Swinefleet Primary School
1st December 2023
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Twitter: @Swinefleet_Pr
Instagram: Swinefleet Primary (@swinefleet_pr) • Instagram photos and videos
Apologies for missing our fortnightly newsletter last week - it was a rather hectic week with Christmas Fair and Open Day. The week was very busy but two great events and it was wonderful to see so many of you.
There is lots coming up over the next 3 weeks so please keep an eye on emails and don't forget to check the diary dates section.
There will be another newsletter next week as originally scheduled so lots more Christmas fun to share with you then. In this edition you can find diary dates, information about our parent FOSPS group restarting, Christmas Trip info, information about Christmas events organised by Swinefleet Gala and of course see what we have been up to.
Remember to follow us on Instagram swinefleet_pr and join our school Facebook group.
Have a lovely weekend!
Look at what we have been Learning
Over the last fortnight, we have been continuing to learn about ‘Ourselves and People Who Help Us’. Last week we started thinking about ‘People Who Help Us’ and adults we can trust. We have also talked about Key Workers and the important jobs they do. In our provision, we have been dressing up as key workers and we have been continuing playing matching games, completing jigsaws and threading to encourage our fine motor skills.
This week and last have been Christmas-filled! We have been practising our Christmas songs for our Nativity Play in early December. We have decorated our classroom, which has made us all very excited about Christmas! We visited the Cinema in Goole to watch 'Puss in Boots: The Last Wish' and we made lots of crafts on our open day to sell at our Christmas Fair.
Next week we will be continuing to learn about ‘People Who Help Us’ and rehearsing for our nativity.
It's been a busy couple of weeks for Rubies! We have continued with our World War 1 English lessons and have planned, edited and published our letters home to loved ones. The children worked really hard imagining they were soldiers in the trenches. In maths the children have been concentrating on addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers using different mathematical resources. In Geography we have been looking at compasses and following directions.
Christmas officially hit school last week and Rubies have decorated their classroom. We've got the Christmas tree decorated and Christmas music playing. The children have enjoyed a Christmas craft day making lots of wonderful decorations and treats.
Rubies were extremely excited on last Tuesday for a wonderful school trip to the cinema! We wanted to say a big thank you for the yummy treats and drink we received.
What a busy 2 weeks we have had in Diamonds!
Last week, we did an amazing Science experiment using hard boiled eggs (representing enamel on our teeth) and used a variety of liquids - children have been amazed at what juice and vinegar can do to our teeth if we don't look after them properly! The egg shells went rotten within days. Water is definitely the best for us to be drinking.
Last week, we've were so lucky to have completed our final swimming lesson on Monday, then on Tuesday we had a trip to the cinema! Wednesday, we had our Open Day, completing many different craft activities and got to sell these to you at the Christmas Fair, raising money for our school in the process.
A huge thank you to those parents who helped us last Wednesday, it was lovely to see you in school. We hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.
Another jam packed two weeks! The Sapphires were an exemplary example at the Remembrance Service and they really enjoyed our visit from Mrs. Sykes to learn more about the World Wars and Remembrance. They are currently finishing publishing our letters where they are soldiers in World War One and they are writing home. All of the children have tried their absolute best to include a range of sentences and ambitious vocabulary. The class text of Holes is becoming more intriguing as they learn more about the characters and start to question certain characters’ actions. The Sapphires are mastering their fractions learning – please encourage the children to play Timestable Rockstars as this will be extremely beneficial. The children need to be able to recall rapidly their multiplication and related division facts in order to calculate fractions.
The Sapphires thoroughly enjoyed being investigators during Science and they tested a range of materials and discussed their properties. This week we are looking into insulation. On Friday 17th, the children came into school in non uniform and they had a fun afternoon completing Pudsey activities in aid of Children in Need. Well done to the Master Bakers in our class – Ava and Keagan!
Last week, the children were very proud to share their Ancient Egyptian learning with parents. They were able to show their mini books, scrolls, dioramas and biographies of King Tut. Everyone enjoyed creating pyramids out of Lego, matching artefacts, creating gods/goddesses top trump cards and writing names in hieroglyphs. A cinema trip on theTuesday to see Puss in Boots The Last Wish was a fun event for all of us and the Sapphires set an excellent example once again.
Christmas has started in the Sapphires and they created a range of Christmas crafts to sell at our Christmas fair including tea lights, decorative jars and Christmas calendars. Thank you so much for your support in buying these.
Please keep sharing reading on Seesaw and practising spellings.
