Falcon Footnotes
April 28 2023
April 28, 2023
April 28 PTA BINGO Night
CANCELLED: April 30 YES Day (Youth in Education and Sports Day)
May 11 BMS Parent Night for Incoming 6th Grade Students
May 29 Holiday-No School
June 19 Holiday-No School
June 22 Last Day of School! Half-Day for Students
Hello FMS families,
May is upon us! This is the time of year when we are all accustomed to the school year and things can start to get loose. Here are some areas where we could use your assistance with tightening some of those items back up:
Morning Arrivals- Students should not arrive prior to 8:15am. There is no supervision available until 8:15am, it is important that they arrive as close to 8:15am as possible. It is also important to avoid using the circle during drop off and pick-ups times as it needs to remain clear for buses and other vehicles associated with the school during these times.
Snacks- While it is not our place to dictate lunch and snack choices, I would be remiss if I did not share the importance of sending low surgery snacks to school. We are seeing more students bringing candy to school as their snack. Please encourage and support your students with selecting healthier snack options.
Clothing- The kids are at the age when they are choosing their own clothing for school, which is appropriate. We have seen an increase of clothing choices that are not appropriate for school: mostly references to drugs and alcohol. Please remind your student to wear school appropriate clothing.
We also have quite a few things starting, happening and ending in May!
Hannaford Helps Schools for 2023 is underway! To participate, look for the shelf tags in stores on more than 800 participating products that will help earn money for FMS. You will receive 3 School Dollars for every 4 participating products they purchase. Each School Dollar printout will include a QR code that you can scan to donate your School Dollars. We are thankful for the funds we receive from this program! For more information visit the Hannaford Helps Schools web page.
Over the next several weeks, our local domestic violence resource agency, New Hope Midcoast(formerly known as New Hope for Women) will be presenting age-appropriate educational programs about safe and respectful relationships to guidance classes this spring. Please contact Ms. DeRosa at sderosa@rsu1.org with any questions. Please also feel free to visit New Hope Midcoast’s website at: http://newhopemidcoast.org.
In May, we will be conducting the NWEA required state testing. As in the fall, all grades will be assessed in reading and math. The 5th grade will also be assessed in science.
The Bikes for Books program will come to a close next week (originally scheduled to end in April). Students have been entering a ticket into the raffle for every book they have read during the program. Next Friday, May 5th, we will be hosting members from the Solar Star Lodge #14 AF and AM on Friday, May 5 for the bike giveaway assembly. At the assembly 22 lucky students will be drawn to receive a new bike and helmet. Remind your students to see their homeroom teacher for the entry tickets. All tickets must be in the buckets on Friday morning.
The SPIRIT DAY for Friday, May 5 is Twin Day.
Tonight is BINGO NIGHT!
Friday, April 28th 6-8PM at Fisher-Mitchell.
We have over 15 prizes!! Each game we will have 1-2 winners!
Tickets can be purchased at: Eventbrite.
RSU1 Night at the Ballpark
Who’s ready for Baseball? The PTA is!
We are selling tickets for a Night Out at the Sea Dogs with the PTA.
Game Night will be May 26th.
Tickets can be purchased at: https://fevogm.com/Bathelementary
Thank you!
Nicole Brassard President
Amy Yoakum Co Vice President
Courtney Bilokonsky Co Vice President
Jenny Byrnes Secretary
Alli Barter Treasurer
Charity Williams Volunteer Coordinator