VHS Newsletter
September 2023
From the Principal, Dr. Tobon
Viking Families and Friends,
It’s hard to believe we are halfway through the first grading period of the 2023-24 academic year. It feels like just yesterday we were enjoying the sunshine in the middle of July and now we are getting ready to bring out the pumpkins!
Life has a way of passing us by at a quick pace, and as a parent or guardian, it can be challenging at times to keep up with our student’s progress in school. I have shared this information previously, but it is definitely worth repeating. If you are not already receiving periodic updates from Skyward, please be sure to sign up for those. These updates are available to be sent automatically to your email on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The Skyward updates have some settings that can be customized and are worth looking into. The Skyward updates are in addition to being a parent observer on Canvas, where you can be up to date on what is happening in your student’s classes.
As we continue to work together to set our students up for success for life after high school, I ask you to please keep student attendance in mind. While I realize being absent from school is something that is unavoidable at times, making the conscientious effort to be in school every day is key to student success. It can be challenging for students who are frequently absent to catch up on missed work while trying to stay current on daily lessons. Again, I realize life is filled with unexpected situations, but when things are going as planned, I ask that you please help make student attendance a priority.
Finally, congratulations are in order to some of our Vikings! The following students earned national recognition from the College Board for a job well done: Mia Balash, Sydney Brown, Ethan Fagen, Joshua Garibay, Trent Hoadley, Selena Martin, Jorge Monjaras Hernandez, Aaen Perez, Francesca Plata, Journi Powell, Keira Rhein, and Mark Velasco. The following Vikings are 2024 National Merit Semifinalists: Lauren Harris, Immanuel Liu, Nicholas Taglia, and Andrew Uhle. I wish each and every one of our Semifinalists the best of luck as they enter the final phase of this process. Mr. Thomas also deserves recognition for being named a Top 3 Finalist for Indiana Teacher of the Year. We are fortunate to have amazing teachers, such as Mr. Thomas, at VHS.
Thank you for continuing to support our students, teachers, and staff.
What's Happening at VHS!
September 18th: Senior Picture Day
September 19th: Senior Picture Day
September 29th: Half Day for Students/Staff Development PM
September 29th: Homecoming Parade and Tailgate
September 29th: Homecoming Varsity Football Game 7pm
September 30th: Homecoming Dance 8-11pm
October 13th: End of first grading period
October 16th & 17th: No School/Fall Break
November 6th: Underclass Picture Retakes
November 7th: e-Learning Election Day
November 13th: Senior Picture Retakes
Please see the VHS Calendar for more events!
VHS 2023 Homecoming Parade and Tailgate
Homecoming is a time to celebrate all VHS students, past, and present. We hope that students, staff, families, and alumni will join in on the festivities.
Location/Route: Ben Franklin Middle School to Valparaiso High School (Campbell Street Route)
Line Up Time/Location: 4:00pm/Park Street
Parade Start Time: 4:30pm
Approximate End Time: 5:15pm
Tailgate 4:00-6:30 in the lot behind the field house
The Homecoming Football Game will begin at 7pm(gates open at 5:30pm). Tickets are $7 a person.
This will be a night the entire family can enjoy!
VHS 2023 Homecoming Dance
The 2023 VHS Homecoming Dance will take place Saturday, September 30th from 8:00pm-11:00pm in the VHS Cafeteria. The theme for this year's dance is "Red Carpet Spectacular". Tickets will be $15 each and will be sold online from Monday, September 18th through Friday, September 29th.
Let's Talk Internet!
Calling all Porter County residents! The Porter County Government and Board of Commissioners need your help to improve internet access in our community! By completing the Broadband Survey and internet speed test you can provide valuable data that will help us improve internet access in Porter County. Don't have internet access at home? No problem! Just contact any Porter County Public Library System branch for assistance.
Thank you for helping us build a better, more connected community! #PorterCounty #RuralBroadband #InternetForAll #CommunityConnection
VHS Club Spotlights
Drama Club
Staff Spotlight
Mrs. Lauren Harlan
I'm starting my 16th year here at VHS. I teach AP Computer Science, Accounting, Personal Finance & Resource. I am the Senior Class Sponsor, DECA Advisor & the Director of Football Operations. I'm originally from Michigan & moved here right out of college for this teaching job. The people here at VHS are not just my coworkers but have become my family throughout the years. I have always loved being part of the strong sense of community VHS instills in their students and I'm proud to bring our three children - Kamryn (5), Brynlee (3) & Maxwell (2) - to VHS in support of our student athletes and performers. They are always welcomed with smiling faces & high fives from the student body. One interesting fact about me is I've worked with the football team for 11 years and was fortunate enough to have worked on the sidelines at Lucas Oil Stadium during both state appearances - including the victory in 2022! Go Vikings!
Follow VHS
Email: VHSadmin@valpo.k12.in.us
Website: https://valparaisohigh.valpo.k12.in.us/
Location: 2727 Campbell Street, Valparaiso, IN, USA
Phone: (219)531-3070
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Valpo-HS-411-627837360580660
Twitter: @ValpoHS411