March 2020
Message to Port Stakeholders
Following all guidelines set by Transport Canada in consultation with the Public Health Agency of Canada, terminal operators in the Port of Thunder Bay continue their commitment to the essential service of moving goods safely to consumers. This essential service ensures the well-being of the international community and plays a vital role in the Canadian economy.
In this rapidly evolving situation, the marine sector in Thunder Bay remains dedicated to keeping workers, seafarers and the public safe while moving goods safely and efficiently through the Port. Click the button below for more information from Transport Canada.
Here’s how the marine community keeps you safe at work, while moving goods safely and efficiently through our ports. [Transport Canada]
Port Activity to Resume
The opening of marine shipping to Thunder Bay Port elevators will help alleviate the largest winter carryover of grain in Canada since 2014. This year's backlog is the result of a strong 2019 harvest and the impact of rail blockades throughout the country earlier this winter.
The Port had its strongest season in five years in 2019. Grain shipments accounted for nearly 8.0 million of the overall 9.3 million metric tonnes of cargo shipped from Thunder Bay during the season.
Calgary Reception Reinforces Port Partnerships
Attendees represent a cross-section of the Western Canadian supply chain, including producers/suppliers, rail, trucking, customs brokers, and Alberta Economic Development & Trade. Many are current and potential users of the port's gateway to Western Canada for project and general cargo such as energy, mining and oilsands infrastructure and structural steel.
Attendees were eager to learn of the progress on the port's general cargo terminal reconfiguration project which is scheduled for completion in 2020. See below for a project update.
Terminal Reconfiguration Update
50,000 sq. ft. Building
Upgraded Rail
New Laydown
Update on Events
Top Hat Ceremonies: Cancelled
Top Hat Honours will be announced but ceremonies will
not take place in order to prevent the potential spread of virus
between participating parties
Annual General Meeting: Postponed
New Date TBA
Open of Navigation Luncheon: Postponed
New Date TBA
Mission to Seafarers Fundraising Dinner: Postponed
New Date: Friday, October 23
2019 Season Recap
The 2019 shipping season wrapped up on January 12, 2020. The season featured notably higher cargo shipments than the past several years.
Strong shipments of prairie-grown grain and other dry bulk commodities from Western Canada buoyed the port’s cargo tonnage to 9.3 million metric tonnes (MMT), the highest since 2014.
Grain volumes increased by 500,000 MT this year as Thunder Bay elevators funneled larger quantities of canola to markets in Europe and South America. Potash shipments remained above average for a third-straight year.
Both the foreign and domestic vessel fleets contributed to the strong season in Thunder Bay; vessel calls and cargo tonnage for both fleets were up compared to the prior year. Three domestic vessels wintered at Keefer Terminal for seasonal refurbishment.
The Port of Thunder Bay is projecting another strong season in 2020. Thunder Bay grain terminals continue to set the bar for efficiency, producing the fastest railcar and vessel turnaround times of all Western Canadian grain ports.
Gallery: 2019 Project Cargo
Port of Thunder Bay
Email: tbport@tbport.on.ca
Website: portofthunderbay.ca
Location: 100 Main Street, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Phone: 8073456400
Twitter: @thunderbayport