St Peter's Primary School
Friday 17 March 2023
Prayer to St Patrick
May the shield of God defend us.
May the host of God guard us against the snares of evil
and the temptations of the world.
May Christ be with us, Christ before us, Christ in us, Christ over us.
May your salvation, O Lord, be always ours this day and forevermore.
Message from the Principal
LENT - Project Compassion will continue throughout the season of Lent with each class having their own Project Compassion box. Project Compassion aims to work towards making the lives of others better around the world. Families at St Peter’s are encouraged to donate to Project Compassion over the period of Lent. For further information about Project Compassion, please visit the Caritas website - www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion
HARMONY WEEK - In 2023, Harmony Week is celebrated from 20-26 March. Harmony Week is thecelebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values. Our school will celebrate Harmony Week with a variety of activities on Tuesday 21 March. Students are also encouraged to dress in their school uniform with orange accessories on the day. As a multicultural school, it is important to celebrate our diversity.
STAFFING - Mr Paul Brennan has decided to extend his leave for the remainder of Term One. Paul is enjoying spending time with his elderly Mother as well as with the rest of his extended family. I would like to thank all the staff that have taken on additional duties in Paul’s absence.
DAD'S HAIR CARE NIGHT - Last Friday saw our dads learn a few new skills in the hair department. 60 dads learnt how to braid, fish plait and all other tricks with the help of some trusty and knowledgeable ladies! A huge thank you to Matt Nettleton and Dave Dawes for organising the evening and to Hannah Beacon, Fiona Colli, Tanya Dawes, Grace Davis,
Abigail Properjohn and Sienna Colli for teaching all the dads their new skills! Please see the gallery for photos!
NAPLAN - We are currently in the middle of NAPLAN testing for our Years 3 and 5 students. These assessments are a snapshot of how your child has performed on a particular day and should not cause any added stress for your child or family. Please keep these students in your prayers during this time. If students are away on their scheduled test day, catch-up sessions will be held.
KINDY ENROLMENTS 2024 - I have begun the Kindy interviews for 2024. If you have a child born between 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020, please ensure your application has been received by the school office.
PARENT - TEACHER INTERVIEWS - Parent Teacher Interviews will be held during Week Nine, commencing on Monday 27 March 2023. On Monday 27 March, school will finish early to allow for Parent Teacher interviews to begin. Kindy students conclude at 12pm, Pre Primary students at 12:15pm and Years 1-6 students at 12:25pm. Parents book online to secure a specific time and are allocated a 15 minute timeslot to speak with their child’s teacher and find out how their child has settled into the 2023 school year and how he/she is progressing in his/her learning. If parents require a longer meeting, then they will need to contact the classroom teacher to arrange a separate time. Bookings will open next week.
SWIMMING CARNIVAL - On Tuesday 28 March, our Years 4-6 students will be involved in the St Peter’s Swimming Carnival at Bayswater Waves. We are looking forward to each student participating and representing their faction with pride. Our sporting carnivals are a great opportunity for all members of the community to display our values of TRUE Values.
Assistant Principal RE News
COMMITMENT MASSES - Just a reminder to the families in Years 3, 5 and 6 that we have the Commitment Masses next Sunday, 26 March for those students who are participating in the Sacraments this year. Families can attend any of the 3 Masses held on the Sunday. The times are 8:30am, 10am and 5pm. Please ensure you pick up your Information Booklet and Enrolment Form before Mass. These can be collected outside the Church on the Wood St entrance.
If you are unable to make one of the Commitment Masses next Sunday, there is a catch-up Mass the following week on Sunday 2 April at 5pm.
We support the parents in preparing children to receive the Sacraments through a program which is family-focused, Parish-based and school-supported.SUNDAY MASS - The Parish is trialling an initiative to make all 5pm Sunday Masses shorter and more child-friendly, with the anticipation that this will entice more families to attend Mass from the school community. If any parents and their child/children would like to be on the roster to read at the 5pm Sunday Mass, you can contact Paula Bonetti via email at bonettipaula@gmail.com
Please let Paula know that you are a family from St Peter’s Primary School.
This is a wonderful initiative from the Parish, and we hope to see many families from the school community in attendance.
