, Nǐ hǎo, Namaste, whānau
What a great Term 1 we have had so far, with lots of sunny days, smiling faces and a hum of learning around our kura and in our classes.
We are excited to continue this year full of fun experiences, sporting, cultural, community minded events and celebrations, along with everything in between.
Please check the list of all the upcoming events further down in this newsletter.
Enjoy a happy and safe weekend.
These smiles brought the sunshine into our kura today. We are all happy to be back ❤🌞
Today we celebrated and recognised class leaders 🏅
Whānau Community Hui
A time for our Whanau to explore and wander classrooms and to see what Tamariki have been doing this term.
Also a free sausage sizzle and many whanau vs students games.
Mufti Day
Our kids wore mufti today, and Mr G found a uniform to fit him!
We raised $340.40 to donate to the
Te Tairawhiti fundraising appeal ❤️
Breakfast Club is back,
School Lunches
Celebrating NZ Book Month - March
Celebrating NZ Book Month
1st March = The start of NZ Book Month.
Over the month we will be sharing some fun ideas to encourage reading at home. ❤️ 📖
Thursday 30th March - Book Character Day.
Rugby Muster
Saturday March 18 is your last chance to get along to a Junior Rugby Muster, please ensure you have registered online.
All players need to attend a muster to be weighed in.
Friday 3rd March ✅
Saturday 11th March ✅
Saturday 18th 8.30am -11am ⬅️
Can’t wait to see you all ready for our 2023 season.
Introducing our new Kura Whare Tee Shirts.💚💛💙🤍
These T Shirts represent our four whare/houses and are available in our school office for sale.
All children are in a Whare group:
Ranginui, Papatuanuku, Ika Roa, Nga Whetu
And will be able to wear their t shirt on Whare Fridays instead of their school uniform top.
On these days we will have Whare competitions, that will be lead by our Year 6 Whare leaders.
The shirts are $10.00 each and are subsidised at this price.
The office has a list of your Childs Whare group and T Shirt size
Introducing our Student and House leaders of 2023.
Cara Leighton - Student Leader
Kia Ora my name is Cara and I wear a black shirt and am a student leader. At lunch you can find me on the bottom filed playing football or I might be walking around on duty.
This year as a student leader I want to encourage everyone to participate in school events. I am 10 years old and when I grow up I want to be a teacher aide.
Manea Staladi - Student Leader
Kia Ora ko Mānea ahau. I am a Student Leader and I wear a black shirt. I love to play soccer, netball and more. I am hoping to become a more helpful tuakana and be more known around the school. I will be found on the top field playing on the park.
This year I am looking forward to being in Pasifika group and hopefully being chosen to participate in Kapa Haka. I am also looking forward to camp and sports events.
Peyton Carroll - Student Leader
Taya Brown - Student Leader
Tilly Rayner - Student Leader
Eric Gates - Student Leader
Spencer Taleni - Student Leader
I am often found in my break times on the bottom field or playground playing with my friend, Tytan. I love eating sushi and drinking mountain dew is my favourite.
My favourite subject is reading, especially when I can read Minecraft diary’s. I am very excited to be a 2023 leader because I like looking after others and being a leader in the class and playground.
William McFarlane - Student Leader
Honesty Taikato - Ranginui House Leader
I am involved in Kapa Haka and love to play sport, math's and being outside.
My favourite colour is white and I love chocolate I look forward to being a kind and helpful leader.
Stevie Tongalea - Ika Roa House Leader
Throughout this year I really want to become a better tuakana by leading the teina or help them with anything.
John Pauro - Nga Whetu House Leader
This year I am looking forward to Whare Competitions and being a Year 6 senior student.
If you see me in the playground, come up and say hi!
Soane Moata'ane - Papatuanuku House Leader
Our new GVS Team Members
Welcome to our GVS team Alesha...
Kia ora my name is Alesha. I've been apart of GVS for 8 years.