Thank you
Thank you for all your support with our Christmas Fair. We took over £700 which after taking off costs meant that we raised over £500. Thank you so so much!
We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Next year, we will have further stalls and hope to include some local businesses so that you can get some gift shopping sorted too.
Swinefleet Gala
The Gala committee have a great Christmas Fair planned, Christmas lights and Christmas Tree competitions and have arranged for Santa to visit the village. Please remember to book Santa visits for just £1.50 via the committee (details below) and help them to make it a great success.
Please click the button below to book extra-curricular clubs for both after school and lunchtimes. All clubs are free including those run by professional sports coaches.
Christmas Trip
We are extremely excited about our up and coming Christmas trip.
Please can you ensure that you have logged on to ParentMail under shop or payment items to give permission for the trip.
Angel Tree
Please can gifts be returned by Monday please so that we can wrap and arrange distribution.
Thank you so much for your support.
Shhh its a secret!
We have something extremely exciting coming up on our last day (21st December) that you will soon receive an email about. Please please please keep this top secret as the children are not to know until the day.
Due to the event, there will be no hot lunches available on this day. Should you need help providing your child with a packed lunched then please contact the office.
The reading reward originally scheduled will be moved forward a day to Wednesday 20th December.
Please Vote for Us - LAST CHANCE
Please vote for us by placing your blue Tesco tokens in our collector and tell family and friends.
This is the last month so if doing your Christmas shopping please collect as many tokens as you can and help us out. For those who use self-checkout tokens are available behind or above the self-scan till.
Parental Involvement
If you haven't already filled in the survey please do if you have ideas. In January, we are hoping to relaunch our Friends Of Swinefleet Primary School group again as we have a very eager parent and staff members. If you would like to be involved please keep an eye out for an invite to a coffee morning in January or pop us an email.
We have a number of events for parents/families planned in the background but would love to know more about the types of parent events you would like to see us include. We have created a very brief survey to get your opinion on our ideas and there is also the opportunity to share your ideas with us. The survey will take no more than a couple of minutes and can be accessed using the button below.
Our Mums, Dads and Grandparents to lunch events will take place again this year (see the Diary Dates section further below).
Free Dental Checks
If you need a paper copy please let the office know as we will accept forms next week.
Reading Reward - Final Push
It is the final push to get your reads in for our Christmas inspired Reading Reward. Reading Reward day is now a day earlier on Wednesday 20th December so if your child is one short this will be considered.
The levels for reading are:
Bronze - 15 reads
Silver - 20 reads
Gold - 30 reads
Reading clubs are worth 3 reads and can be booked through the club link in this newsletter for lunchtime and/or after school.
Reads ideally should be logged on Tapestry or Seesaw so please contact a member of your child's teaching team if having difficulties and they will be happy to help. If your child is younger sharing a story with them counts as a read this means that it is accessible to all.
All Seesaw logins have been sent out (please speak to staff if having any issues). Diamonds and Sapphires children should only use the codes sent out on Friday as the first class set up had a glitch.
Most Tapestry accounts are live for Pearls however new starters will be linked by Mrs Clarkson on Monday so please see her if you have any issues.
Please ensure that P.E kit is in school all week.
Remember our Residential deposits are due for anyone in Years 4, 5 & 6 so that we gage numbers for our trip in July. Please see Parentmail.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Drop-Ins
If you would like to speak to Mrs Thurlow regarding any SEND needs then she is available every Tuesday morning and will be visible on the playground. Please also feel free to speak to your child's teaching team.
Attendance and why it is Important
Below are some leaflets explaining the importance of school attendance. There is some advice to support high attendance and staff are always willing to help so please speak to us should you need any help.
If your child is off school staff will ensure that any work is kept for them and then can be sent home so that they do not fall behind.
Please ensure that you let us know if your child is unwell so that we can record this as authorised.
Ofsted Report
Menu and Diary Dates
Please see the menu below. Children can have a hot dinner on any day and do not need to be hot dinners all week. Dinners do not need to be pre-booked.
Dinners can be paid for via our ParentMail App. Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals are available to some children dependent on household income. If you think you could be eligible there is more information available via Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or Mrs Risebury will happily give you further information of how to apply.
Future Diary Dates
Click the link below to access future diary dates including Christmas production dates and residential dates. New dates are in red.
School Places
If you have friends or family who are wanting a place at the school either now or in the future then please encourage them to contact us via email or over the phone. This is especially important if they will want places as a 2-Year Old or in our Nursery or Reception as places for next year are now limited.
Thank you