The Pony Press
January Edition
Principal's Post
Happy New Year! I hope that the holiday break provided you with time to relax, rejuvenate, and be around people near and dear to your heart! We all sure missed our students, and the buzz throughout the building today is full of promises of a strong second semester focused on growing hearts, minds, bodies, and the earth!
January brings in fewer activities and more time to reflect and reset for the rest of the school year. Our mid-year data is incredibly exciting, and I will forever brag on this amazing group of educators and the way they provide hands-on learning opportunities from preschool through 6th grade!
The choice window opened on January 1st for our district. If you are a current out-of-district (choice) family, you do not have to fill out a new application each year, although choice enrollment is reviewed each year by a team to consider attendance, plans, and behavior. Along with the choice window opening on January 1st, applications for the Mountain Academy of Arts and Sciences (the 6th grade program at UPES) should also be submitted. Current 5th grade families interested in having their students attend UPES for 6th grade need to submit a MAAS application before February 1st to be considered for a spot. Applications are available on our district's webpage- mssd14.org under the enrollment tab, and then click Mountain Academy of Arts and Sciences, or click on the link below. All applications (choice and MAAS) must be submitted to Christina Baker at the district office either in person or via email at cbaker@mssd14.org.
As you look through the pictures below, and as you listen to the stories from your amazing young people that we have the privilege to educate, I hope you feel the joy, hear the laughter, and appreciate this truly unique little gem that we get to call our school.
Your partner in education,
Jackie Powell, Ute Pass Principal
Important Dates in January
1- Choice and Mountain Academy applications begin being accepted
4-5- Staff Work Days
8- Students return
9- PAC Meeting 3-4
10- Late Start
12- 6th Grade Tessa visit
15- No School
19- 6th Grade Caving Field Trip
22- Board of Education Meeting
23- Connect14 Classes Begin
24- Late Start
31- Late Start, Family Night 4:30-6 pm
UPES Spirit Wear Now Live!
- If you know your child will be getting home a different way then he or she typically does, please try to notify the front office before 2:15 pm so we have ample time to get the notice to the student.
- We love pets at UPES! However, in order to keep a safe environment, please keep pets in your vehicles at arrival and dismissal.
- Morning duty begins at 7:35 am. Please do not drop students off before that time so we can make sure we have adequate supervision and they are not waiting outside.
- Please utilize our family drop-off and pick-up lane if you plan on quickly dropping off or picking up your students. We have staff members there to help open doors and get students in and out to make it so you don't have to park and get out of your vehicle. Please pull all the way forward to help us get more students in/out quickly. Thanks!
Meet Michael Malacara!
Michael is joining our UPES team as our new security guard. He has been with Baker and King for about a year. He has four daughters 7, 6, 5, and 3 years old and has been married for 11 years. When he's not working, he loves to spend time with his family, go camping, and travel. He is excited for a change of pace and to be at Ute Pass Elementary. If you see Michael at the crosswalk, or any school events, make sure to give him a warm welcome!
Watch us GROW!
Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Wilson's small groups are currently up and running as of this week! Please contact Mrs. Wilson at swilson@mssd14.org if you have any questions or concerns.
Ute Pass Elementary students are learning about the Zones of Regulation. Students learn that while no emotion is "bad," there are emotions that are appropriate for the activity they are trying to accomplish. For more information and how Zones' language can also be helpful at home, click on this link https://zonesofregulation.com/how-it-works/
Gifted and Talented Updates
Based upon their own areas of interest, students at Ute Pass rocketed into astronomy investigation by reading journal articles to learn about how distances between planets and galaxies are actually measured by astronomers. What these intrepid explorers discovered were new units of measures such as the AU (an astronomical unit is roughly the distance between the earth and the sun or 93 million miles and used to measure distances within our own solar system, the parsec which is is 3.26 light years, (206,265 AU), and surface brightness fluctuations, (SBF) which is a measurement of how bumpy light appears in a picture of a galaxy to measure distances: really really far distances!
Then, students set out to visually demonstrate distances within our own solar system by modeling those distances between planets on a fantastical vacation voyage to the planets by building a map and then plotting the locations and relative distances.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Duty/supervision/breakfast begins at 7:35.
The first bell for students to enter classrooms is at 7:55, and the tardy bell will ring at 8:00. Dismissal is at 2:50.
Here are the ins and outs of our pick up/drop off lane:
- The family drop-off/pick-up lane will allow children to be picked up all the way to the end of the central sidewalk (to the gas meters against the street).
- Teachers will supervise students in the locations noted on the map above.
- No car will move into or exit the lane until every car has been loaded. (If you do not have the time to wait, please consider parking and walking in the areas marked above.)
- When all cars are loaded, the line of cars will exit together.
- The crossing guard will then allow walking parents to cross the parking lot at crosswalks to gain access to their vehicles.
- When these vehicles are loaded and moving, the next line waiting on Chipita Park Road will be allowed in to begin the process again.
- Furry Friday dismissal- on Fridays, bring your dogs through our pick-up lane for a treat!
- Friday afternoon concerts- Mr. Ferguson will be playing every Friday afternoon at dismissal (weather permitting)!
Please note the available areas for parking and walking above. If your child is sitting on the wall with their teacher, please ask a staff member to get your child for you to avoid excess traffic near the pick-up lane. As always, your patience is deeply appreciated!
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Free Meals for Students, Plus Important Reminders for Families
We are excited to share that all students in Manitou Springs School District will receive free breakfast and lunch starting in 2023-24 through the Healthy School Meals for All program! This new statewide program, approved by Colorado voters, is helping Colorado children and teens have access to nutritious food at our schools.
Even though breakfast and lunch will be provided for free, we need families to continue sharing household income information through this form in order for our school to receive full access to federal funding.
Be sure to fill out the form as part of your back-to-school registration! If you have questions or would like additional support, please reach out to Paula Faucette-Director of Nutrition Services, 719-685-2005 or email pfaucette@mssd14.org for more information.
Late Start Wednesdays
The school district will be providing supervision for a limited number of students during all late start Wednesdays during the 23-24 school year. To sign up, follow the Google Form link below and register your student(s).
It is important that registration is completed only for students who would otherwise not be able to attend school if not for late start childcare. If you have any questions, please reach out to Danny Tramel at dtramel@mssd14.org. Thanks!
Late Start Wednesdays for second semester:
- January 10, 24, 31
- February 14, 28
- March 20
- April 3
- May 1, 8, 15
Connect 14
One of these classes will be held at UPES, but transportation is provided for students who wish to attend a session at Manitou Springs Elementary School. Please visit www.connect14.org to sign up today!
Champions After School Care
Ute Pass Elementary PTO/PAC
We have a very active and incredible Parent Action Committee who supports our little school in BIG ways!
The PAC meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm at UPES. Moving into the 23-24 school year, the PAC is excited to have a larger presence in the school, continuing to take care of the amazing staff at UPES, putting on events and meeting new families, and to get new members! They will have a table set up at our Open House/Open Outdoors with more information and opportunities to join in on the fun! Please contact Janelle Berndt, PAC President, at upepac@gmail.com with any questions.
Upcoming PAC Meetings/Events:
- January 16th 3-4 pm in the music room
Attendance Matters!
23/24 School Year Calendar - Including Late Start Dates.
Here's how you find us....
Email: tdudley@mssd14.org
Website: http://upe.mssd14.org/
Location: 9230 Chipita Park Road, Cascade, CO, USA
Phone: 719-685-2227
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upesponies