CB West High School
West Times Newsletter 5.13.19
AP Testing
AP testing began last week, and will continue through Friday, May 17th. For more information about the general testing schedule, please see the AP Testing Page of the Guidance Website. Students’ scores will be made available by College Board online in mid-July. Please visit College Board’s AP Scores page for more information about accessing scores.
Senior Graduation Survey
The Senior Graduation Survey is open in Naviance (under the “About Me” tab) and due on May 31. This survey asks students to indicate their plans for after graduation. We need this completed in order to know where to send your final transcript. Completion of this survey is a graduation obligation and is needed to receive a cap/gown and participate in graduation ceremonies.
Summer School
2019 Central Bucks Summer School remedial courses will only be available in an online format, through Educere. There are no Summer School courses available for initial or enrichment credit, with the exception of Health/PE. Detailed information about summer school, including registration links, will be made available after June 1st. Students who wish to take Health/PE in summer school (for either remedial or initial credit) may attend a course taught by a CB instructor, held at Cold Spring Elementary School. Click HERE for a flyer listing dates, times and prices of the summer Health/PE classes. To register, go to MyPaymentsPlus.com. For more information, visit the Community School Website.
Summer/Enrichment Programs listed in Naviance
Many summer programs for rising Juniors and Seniors are listed in Naviance (Click “College” tab, and under “College Research” section, click “Enrichment Programs”). Programs vary from STEM classes to research projects to fashion camps to performing arts opportunities. Check them out today!
Peer Tutoring for West students:
The West Tutoring Academy is available to assist students who need extra help. Peer tutoring is available every Tuesday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm in the school library. During these times, any student who needs assistance with any course can come to the library and meet with a peer tutor. Students must arrive at 2:30pm, but can leave whenever they are finished with their work. If you have questions about this program, please call the Guidance Office at 267-893-2512.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 marked the beginning of the 4th Marking Period. Any Senior determined to be in violation of the Drug and Alcohol Policy during the 4th Marking Period, may not participate in commencement activities.
Senior Prom
The 2019 Senior Prom “Great Gatsby” will be held on May 31st at 7 pm at Spring Mill Country Club, Ivyland, PA.
Seniors can purchase tickets at mypaymentsplus.com for $70 a ticket from May 1st to May 24th.
There are no guest forms for out-of-school guests. All information for out-of-school guests must be provided when purchasing tickets through mypaymentsplus.com.
Sign-ups for table assignments must be completed when purchasing tickets through mypaymentsplus.com. Tables seat 12 people.
Students will NOT be allowed to enter the prom after 8 pm or be allowed to leave prior to 10 pm.
Students will NOT receive tickets until all obligations have been cleared. Obligations may be cleared in the 12th Grade Office.
Students attending the prom MUST be in school on May 31st or they will not be admitted to the prom.
All seniors will be dismissed the day of the prom at 10:49 am following a class meeting with Mr. Cantrell.
Do not bring any valuables (there is no coat check), large purse/bags, backpacks, or water bottles to the prom.
Attention Seniors
Click on the following link found on the main page of the CB West website under 'School Links' > 'Graduation Information Class of 2019' for the Principal's Information Letter, senior survey, DVD orders, graduation details and more. GRADUATION INFORMATION LINK
Senior Walk applications/permission forms are due Friday, May 17.
Updated Principal's Letter with important dates.
Graduation Ceremony notes - please read!
Click the link for information about the Graduation Handshake Photo.
Spring Keystone Testing
Information Regarding May Keystone Testing:
Students currently enrolled in English 10, Algebra 1 and/or Biology will be administered the corresponding Keystone Assessment(s) during the month of May:
Test Schedule
Literature - Blocks 1 and 3 - May 13 and May 14
Literature - Blocks 2 and 4 (flipped schedule) - May 15 and May 16
Algebra 1 and Biology - Blocks 1 and 3 - May 20 and May 21
Algebra 1 and Biology - Blocks 2 and 4 (flipped schedule) - May 22 and May 23
Makeups for Literature, Algebra 1 and Biology will be scheduled, as needed, up through May 24th.
Link to Spring Testing Schedule
Link to Testing Information for Students
Link to CB West Keystone Resource Page
The Pennsylvania State Assessment System includes three Keystone Exams designed to measure end-of-course achievement in Algebra 1, Literature, and Biology. These three Keystone Exams have been developed to provide information about student achievement and also meet federal requirements.
In addition, students who take a Keystone Exam but do not score at the proficient level may retake a Keystone Exam. Though the district does not require students to retest in areas in which a student has not demonstrated proficiency, we strongly suggest that students practice and retest to demonstrate proficiency.
Should parents/students decide to retest, parents must put their request in writing to Mrs. Zaleski hzaleski@cbsd.org by Tuesday, April 30th. Click on the link for the OPT-IN Letter.