I have two kids here, Taya Year 6 and Andre Year 4.
My eldest child is also a former student.
I am excited to be a member of the team and I look forward to a busy year.
Welcome to our GVS team Racheal
Kia Ora
Ko Rachael Gates toku ingoa
Ko Ngapuhi toku Iwi
Ko Tuhirangi te Marae.
I am a Teacher Assistant helping out in Whare Manaaki .
I have three children Erik,Emilia and Leonard and have lived in Tauranga for 7 years.
I love music,swimming and being a mum to my beautiful kids.
I am grateful that I get to be a part of our Greerton Village School whānau, don’t hesitate to come say hi or if you need help in any way.
Nga Mihi
Welcome to our GVS team Sione Tupou
Malo ē lelei my name Sione Tupou,
I am fortunate enough to be a new mentor here at Greerton Village Primary school.
A little bit about myself, I am from the tiny little kingdom of Tonga, but I was born and raised in Auckland.
I love to play rugby, love the gym and especially love to eat. I am extremely passionate about my culture and will be helping out with the pasifika children and events. Feel free to come up to me and say hi, malo aupito.
Introducing our new Sports Coordinator. Welcome to the GVS whānau Te Aowera.
Kia ora whānau my name is Te Aowera Moeke and I have been given an awesome opportunity to be a part of the fun and safe environment at GVS.
About myself... I am 20 years old and I enjoy any sport under the sun!
In my own time I dabble in weightlifting and boxing which I absolutely adore.
I hope the kids learn from me and I also hope I can learn from them.
Baby Tea
Today we had a special " Baby tea" for our beautiful Mrs Honey.
Kim is off on maternity leave from today to have a little sister for Lottie next week!
We are thrilled your family is growing and excited to meet your new little girl ❤️ 💕 💕 💕 ❤️
And several weeks later! Our beautiful Mrs Honey has had her beautiful little girl ❤️
Welcome to the world Marlie Honey. Congratulations Kim and Steve and the best big sister Lottie ❤️
Our New 12 Seater Van
from Tauranga SaangYong & LDV
A huge thank you to Erika and Whaea Sophie who wrote an incredible application to get sponsorship from the NZCT New Zealand Community Trust.
Our fundraising at Cherry Blossom got us over the line and remaining funds will be used for Signage and extras.
This is life changing for our school and we are so thankful.
School Uniform
We currently have a lot of different colored clothes creeping into the school, Yellows, Reds, Greens etc..
Our school policy states that all students must wear the correct uniform at all times, unless it is mufti day or dress up day. Please can you ensure your child leaves home in the correct uniform. Student's don't need to be wearing jackets, jerseys and layers of clothes in term 4, it is so hot! Please encourage them to replace these with a sunhat.
Our uniform is the school polo shirt and black bottoms, this is what is expected every day. Please support us in keeping up our school standards.
These tamariki are sunsmart! Remember Term 1 = sunhats
Term Dates
Term 1: Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April
*Waitangi Day – Monday, 6 February School closed
*Good Friday -Friday, 7 April School closed
*Easter Monday 10 April – (Falls within Term One Break)
Term 2: Monday 24 April – Friday 30 June
*ANZAC Day – Tuesday, 25 April School closed
*Teacher Only Day – TBC School closed
Queens Birthday -Monday, 5 June
Matariki Day, 14 July (Falls within Term Two Break) School closed
Term 3: Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
*Teacher Only Day -TBC School closed
Term 4: Monday 9 October – Friday 15 December (school finishes at 12.00 pm)
*Labour Day – Monday, 23 October School closed
School Van
Starting the year with two new sponsors for our school van.
So grateful to Taylor Transport and EIS Electrical Inspection Services for sponsoring. Their support is a game changer for our kura and our kids
We are on the look out for one more sponsor, so spread the word whānau.
Connect with Greerton Village School
Location: 151 Greerton Road, Greerton, Tauranga, New Zealand
Phone: 07 5412350