D41 Announces Full Remote Learning
Full Remote Learning to Start the School Year
Dear District 41 Community, clic para español
At a special meeting of the Board of Education on August 6, the Board voted to begin the school year under a full remote learning plan for all students. Click Here for the presentation to the Board.
All students will attend school remotely, following a standard school schedule. Students would be assigned to a District 41 teacher; will have scheduled daily times for synchronous learning experiences in all subject areas; and will be provided digital resources and assignments that can be completed at home. The total amount of daily instructional time will be five clock hours, attendance will be taken daily and grades will be issued. Remote Learning will not look like eLearning during the mandated closure.
We understand that a full remote learning plan is going to be a challenge for many families who were planning for the blended AM/PM model. These are unique and challenging times for all and each family/staff member has a different set of circumstances. We do hope to transition to the blended model when it is safe and logistically possible to do so. We will work collaboratively with our Pandemic Response Advisory Team, which will include representatives from key D41 organizational partners, in planning for these important decisions. Thank you for your understanding and patience. We too wish we could all be together again in our buildings. #D41Strong
Principals will be in touch with families about how and when class assignments and schedules will be available. They will also share information soon about virtual meet & greets as well as Wildcat Welcome at Hadley.
The first day of school remains Friday, August 21.
Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41