Principal Hearne's Weekly Updates, Highlights, & Reminders
Week of October 11, 2022
Greetings MUSTANG Family!!! Please review this week's updates, highlights, and reminders below:
Positive quote of the Week:
“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
"Mental Health" & then "Instruction" - What's due "Next Week":
(1) At least 1 Self-Care Activity #WePrioritizeMentalHealth
- Go for a walk
- Take 10 deep belly breaths
- Turn up your favorite song
- Watch something funny
#TexansRecoveringTogether: Crisis Counseling Assistance And Training Program
(2) Lesson Planning via Planbook for Week of October 17, 2022:
*Due, October 13, 2022 (See and Implement "Blended Learning Lesson Cycle" with Station Rotations aligned to our Campus Redesign below :-))
*****Emergency Sub Lesson Plans with Activities aligned to the content, are due each Friday by 5:15 p.m. to your Grade Level Administrator. Should not include crossword or word search puzzles, and must be aligned to Daily Content/T.E.K.S./Lesson Focus. This is an expectation, not optional.
***Weekly Lesson Plans ~ Due Every Thursday by 5:15 p.m. Refer to our Instructional Non-negotiables (Located in our Campus LiveBinder). This is an expectation, not optional.
Student Voice & Choice "Must Haves":
- Choice Boards (Great Opportunity to gain Hero Points) or Teacher's Creative way of ensuring student voice and choice during each class period.
- 15-minute rotations (Students should be rotating within each class period, every 15-minutes)
Data Collection "Must Haves"
- Daily Teacher "In-hand Exemplars" with "Laps Named" to "Academically Monitor" our scholars work during the Daily Independent Practice activity, prior to the Daily Exit Ticket
- Daily Exit Tickets ~ "Targeted", "Content-Aligned", and "Meaningful"
Classroom Data Trackers:
Teachers are expected to update their classroom data trackers daily, to reflect each class period's mastery percentages on Daily Exit Tickets. Principal, API & AP's will check classroom data trackers at the end of each instructional week, so please ensure that they are updated.
Student Data Trackers & Goal Setting Sheets:
Teachers are expected to ensure that students' Weekly Data Tracker & Goal Setting Sheet is "assigned" to each student in each class period. This is an expectation, not optional.
This Week's Attire:
- Monday, October 10, 2022 ~ No School
- Tuesday, October 11, 2022 ~ Professional Dress
- Wednesday, October 12, 2022 - "College Gear Day" ~ College Shirt (Jeans and Tennis Shoes Permitted With College Shirt)
- Thursday, October 13, 2022 ~ Professional Dress
- Friday, October 14, 2022 ~ Jeans and tennis shoes are permitted with an MSHS Spirit Shirt, College Shirt, College Fraternity or Sorority Shirt, Teacher/Education Related Shirt, or Military Shirt.
Please know that our leadership team is here to support you in any way that we can. "YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS" please allow us to serve you! #BestTeamInTheWorld #MUSTANGPride
Campus Assessment System:
- Backwards Planning starting with the Assessment begins after the Unit Planning and Teacher Clarity Process
- 3-Week Assessments in Eduphoria
- 6-Week Assessments in Eduphoria
*See your DC/IC for implementation expectations
- Students are NOT to sleep during any minute of your class period.
- Cell Phones should be utilized for INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY or not at all during instruction
Here's to a week of EXCELLENCE!
***All Campus exterior doors must remain locked and closed throughout the entire school day for the safety and security of all scholars and staff! At no point in time, should any doors be propped open for any reason!
Our Campus "Problem of Practice"
IF teachers model how they are able to annotate complex text through: think alouds, teaching academic vocabulary, and guided discourse daily, THEN scholars will be able to analyze and comprehend texts to demonstrate their mastery across all content areas.
How we will address our Campus "Problem of Practice"...
