SHAPE Michigan
Newsletter - May, 2023
Email: shapemichiganoffice@gmail.com
Website: www.shapemichigan.us
Phone: 866-980-4284
Facebook: facebook.com/SHAPEMICHIGAN
Twitter: @SHAPEMI
Welcome to the SHAPE Michigan May Newsletter Newsletter!!!
Did you know May is Michigan Moves Month? Read how you can be involved with this initiative. Additionally, don't forget to join your colleagues in our monthly networking session. .
SHAPE Michigan looks forward to continuing to provide programs, products, and services
to all Physical Education and Health professionals in the upcoming year. Please send us your
suggestions, feedback and and comments. Send an email to
shapemichigandirector@gmail.com or call 866.9804284.
Central Michigan University / SHAPE MI Regional Workshop - April 14th
May is Michigan Moves Month!
Michigan Moves Month - Movement Challenge
Michigan Moves is a coalition of all the physical activity stakeholder groups in the state, dedicated to collaboration, advocacy, and actions to ensure all Michiganders lead healthy, active lifestyles throughout all stages of life.
The Michigan Moves Month Movement Challenge for May 2023 is focused specifically on those of us that work in the education sector (teachers, administrators, and support staff). There are many great prizes available and participation is completely free.
You can go here: https://www.mimovesmonth.com/movement-challenge to find out how to register for the Movement Challenge.
Spread the word and take advantage of this opportunity to improve your health and well-being this May by participating in the Michigan Moves - Movement Challenge.
Our goal for the movement challenge is two-fold. First, we are intensely committed to improving health and wellbeing through movement. Second, we are looking to establish proof of concept for the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services as we seek funding to scale the Michigan Moves platform in the years to come. MDHHS is very open to funding this program, but would like to see more impact data. The Movement Challenge will be a great way to provide tangible impact data. Given the challenges faced by all of you in the education sector right now, this data can be even more impactful.
Our goal is to get 1000 adults participants in this year’s Movement Challenge. Any support you’d be willing to provide is greatly appreciated. If you are able to send an email to your colleagues about this opportunity, please do so. We’ve provided a template email you can use.
In your LOCAL program, we are hoping that you will incorporate the materials and events that you will be sent in the coming weeks. Click here for some ideas you might use.
Monthly Networking Session
SHAPE Michigans Virtual Networking sessions are a wonderful way to connect, collaborate, and share with other Health and Physical Education professionals. Connect directly with others in your content area. Join us....Free for everyone! Register at shapemichigan.us
2023 SHAPE Michigan Convention
Save the date now to join your colleagues for another exciting SHAPE Michigan convention. Are you interested in presenting? The 'Call for Presenters' is now open.... https://forms.gle/t8gp2hg1cpSj4kxs9
Physical Education
Wednesday, May 3rd was ACES Day - All Children Exercise Simultaneously! Did your school or classes participate? If not, plan now for next year - the first Wednesday in May. Learn more about ACES Day HERE
ACES Day / May is Movement Month
Students at Wines Elementary in Ann Arbor enjoyed a school-wide walk to celebrate ACES Day, May is Movement Month, and to have fun together on a beautiful Spring morning.
Mileage Club Success
Read this joyful story about a successful run club impacting the entire school.
P.E. Every Day!
Since May is Michigan Moves Month, Amy Nieuwenhuis's first graders in Otsego presented her with a poster of why they should have P.E. EVERY DAY!
MiSHCA Virtual Health Series
Utilizing your MiPHY data to its Fullest; Corbin Standley, Director, Strategic Program Planning American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Ph.D. Candidate MSU. Learn about the importance of the MiPHY survey as well as practical skills for how to access, visualize, and take action on the data.
May 18, 2023 4:00-5:00 pm EST
Michigan Model for Health
Healthy kids are better learners. Experience Michigan's Tier 1, evidence-based Comprehensive Health Education Curriculum: Michigan Model for Health.
- The preK-12 MMH curriculum addresses CASEL's Social Emotional Learning Competencies and the Health Education standards. Is SEL a priority in your district? Check out how MMH curriculum aligns with SEL here.
- Curriculum and materials are rich with opportunities to address State Standards in reading and writing.
- Research studies show students that receive the Michigan Model for Health Curriculum have stronger communication skills, better skills in managing their feelings and actions, improved attitudes about taking actions to stay safe and stronger drug and tobacco refusal skills.
- MMH Curriculum is now available digitally - check it out here!
Already using Michigan Model for Health?
- All Michigan Model assessments for grades 2-12 are now available as Google Forms. For access to these assessments, view the following link with information and complete the agreement form.
- Looking for ways to increase how trauma responsive your MMH lessons are? Take a look at the resources the Mi-LEAP project have found to help: https://mishca.org/2022/01/26/mi-leap-resources/
DIY Jingle Pins
Here is a universal piece of equipment that you can easily make on your own. They can be used as table top bowling pins, throwing targets, or even musical instruments. Students are motivated to knock them over because of the loud jingle of the bells inside.
- Empty cardboard containers (Ex Pringles, oats, or bread crumbs)
- Bells
- Glue
- Contact or wrapping paper
- Duct tape
- Cover the outside of the container with contact paper or wrapping paper
- Add bells to the container
- Glue the lid shut and cover with duct tape
SXI Stretching Activity- First get everyone out of their chairs and onto a mat. Then place the pins right next to the student's body. Help your student stretch and knock over the pins. Then gradually place the pins farther away from their body.
Need additional funding for your program or class?
Read about GAME ON! to assist you in your funding for your program
Are you a current SHAPE MI member?
SHAPE Michigan is committed to the provision of programs, products and services that support health/physical education teachers, coaches, recreational specialists and allied professionals in their quest to promote healthy, active lifestyles. We offer professional development, advocacy, funding and networking ALL year to our members. Not a member yet? Need to renew? Invest in yourself, sign up/renew today.
Be a part of Michigan's professional organization for Physical Education and Health. Collaborate, network, and support our profession for only $40.00 a year!
A society in which all individuals in Michigan enjoy an optimal quality of life, through appreciation of and participation in active, creative, health-promoting lives.