I-29 Moo University
A newsletter for dairy producers - August 2016
Dairy Producers Are Reminded About MPP-Dairy Signup
Dairy producers are reminded that the sign-up period for the 2017 Milk Margin Protection Program for Dairy producers (MPP-Dairy) is underway and runs from July 1-September 30, 2016 at your local FSA office. Participating farmers will remain in the program through 2018 and pay a minimum $100 administrative fee each year. Producers have the option of selecting a different coverage level during open enrollment each year. Continue...
Email: Tracey.Erickson@sdstate.edu
Website: igrow.org/livestock/dairy
Location: Watertown, SD, United States
Phone: (605) 882.5140
Why, How come, So what: Powerful words to solve problems
There is a bestselling book by Robert Fulghum titled "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten". People who have read the book can relate to the fact that we learn a lot about how to live a successful life when we are very young. If you follow recommendations in solving business problems, you would be best served by listening to three year olds. "Why", "How come" and "So what" are favorite questions all young children use when "helping" adults. Their minds are full of curiosity about how the world works. These are the same principles recommended when solving business problems. Continue...
Email: salfe001@umn.edu
Location: St Cloud, MN, United States
Phone: 320-203-6093
Discussing the Dart Delivery Method for Treating Cattle
Cattle ranchers strive to minimize the stress of handling and disease on their animals. One way they can do this is by implementing new technologies for delivering medications to sick animals while out in remote pastures. During the July 6th Animal Care Wednesday Webinar, Rob Eirich, Nebraska BQA Coordinator, discussed considerations and challenges of using remote delivery devices for administering medication to animals. Continue...
Email: Heidi.Carroll@sdstate.edu
Website: iGrow.org/Livestock/Dairy
Phone: (605) 688.6623
Heat Exhaustion & Stroke: Protecting yourself and your employees
By: Tracey Erickson, SDSU Extension Dairy Field Specialist
For those whose livelihood depends upon working outdoors or in less than favorable conditions, the coming weeks look to be quite difficult with higher than normal temperatures and humidity predicted. For example, cows still need to be milked and fed, barns are not air conditioned, even though there is emphasis on cow comfort through ventilation and cooling, we sometimes get lax on also protecting ourselves and employees from the effects of heat. The same goes for those working outdoors not under a roof, maybe stacking hay, de-tasseling corn, construction, youth at livestock or horse shows, horticulture producers picking produce for sale, etc. Personal protection and prevention efforts will be vital as people perform these tasks to prevent heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Continue...
Email: Tracey.erickson@sdstate.edu
Website: iGrow.org/Livestock/Dairy
Location: Watertown, SD, United States
Phone: (605) 882.5140
Facebook: Facebook.com/I29MooUniversity
Calendar of Events
26-28: Nebraska State Fair Dairy Show
7: Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
13: Growing and Incorporating Cover Crops in Dairy Rations; 10:00 am; click here for details and to join the webinar.
5: Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
26: Planning for the Future: How Can Your Dairy Survive moooving forward? I-29 Moo University fall tour. Rochester, MN. Details coming soon.
2:- Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
9: Rearing Young Stock for Milk and Beef Production workshop; Gage County Extension Office, Beatrice, NE. Click here for details.
10: Rearing Young Stock for Milk and Beef Production workshop; Lifelong Learning Center, Norfolk, NE. Click here for details.
29-December 1: Minnesota Milk Dairy Conference and Expo, River's Edge Convention Center, St. Cloud, MN.
Risk Management Workshop-Lincoln, NE. Details coming soon!
7: Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
13: Avoiding Cold Stress in Winter Months webinar; 10:00 am. Click here for details and to join the webinar.
About Us
Website: iGrow.org/Livestock/Dairy
Location: I29 Corridor
Facebook: Facebook.com/I29DairyOutreachConsortium
University of Minnesota Extenstion
Jim Salfer (Extension): salfe001@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6093
Jim Paulson (Extension): jcp@umn.edu; phone: 507.251.4694
Betty Berning (Extension): bberning@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6104
Keela Fick (Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region): Keela.Fick@co.pipestone.mn.us; phone: 507.290.0576
South Dakota State University Extension
Tracey Erickson (Extension): Tracey.Erickson@sdstate.edu phone: 605.882.5140
Maristela Rovai (Extension): Maristela.Rovai@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.5488
Heidi Carroll (Extension): Heidi.Carroll@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.6623
Roger Scheibe (SDDP): SDDairyProducers@gmail.com;
phone: 605.692.1775
Nebraska Extension
Kim Clark (Extension): KimClark@unl.edu; phone: 402.472.6065
Robert Tigner (Extension): Robert.Tigner@unl.edu; phone: 308.345.3390
Paul Kononoff (Extension): PKononoff2@unl.edu;
phone: 402.472.6442
Rod Johnson (NSDA): Rod@NebraskaMilk.org;
phone: 402.261.5482
North Dakota State University Dairy Extension
JW Schroeder (Extension-Emeritus): jw.schroeder@ndsu.edu; phone: 701.231.7663
Amber Boeshans (ND Department of Agriculture): aboeshans@nd.gov; phone: 701.328.1495
Iowa State University Dairy Extension
Leo Timms (Extension): ltimms@iastate.edu;
phone: 515.294.4522
Hugo Ramirez-Ramirez; hramirez@iastate.edu;
phone: 515.294.2160
Sue Ann Claudon (ISDA): sueannc@iowadairy.org;
phone: 515.965.4626
Allied Partners
Midwest Dairy Association: MidwestDairy.com
Minnesota Milk Producers Association: MNMilk.org
Nebraska State Dairy Association: NebraskaMilk.org
North Dakota Department of Agriculture: https://www.nd.gov/ndda/
South Dakota Dairy Producers: SDDairyProducers.org
Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region