Weekly Beacon
March 26, 2021
Marine Science and Technologies Innovative High School
Email: Cory.Johnson@carteretk12.org
Website: https://mast-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Location: 3505 Arendell Street, Morehead City, NC, USA
Phone: (252)222-7990
Facebook: facebook.com/MASTCIHS
Twitter: @MaSTHighSchool1
Dear MaST Family,
MaST has returned to four days per week. It was great to see the (masked) faces in our building. We still have approximately 40% of our students working virtually. We have another week until Spring Break. I'm sure students are ready. I can guarantee that our staff is ready!
Please remember that CCC classes will be held during our Spring Break. Students are responsible for attending CCC classes April 5-9th. MaST will not offer transportation. Please plan accordingly.
Carteret Community College is sponsoring a spirit week this coming week. See details below. Students are reminded that school appropriate attire is required.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Have a nice weekend.
Cory Johnson
Save the Date
3/29-- -Hat Day
3/30--- Team Day: Support your favorite college or sports team
3/31--- Pajama Day (School appropriate clothing required)
4/1--- Blue Out (World Autism Awareness)
4/2--- Teacher Workday (No school for students)
4/5-4/9--- No high school classes (CCC will operate as scheduled) No buses
4/16--- Report Cards
4/27--- PAC meeting at 5:00 (Google Meet)