Reardan Weekly
Final Edition: 2022-2023 School Year
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (12,13,14) - ALL HALF DAYS NEXT WEEK!
What are your thoughts on the Reardan Weekly?
Thank you for all of your partnership and support this year as we worked hard to ensure that EVERY student is known, loved, and learning in Reardan.
Safety Patrol - Mike McCain
Elementary Update
Field Day 2023
Monday June 12th
8:20-11:00 AM
Parents- This year’s field day will be full of lots of activities for your child to have fun with their classmates and friends as we celebrate the end of the school year.
A few things to keep in mind:
- We will be outside all morning, so please apply sunscreen on your child before they leave in the morning. Students can wear hats throughout the day as well.
- A snow cone station is part of the day again. Snow Cones will be available for $3 and are a fundraiser for our high school girls’ volleyball team.
- There are two stations that involve water. If you are concerned about the water, please send an extra shirt or let your child’s teacher know and we can have them sit out of that station.
- The day will be very active. Please remind your child to dress appropriately for the day’s activities. Tennis shoes are encouraged.
Tuesday, June 13th, Reardan Middle School will host the elementary fun run. There will be two courses this year. Grades K-3 will run to the edge of town and back. Grades 4-6 will run to the baseball fields and back for their course. If you have not already, please return the waiver form to your child's teacher.
End of the year BBQ will be held immediately after the Fun Run. If you would like to eat with your child that day, please contact your child's teacher and let them know. Adult lunches are $5 and can be paid in the Commons the day of.
Middle School Update
Reardan Weekly Middle School Update June 7, 2023
We had a fantastic week with students wrapping up end of the year projects. On Tuesday the 8th grade students hosted the elementary grades in Science Day. They created five different science teaching stations and our elementary students participated in hands on activities and fun for all. Last week John Schulz convinced Ms. Vesneske that he could do a “science lab” making waffles for his class. We can get behind anything when it’s “For Science!”
As we count down to the end of the school year, we are sending out this schedule of events so that our parents and students can plan for each day. Parent Permission slips for our MS students to go off campus and assist with the Elementary Fun Run are going home today and must be returned by Tuesday morning in order for students to participate in this fun event. Thank you for sharing your amazing students with us this year. It has been a year of learning, growing, and having fun together.
Remember, Monday June 12th is a REGULAR start time–please be at your bus stops at the regular time, not the late start time. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are all half days. Breakfast and lunch will be served all three days next week.
MS End of Year Schedule of Events and Activities
Thursday, June 8th All students turn in Chromebooks and Chargers.
Friday, June 9th Middle School Students will BEGIN the checkout process with all
classes. Ms. V will collect check out sheets at the awards assembly and redistribute them next week to finish.
2 pm Awards Assembly in the Commons
Yearbooks handed out at the end of the assembly
Monday, June 12th 8th graders will practice promotion all day.
(half day w/lunch) 7th graders on regular schedule
8th grade locker clean out at end of day (finish check out)
8th grade promotion at 6 pm in the HS gym
Tuesday, June 13th Middle School Walk-a-Thon 8-9 at the track.
(half day w/lunch) All MS students help with elementary fun run rest of morning
Yearbook signing after elementary fun run
7th grade locker clean out at end of day (finish check out)
Wednesday, June 14th No 8th grade students today
(half day w/lunch)Wax Museum - Jackie Whitfield, NBCT
Parent Sponsored Event: 8th Grade Party
4th Grade Dissection Activity
Options Families - Please turn in your curriculum by Monday and fill out the interest form if you are returning next year.
If you are new to our program or want more information, please send an email to options@reardansd.net.