Algebra Testing Review
Module 1 - Tuesday, May 14 ~ 2:45- 4:00pm – Miss Jones (A115)
Module 2 - Wednesday, May 15 ~ 2:45- 4:00pm – Mrs. Jarossy (A222)
Both Modules - Thursday, May 16 ~ 2:45- 4:00pm – Mrs. Jarossy (A222)
*These sessions are open to any student looking to remediate.
Peer review is also offered each Tuesday in the library though our Peer Tutoring Program.
Teachers have provided review materials for students to use and practice during these sessions. Students may sign up in the guidance office.
Biology Testing Review
Click on this link for Biology Tutoring Help
Click on this link for a printable list of the teacher 'helper' sessions
Peer review is also offered each Tuesday in the library though our Peer Tutoring Program.
Teachers have provided review materials for students to use and practice during these sessions. Students may sign up in the guidance office.
Literature Testing Review
Literature Study Island: Study Island is a web-based program designed to review literature content. Your child can access lessons and practice on each topic.
To obtain login information, your child can ask his/her current English teacher. If your child is not currently enrolled in an English class, he/she can see Mrs. Rosselli in room C116 before or after school for assistance.
Access / Extra Help: Any student with questions about the Keystone Literature content or preparation should speak with his/her former English 10 teacher or current English teacher. Formal help sessions may be scheduled with English teachers by coordinating with the English Department Chair, Mrs. Rosselli.
Peer review is also offered each Tuesday in the library through our Peer Tutoring Program.
Teachers have provided review materials for students to use and practice during these sessions. Students may sign up in the guidance office.
Please contact Mrs. Zaleski with any Keystone questions or concerns at hzaleski@cbsd.org
Please visit this link Central Bucks Keystone Information for more specifics regarding Keystone Exams.
One can find more information regarding Keystone exams as a graduation requirement on the Pennsylvania Department of Education's website PDE Assessment and Accountability.
June 2019 Final Exam Schedule - Updated
Please see below for the Revised Second Semester Final Exam schedule.
June 10th - This is a full day of school and World Language and Electives exams will be given in class.
June 11th - This is a full day of school and English and Science exams will be given in class.
June 12th - This is a full day of school and Math and Social Studies exams will be given in class.
June 13th - Early dismissal schedule. All classes will meet and make-up/conflict exams will be administered on this day. A Senior lunch and graduation practice will occur after dismissal.
June 14th - Early dismissal schedule. All classes will meet and this is the last day of school for sophomores and juniors. Seniors will report at designated time for Graduation.
Note: If a student is scheduled to take more than two final exams on one day, the student should speak with a teacher to schedule a conflict exam on June 13th.
The CB West school store is getting ready for summer! We are having an end-of-year sale so we can make room for some great new products designed by our business students! Take advantage of this sale and save 30% off your total order. Click here to visit our store to start shopping! Thank you for supporting our students and store.
PEN and Journalism travel to Rosemont Valley Farm and The Farm Cooking School
Mrs. Semisch took her PEN and Journalism students to New Jersey) to see Rosemont Farm, an integrated grass-and-livestock farm, plus The Farm Cooking School.
Students have been studying local agriculture and the issues touching upon it. Christian Bench, farmer and agroecologist and educator with the USDA, and his wife and chief livestock manager, Marci, welcomed students to their farm near Stockton NJ. Students learned about the management of perennial hay fields and the ways livestock and grass culture integrate to create a regenerative farm, always improving the soil on which everything depends.
Next students met chef Ian Knauer at The Farm Cooking School in Titusville, NJ. He showed them the teaching kitchen, the hydroponics for micro-greens, the aquaculture tank where the crawdads will live, the greenhouse where the new plants begin, and the fields where crops rotate and grow to seed to get ploughed under as green manure.
Munchkin the sheep gets a haircut.
Chef Ian Knauer shows us where the classes take place.
Students learn about crop rotation and foraging for wild plants—spruce buds are delicious!
CB West Orchestra
The CB West Orchestra traveled with the CB East Orchestra to LA April 25-28. While there, students played a clinic with a Colburn School (Conservatory) conductor, played in a Disney soundtrack recording session, and attended an LA Philharmonic Concert. They enjoyed an evening on Santa Monica Pier, went to Disney Land, toured Sony Studios, Beverly Hills, and Hollywood, and went to the Getty Art Center. Students had a great time performing and traveling together!
Poetry Contest
Emma Cooper, 11th grade, won third place in the Main Street Voices Poetry Contest at the Doylestown Bookshop. She will be reading her prize winning poem at the James Lorah House at 2 PM on Sunday, May 19. Congratulations, Emma!
About Us
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/30
Location: 375 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 267.893.2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools
Twitter: @CBWestHS