Eagle Update
Archer Glen Elementary | February 9, 2024
A Message from Your Principal
Dear Families,
Today is our last day of a wonderful staff appreciation week! Thank you to all of our teachers and staff who help make Archer Glen such a wonderful place for our kids. I’d also like to give a big thank you to our PAC for putting it all together. They’ve done such a great job making our staff feel appreciated. We feel very fortunate to be a part of such a loving and supportive community.
Next Wednesday, classrooms will take some time out of their busy instructional schedules to celebrate friendship and kindness with a Valentine’s Day party. Be looking out for information from your child’s teacher and, if you will be volunteering, make sure you have an updated background check form filled out for this year.
The Kid’s Heart Challenge will also wrap up next week. Our collaboration with the American Heart Association to raise money for heart health research has been a great success! Donations are, of course, a great way to support the AHA, but just signing up and learning about hands-only CPR is a great way to participate too. More information can be found in this newsletter.
Finally, as detailed in the email that went out yesterday, I’ve made the difficult decision to leave Archer Glen for a different position with the district. I have loved my time here as your principal and I’m sure going to miss being here every day. For now, I’m grateful to have the next four months to spend with our wonderful students and staff, as well as do my very best to help with a smooth transition to Archer Glen’s next principal.
Thanks for everything!
Mr. Shuckerow
Upcoming Dates
Thursday 1 - Friday 16 | Kids Heart Challenge
Monday 19 | Regular School Day (Weather Makeup Day)
Thursday 22 | PAC Dine Out at La Sierra Mexican Grill
Thursday 22 & Friday 23 | Talent Show
Kids Heart Challenge Update!
Dear Archer Glen Families,
Kids Heart Challenge is off to a GREAT start – we have already hit our school goal with 123 students participating and over $4,000 raised which means Mr. Shuckerow is getting SILLY STRINGED! CONGRATULATIONS Heart Heroes!
We are having so much fun keeping our hearts healthy and happy, and making a big difference in helping others! Has your family learned Hands-Only CPR by completing Finn’s Mission?! If not, join our community of lifesavers by following the steps below! Thank you for supporting the American Heart Association and helping to celebrate their 100th BIRTHDAY with us! You are making an difference!
- Register TODAY at http://www2.heart.org/goto/ArcherGlen or by downloading the free AHA Schools App for Apple or Android
- Complete Finn’s Mission to learn Hands-Only CPR & raise lifesaving donations to help special hearts.
SPECIAL INCENTIVES: Students who register online will receive a FREE heart wristband and be entered to win an Avocado Warmie! Raise $10 to earn TWO Heart Hero keychains (Spark & Skip)!
The American Heart Association is excited to extend their work with the NFL to support improving health outcomes at home and beyond through the Hands-Only CPR education. Students that complete the Finn’s Mission learning module will earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LIX in 2025 and our school will be entered to receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 completed Finn’s Missions! Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association. Together, we are saving lives!
Dine Out at La Sierra on Thursday, 2/22
Please join us on February 22nd at La Sierra Mexican Grill from 5-10pm for our monthly dine-out! 20% of the total sales go to Archer Glen PAC. Online ordering and delivery options are available. Please don't forget to mention the AG Fundraiser!
Online ordering: https://order.menudrive.com/lasierramexicangrill
2024-25 PreK Program - Apply Today!
PreK is currently enrolling students for Fall 2024! If your child will be 4 on September 1st, they qualify for Sherwood School District's PreK program. Interest Forms are being accepted now, and class placements will be determined Monday February 12th! Get your fall plans in place today!
Archer Glen PAC is currently looking for volunteers to help with the following areas:
- Popcorn Fridays (signups are in Help Counter)
- Spring Carnival
To use the HelpCounter app, please follow these steps:
- Step 1 Submit your background check.
- Step 2 Email the volunteer coordinator at volunteer@archerglenpac.org to make sure that your background check has been cleared. This generally takes two weeks to clear.
- Step 3 Download the HelpCounter App onto your phone.
- Step 4 Create an account using the same email that you shared with the PAC coordinator.
- Step 5 Set your volunteer preferences and sign up for volunteer opportunities at Archer Glen.
Any questions about school-wide volunteer opportunities or if you need help with HelpCounter, please contact the PAC Volunteer Coordinator directly at: volunteer@archerglenpac.org
PAC Contact Information
AG PAC Facebook
Archer Glen PAC
Background Check 23-24
SHS Band Boosters "Swingin' the Green" Fundraiser
The Sherwood Band Boosters are pleased to announce their annual Swingin’ the Green fundraiser, scheduled for Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 5pm. In addition, an online auction will be available to the public starting February 23, 2024. 100% percent of proceeds from this event will go directly to supporting the music and color guard programs of the Sherwood School District, serving over 400 students across grades 6-12.
For more information about this event, please visit swinginthegreen.org. To learn more about the Sherwood Band Boosters, please visit sherwoodbandboosters.org.
Helpful Information and Past Newsletters
Archer Glen Front Office: 503-825-5100
Archer Glen 24-hour Attendance Line: 503-825-5110
- Patrick Shuckerow, Principal: pshuckerow@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Jennifer Switzer, Administrative Assistant: jswitzer@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Judy Morales, Attendance Secretary: jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Hannah Stere, School Counselor: hstere@sherwood.k12.or.us
Previous Eagle Updates
Helpful Information
- Archer Glen Elementary homepage
- Archer Glen PAC website
- Help Counter App Instructions
- Archer Glen Supply List for 2023-24
- Enrollment Information
- Champions (after school child care)
- School Lunch Menus
- SHARE Center | (503) 825-5087
- Sherwood Community Information
- Sherwood School District Calendar
- School Boundaries
About us
Website: https://ag.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 16155 SW Sunset Blvd, Sherwood, OR 97140
Phone: (503) 825-5100