Action Item: Student Information Services ~ Grades in the Gradebook (MANDATORY, NOT OPTIONAL)
All teachers must be entering 2 grades per scholar per class into the grade book each week. If a scholar is missing from a teacher’s gradebook, the teacher must connect with the registrar or counselor to get updates made before progress reports. If there is no teacher with Skyward access for a class, be sure someone is entering the grades into Skyward for progress reports.
Grading period calendars - Secondary Grading Periods
Manor Senior High School Admin Team
Left to Right: Principal ~ Ms. Hearne; API - Ms. Ixba; 11th Grade AP ~ Mr. Henley; 12th Grade AP ~ Ms. Thomas
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: October 1, 2022 - October 31, 2022
September 15, 2022 - October 15, 2022
Who Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?
In just a few short years, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become one of the major leading voices for Hispanic Americans in politics.
Also known by her initials AOC, Ocasio-Cortez was born in 1989 in the Bronx, New York to a Puerto Rican mother and a Bronx-born father of Puerto Rican descent. She excelled through high school after her family moved to the suburbs and was in her second year at Boston College when her dad tragically died of lung cancer in 2008.
After graduating college in 2011, Ocasio-Cortez returned to the Bronx and later campaigned for Senator Bernie Sanders in the 2016 democratic primary. She visited Flint, Michigan, and the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota after the general election, where she attended the Dakota Access Pipeline protests and decided to run for office.
Ocasio-Cortez eventually challenged Democratic incumbent Joe Crowley, the first to do so since 2004, and pulled off a surprise primary win in June 2018. Through a grassroots campaign, she became the youngest person elected into the House of Representatives during the midterm elections that year.
“I’m hoping that this is a beginning,” Ocasio-Cortez said at her victory party in 2018. “That we can continue this organizing and continue what we’ve learned.”
Since her arrival in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez’s vocal support of left-leaning ideas, including co-sponsoring the Green New Deal package to combat climate change, has made her a popular figure in progressive politics. She once again won her primary in June 2020, all but ensuring her return to Congress for a second term after the general election in November.
Retrieved from
#Congratulations #RockStarTeachers #PerfectAttendance #MonthOfSeptember!!!
"Hero of the Week" ~ Ms. Dolz
Manor Senior High School "Teacher of the Month" ~ Coach Allen
Let's Lead The Way for Our Scholars While Empowering Them To Find Their Own Way
Teachers are expected not to allow students to sleep during daily instruction!😉
Bell Schedule
Ongoing Instructional Walkthrough "Look Fors"
*Lesson Framework Prominently Posted for ALL Class Periods!!!
*Implementation of the "Small Group/Blended Learning" Lesson Cycle!!!
Our Instructional Leadership Team will continue conducting classroom walkthroughs. We will pay close attention to teachers "Verbalizing Their Thought Processes" during the explicit teaching portion of the lesson cycle, and when addressing scholar misconceptions to preplanned CFUs (Check for Understanding Questions) aligned to the daily Success Criteria.
We look forward to seeing the awesome teaching and learning taking place in your classrooms!!! We look forward to hearing teachers "Verbalizing Their Thought Processes!"
*Remember to print out your weekly Lesson Plans AND Daily Teacher Exemplars with "Laps Named" from Plan Book, and place them in the yellow folder labeled "Lesson Plans" by your classroom door (posted on the wall).
Always be prepared to discuss:
- Details about your "Do Now" and what you are expecting students to do when they first walk into your classroom at the start of each class period.
- Details about your "Teacher Tasks" and "Student Tasks" and how both the teacher tasks and student are aligned to the content, and will support our scholars in mastering the content.
- Details about your current classroom practices that ensure that learning is being extended for our scholars who complete assigned tasks earlier than their peers.
Be prepared to actively implement: (***Evident in Teacher Actions and Student Actions)
Remember to:
"Verbalize your thought processes" during the explicit teaching portion of the lesson cycle, and when addressing scholar misconceptions to preplanned CFUs (Check for Understanding Questions) aligned to the daily Success Criteria.