Merit Certificates Week 7 – 17/03/23
PPB Willow Taylor / Noah Duff
PPM Avielle Babalola
PPW Zoe Hughes / Zachary Strudwick
1B Davina Collins / Amelia Williams
1M Angus Beacon / Steven Nguyen
1W Zara Chau / Sebastian Rodriguez
2B Ruby Parker / Harry Butler
2M Olivia Jordan / Zoe Schupp
2W Alec Tandy / Emmaline Tan
3B Christian Dowson / Evangeline Zekas
3M Matthew Webb / Leyla Scarabelli
3W Dante Huynh / Olivia Collins
4B Tanaya Verona / Ishaan Jain
4M Willa Marsh / Ryan Fielding
4W Vivian Chen / Parker Harrison
5B Charlie Tscherkassow
5M Declan Lock
5W James Thomas / Abigail Chee
6B Jermaine Burley / Eliza Cox / Cruz Chau
6M Charli Rajcinoski / Angelina Nguyen / Sophia May
6W Elena Carbone / Darcy Radford / Natalia Tolley
Crunch N Sip!
We are a Crunch N Sip School!!
We encourage you to support our initiative by providing your child
with a healthy snack of fruit or vegies!
Canteen News
Wednesday 5th April is Subway Day!! The deadline to order is 6.30pm on
Wednesday 29th March. Please note late orders will NOT be accepted. Thanks.
Please click the link to order!
P&F News
Ride 2 School Day!!
Come and join us!!! Ride your bike, scooter, hoverboard to school!!
Park up on the Basketball Courts!
The St Peter’s Father Figures Committee invite you to the
St Peter’s Movies Under the Stars Outdoor Cinema Event!
Join us for a night of entertainment under the stars. We will be showing a classic family movie in a beautiful outdoor setting. All you have to do is bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and your favourite snacks, and get ready for a night to remember. Popcorn and soft drinks will be available to purchase on the night. BYO refreshments and favourite sweet/savoury snacks.
Date: Friday 31 March 2023
Time: Gate opens 6:30pm for a 7pm Screening
Location: St Peter’s Primary School Oval (Gated Entrance from Wood St)
Cost: $5 per person
All families are welcome. Purchase your ticket through the TryBooking link: https://www.trybooking.com/CGDJU
We can’t wait to see you there!
Please show your event ticket/s on the night to the smiling St Peters Dad’s team at the
Wood St gate entry from 6:30pm.
St Peter’s Fathering Figures Committee
Woolworths NSG Netskills 2023 for participants turning 5 - 7 years old in 2023
Registrations are now open and close 8th June 2023.
8 week program - 45 minute sessions - 5:15pm start
Fridays starting 9th June 2022 - 11th August 2022.
(Break for July School Holidays 7th & 14th July)
Total Cost $130.00 Including cost of NSG redeemable pack.
Cost of NSG pack and PlayHQ fees are non refundable
Link to register
Community News
- ATHENA CALISTHENICS CLUB – Calisthenics is perfect for all ages to build confidence. Our class for 6-8 year olds is having a FREE HAVE-A-GO DAY at Hainsworth Community Centre on Thursday March 23rd and we would LOVE to see some new faces. So grab the kids, bring some friends and come on down to give it a go. For more details, call Brooke on 0422 487 930 or email info@athenacalisthenicsclub.com
HARLIES HOCKEY CLUB - is holding a second “Have a Go" / Registration Day at Breckler Park at 70 Cornwall St, Dianella on Wednesday 22nd March between 5 and 6pm. We are still looking for a few extra new players to help fill our teams for season 2023.
- MOUNT LAWLEY / INGLEWOOD ROOS – Calling all girls Years 3-6, the Mt Lawley Roos are “Roo-cruiting.” Roosjfc.org.au/registration Queries – girls@roosjfc.org.au For more information, please click Roos Flyer Come and try one afternoon – please click https://www.trybooking.com/CGAVK
BRICKS 4 KIDZ - This Autumn School Holidays, we are running Workshops with LEGO® and Coding with Robotics. Our holiday programs are designed for kids ages 5 -12. We have many themes to inspire creativity and fun. Please click for enrolments - https://www.bricks4kidz.com.au/perth-midland/program-events/school-holiday-workshops-activities-lego-bricks/
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
Twitter @ Twitter
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900